Phoenix complaints are based on K/D.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ROMNEYTRON, Mar 24, 2013.


    Whether you like to admit it or not, a lot of the new "Phoenix is OP" arguments are based solely on K/D. TR/VS don't like the fact that the NC can kill them without actually having to see them (Although that was the original intention of the launcher in the first place. Shouldn't be surprising). In their rage, they fail to see that the killing potential of the Phoenix does not scale up anywhere near as well as the other launchers when the numbers used increases.

    A squad of 5 Strikers and 5 Lancers will have much more success fighting say, an armor zerg, than a squad of 5 Pho's. This is assuming these 5 players are the average players. I know the Lancer has low damage and I know smoke exists for the Striker, but the fact remains: TR/VS ESRLs are much easier to use than the Phoenix.

    Do not equate getting one kill per 4 second reload (which is not common at all. The average Pho. user isn't very good and will not consistently land EVERY shot) with a devastating, OP weapon. The Pho. creates static defenders who just sit in the spawn room instead of actually defending point, and gives opponents a very vulnerable target during the T.V. period.

    So take a deep breath, step back, and analyze better what actually constitutes an OP weapon.
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  2. Paperlamp

    I don't think anyone is even pretending to care about the meta game balance here, the thing is just stupid. I'll admit to hating getting killed by targets that don't even have LoS on me while I can't even react or retaliate.

    Yes, striker is better vs. vehicles and especially air. Lancer...I don't know if it's better than annihilator or not but whatever. That doesn't change the fact that an infantry sniping camera guided rocket. that due to it's K/D padding nature gets spammed, makes the game less fun to play for infantry.
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  3. UnrealGaz

    nerf it.
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  4. Dawgpound12

    These launchers should be used against tanks and aircraft, not sniping infantry.
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  5. UnrealGaz

    exactly this should be like ps1 3-4 shots too kill an infantry and im fine with it then and only then give it more range and turning ability.
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  6. Eclipson

    No, it is not based on K/D ratio. Its is being ista killed by someone 300m away, and not being able to do anything about it. At least you can locate a snipers position, but you can curve the phoenix. Its better than a sniper rifle. And don't even try to pull the "its your fault, you should have been moving" crap. You can lead your rocket in front of your target so they run into it. I can care less about K/D ratio, a statistic that has no place in this game. Its the simple fact that I can't advance on an NC base anymore without being instantly killed by an NC rocket. I can't park my sunder any where safe from rockets that the Phoenix can't hit. I'm avoiding fights with the NC until they nerf the infantry damage.
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  7. UnrealGaz

    nc are forgetting something here. snipeing is the infiltrator's job not the phoenix.
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    Then what is the point of the Phoenix? It was designed to do what it does now. Nowhere does it state that it is solely an "anti-vehicle/anti-air" weapon. Please don't tell me it's anti-air. It doesn't travel anywhere near fast enough to hit anything other than Galaxies.

    Then it IS about K/D ratio. "It is being ista killed by someone". Again, I must stress that this was what the weapon was designed to do. Also, you can still locate the source, although this is admittedly harder. I'm sure you're exaggerating about not being able to move on an NC base. The VS and TR on Helios don't seem to be having any problem.
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  9. Bobby Shaftoe

    I think you've got some drool on your chin.
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  10. ih8Darian

    If it takes lancers 2 fully charged shots just to kill 1 infantry then the phoenix should also take 2 or more shots to kill an infantry
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    Please don't put words in my mouth. Contribute to discussion or don't contribute at all.
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  12. CaligoIllioneus

    The Phoenix was not designed for killing infantry from the safety of your spawnroom. The devs even said as much.

    Therefore you are wrong
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  13. Paperlamp

    We don't care what the point is as long as it isn't a wall hacked sniper rifle for the heavy assault. Give it a different point, if anti-infantry was its intended use, it was clearly a bad decision.
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  14. Phrygen

    Its an AV launcher. Its not an AI sniper missile. Nerf damage to infantry, and boost range and slight damage boost to armor
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  15. Eclipson

    I'm quite sure the devs said these are anti-vehicle weapons. The thing is a sniper rifle on steroids, just locate a group of people, shot the rocket, and there you go. And I don't care about K/D, I care about dying to something that I can't do a thing about. And I am not exaggerating about not being able to move into a base. I tried for an hour to move into crossroads, and I was just sniped by phoenixes. I then drop poded on top of the tower, and someone shot a phoenix missile up there and killed me! Its ridiculous. Its one sided fun, just like how tank mines were to killing sunderers, since you cannot counter it in anyway.

    I agree that the Lancer needs a buff. It needs to become more "Spartan-Laser" esqe. Although "2 or more shots" to kill infantry is just ridiculous. No other launcher in the game is like that. Giving it zero splash damage and a smaller "area to hit" or "model volume" is nerf enough.
  17. Bobby Shaftoe

    You mean those words?

    Nuff said, stop being stupid and crying coz people call you on your ******** instagibbing Infantry ANTI VEHICLE weapon.

    How about decreasing the available hitbox? Make the rocket have to hit dead on to kill infantry?

    I'm not trying to make anyone angry here. Stay civil.
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  20. UnrealGaz

    no.nerf the damage too infantry that's the only way it will is NOT an infantry missle launcher.All these nc trying too defend something it shouldn't do in the first place..
