hacking turrets changed ?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Elack, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Dr. Euthanasia

    It looks like you can't move while hacking anymore either.

    Edit: Just a bug. It got better.
  2. Zetamancer

    ...you mean infiltrating? There are many things you can do to cover your own back. Mines, recon darts, etc.
  3. Ztiller

    I did notice today, that even if the guy popped out, i couldn't shoot him. I literally emptied 50 rounds into a guy i ejected at point blank without hitting a single bullet, while he just pulled out his sidearm and killed me.

    Quite a nasty bug. So far i have had to rely on sneaking around the turret and jumping in. If they eject me, i have the upper hand.
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  4. drNovikov

    I noticed that bug too and was killed because of that bug. Not a single patch without a ****-up.
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  5. Rhyl

    I tried this method but the guy blew up the turret. :( So far my proximity mine ejection seems to be the best method. It's seriously worked so far. I do what you do but with a little present waiting for them upon ejection.
  6. Mustarde

    Just adding to the thread to state that I have noticed this as well and it has gotten me killed 4 times now. They pop out on a delay, and are able to crush you.
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  7. Vaphell

    yes this issue sucks really hard, i don't bother with hacking occupied turrets now even if it means skipping the prowler xp pinata, i don't feel like dying and running all the way back from the adjacent territory. ZT, you participate in r/planetside, make some noise there or something because it would really suck if we had to wait to GU9 for the fix ;)
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  8. Astraka

    Happened to me first time today. Started getting shot 1 second after I got the Exp for the hack and died shortly thereafter. Subject was several feet away from the usual spot - firing of course - after he popped into view. I am going to try shooting where subject should be after the hack next chance I get.
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  9. m44v

    hacking occupied turret is bugged or something, all hacks I attempted ended in me being killed by the occupant, before I could see him.
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  10. Silkensmooth

    I too noticed this lovely new bug. Hack the guy out, see no one, then die to them as they unload into you. It goes nicely with all the other bugs. The worst one is probably the cloak bug where you shoot someone, then hit stealth and it immediately unstealths you again, as well as the recon darts not working half the time. Not really sure how well the darts work anyway. Sometimes they work great, other times i shoot them near a moving enemy and they dont show up on mini map at all.
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  11. Zetamancer

    I don't know about anyone else. but I have a bug where if I exit a vehicle/turret and try to cloak immediately, the bar will start draining, but I won't be cloaked at all....

    It makes infiltrating practically impossible.
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  12. GSZenith

    just some lovely server delay as of late, run in to 10ppl, gun one down before their hit are being regi.
  13. Baracuda

    Hope they fix this relatively soon, this lag is ruining my favorite things to do.
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  14. A 59 c

    Am also getting the turret hacking problems.

    Problem 1) as described above - I start to hack, turn and wait rifle ready (as done many times before). XP pings - no one pops out... I wait... A few seconds later the guy pops into view (further away than the usual spot) but is already landing effective fire on me. I OHSK him by firing over the sights with my bolt action (my usual trick) but the damage I take is too great so we both die. This happened several times this W/E.

    Problem 2) I find I cannot even hack some turrets - it does not matter whether these are manned or not. Only seems to affect random turrets as I can sneak around the corner and hack others no problem.
  15. m44v

    All the time since patch.

    Is like the occupant is kicked out of the turret like always, but will not render for us until is too late.
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  16. Get2dachoppa

    Happens to me too, sometimes the delay is short enough I still get the kill but most of the time I'm dead before they even render on the screen. Last time I tried, I started firing the second I saw the Hack XP appear on my screen even though the player didn't render yet. I took some shots (from an invisible, not rendered yet player) but my stream of firing must have spooked them into running so I didn't die but neither did they.
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  17. OldMaster80

    I can confirm it's not a bug, GU04 screwed rendering algorithm making actually impossible to hack gunned turrets: you don't see the enemy when he/she pops out, but they see you. You're dead before even realize it.
  18. Paulmuaddib

    Noticed as well...gotten very annoyed. Heavyside / Vehicleside is getting tiresome. As if cloak isnt already too short/loud as hell and easy to see. Maybe a dev got hacked and killed out of his turret while spamming TI Alloys from the Crown too much?
  19. Ztiller

  20. m44v

    how that isn't a bug?