[Video] TRAM event hits Esamir

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cowabunga, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Cowabunga

    It was a test - You passed.
  2. Phattie

    You hold events for this stuff? I thought it went like this:

    1. Join TR
    2. Join outfit
    3. Zerg

  3. MajorZbug

    4. Have ****loads of fun in epic fights.

    Bring your own alliances guys ! There's enough fun to be had for everyone :)
  4. Duff_Chimp

    Gratuitous epic choir music can make any mundane **** seem interesting i guess...
  5. Mordus

    • Up x 5
  6. Cowabunga

    Well anyone can say that large number of forces = Zerg but this is highly coordinated and tons of fun. Seing so many outfits coordinate is an amazing sight. Plus we only go where the fight is thickest and the resistance highest. There is no point in steam rolling a continent.
    • Up x 1
  7. Cowabunga

    Coordination can't be nerfed. :p
  8. Deltafoxnine

  9. IMTasty

    My loyalty was ever in question? Or are you trying to hide any secrets on your own? Maybe it's YOUR loyalty to should be questioned! I suggest the shotgun test, if your loyalty to the Republic is firm and strong enough then not even bullets will make a dent in you!
  10. Phazaar

    It's a joke and a pat on the back ;) Don't worry!
  11. sauna

    Cool to see! Wish a skilled alliance was formed on NC too.

    Right now though, TRAM is immensely overkill. TR has the biggest population AND an alliance which steamrolls everything.
    It's like playing with randoms vs a well trained clan in any FPS. The randoms will get stomped every time.
    Most of the time I see this alliance attack an outpost they could have taken it with ½ or 1 squad but that's never what they bring ;).

    Seeing BuzzCutPsychos Enclave vids where they zerg the crap out of everything 10+ to 1 and then calling people bad, comes to mind :).

    Good on you for having a fun and good alliance, let's hope you can get some opposition in the near future.
    Meanwhile I'll keep on defending with 2-3 outfit mates and hope some NC gets a grip (we have zergs that move AWAY from the fights and go for ghost caps, not zergs that go "OH, a fight, let's goooo!").
  12. Cowabunga

    You guys have great outfits - Wasp, Conz and 252 comes to mind - and we love to fight them. Hopefully they will establish an alliance in the future and go toe to toe with us. It's really uplifted the game for many Terrans because every other Saturday we have "raid night" like any other MMO with TRAM. It's great. :)
  13. TriumphOfMan

    Fixed that for you.
  14. MajorZbug

    It's cute how you seem to believe it yourself, zergling. If all the enclave logs in at once, no other TR can, they just pop cap the whole server. If that's not a zergfit I don't know what is. Dagger1 sure is a bunch of extremely skilled players. Dagger40, I guess not so much.

    When that eSport stuff comes around, I don't know which stat they'll use to determine which outfit deserves to compete or not, but the only stat on PSU where the enclave comes out near the top is "size".
  15. Rolfski

    Don't fool yourself. There are tons of "spectacular" last minute rescue video's out there that involve the Enclave completely overwhelming a base that is about to flip. Might look good on video but it's just basic zerging. Nothing wrong with that, just don't pretend it's more than that.
  16. TriumphOfMan

    It's cute how you didn't read any context of the post and demonstrate about zero actual knowledge of the outfit. If you go back and read it you'll notice that it's disputing a ******** claim that we're always outnumbering our opponents with 10-1 odds. Anyone who watches The Enclave or knows anything about us knows we can always be found facing multiple enemy platoons detected with an average of 9-10 of our own squads.

    Now onto your own knowledge deficiencies:

    1) The Enclave is not the largest TR outfit on the server

    2) The Enclave doesn't actually have enough members, even if all the inactives did miraculously log in all at once, to pop cap a server. On an average night we'll account for about 18% of the TR population on a continent, which is about 6% of the total continent population, or 2% of the Global server pop.

    3) BuzzCut has already stated publicly that he has 0 plans to support MLG in Planetside 2. Partially because it will amount to little more than a watered down, ****** version of battlefield with inferior gun and vehicle play, and mostly because The Enclave doesn't operate on weekends as he works during them.
  17. Takoita

    There is no getting off this TRAM we're on! :D
  18. JeffBeefjaw

    I was on the other side of that teleporter prepping the base when Sharpe started to shout, was so funny on mumble :D
  19. MajorZbug

    Nice work derailing the thread, zergling.

    1) Wow really, that says something. Never said the enclave was THE biggest though.

    2) 2000 members according to PSU, which is what you need to popcap a whole server if they all log in at once. Now you say you keep inactives in the outfit, for whatever reason I don't know - even DIG doesn't do that anymore. That also says something.

    3) Too bad, then his loud claims about his outfit being "NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD" (apply redneck accent) will stay based upon nothing. I guess the reality check could hurt.

    Also recently we've seen your leader heavily insult euro players out of nowhere on baseless claims, in public. SOE tolerates one of the people who represents them to have such behaviour, fine. But don't expect much respect on our threads, zergling.

    Done here.
  20. Cowabunga

    It was a hilarious video listening to you guys crack up while everyone else had their "war face" on :D