Dogfighting etiquette - "you can't kill me - only I can kill me!"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Robin, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Robin


    I've noticed an increasing trend of opposition pilots crashing into the ground when they know they're beaten. Is this to prevent me from getting marginally more XP and the credit of the kill? If so, this seems rather ungentlemanly.

    I'm aware that the engines give out in the final few moments, but that's quite different from making a nose dive into the ground.

    This pathetic, spiteful practice must be stopped... so that I can get marginally more XP and the credit of the kill.
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  2. WalrusJones

    Spiteful practices in general are bad for the game.
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  3. Sharpe

    Haven't really noticed "on purpose" crashes. It's mostly either unexperienced pilots spasming out their mouse in a desperate attempt to evade/land, or actually trying to get close to the ground to safely bail without almost certain death.

    The ragebailers and even the worse... the deconstructors are the real problem.

    I don't really blame the guy for trying to land before he dies.
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  4. Ultimatestormer

    I end up doing this about 20% of the time I fly, but it's usually on accident, basically a "OMG WHAT DO I DO??" kind of situation that ends up in a nosedive. It's possible, although somewhat unlikely, that other pilots get into this mindset more often than I do.
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  5. LanceHavenbay

    Yeah, just people being pricks.

    The only time I ever deconstruct is when I am having a dogfight and some jerkoff hovers spamming a2a rockets at me. Protest of stop being a dick and learn to fly.
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  6. Prownilo1

    I never suicide intentionally, but when you're in a panic and trying to land and repair, you come in to fast, and bam, or you try to evade by doing a risky manuver but your ESF is on fire and falling faster than you realise and bam. You are trying to get low enough to jump out, you succeed! only to have the ESF land on top of you and bam.

    easy fix is simply make it the last person that did damage to you/your vehicle gets the kill if you sucide right after, even if you were at 90% health (scaring a person into flying into a wall, or reverseing off a cliff in a tank should count!)
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  7. Jaquio

    I've crashed when dogfighting before. Probably only about 10% of the time, and never intended. Sometimes I'm trying to get down quickly and repair in a mad dash, sometimes I lose control, sometimes I misjudge my surroundings.

    In general, I let the person kill me, because what do I care. I'm a mediocre pilot at best, and I'm not going to tie my self worth into it.
  8. Dingus148

    Which makes you a dick for deconstructing. Just because you feel something is unfair does not make it so. Take the death with dignity, and rest assured the statistic was noted. Only if a weapon shows in the stats as OP will it be nerfed. You just removed that stat. Grats, you are now part of the problem.

    Deconstructing, full stop, is poor sportsmanship. It's not like it's a real war, if you deconstruct you are deliberately ruining someone else's fun. Enough finger wagging, but know that by deconstructing you've reduced the chance of your nemesis being fixed, AND ruined someone's fairly-earned kill. You don't get to decide if a death is fair or not.

    On topic: OP, I occasionally suicide when trying to escape someone on my tail. It's not deliberately, it's generally I pull a loop and nose into the ground. Or clip a tree. Or try fit through a gap that my Reaver juuuuuust won't squeeze through. Deliberate suiciders are annoying though.
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  9. The Milk Man

    Well sometimes when I'm bored of Lolpodding people, If I see a sundy with tons of people ill crash into it and quickly jump out to place some tank mines and boom. Instant 5-7 certs xD
  10. SheerTorcher

    I always feel that I'm duty bound to try and live: getting out of a burning ESF is like "random infantry scenario generator." But about half the time I explode on or just before landing. I hope it's not interpreted as me trying to deprive the guy of certs.
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  11. GSZenith

    Real men unbind exit veh/put it where you can't instant reach it e.g ctrl + page up, although for rambo mission it is still E.
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  12. StormStrafe

    Sometimes I get a huge frame-rate drop while using my afterburners that results in me crashing. It's embarrassing because it looks like I'm either trying to be a jerk or just bad. Can't wait for a new PC.
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  13. GSZenith

    My archenemy mr tree we meet again.
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  14. LanceHavenbay

    Two things:
    1. The problem has been recorded and documented in countless videos and forums, statistics are but an afterthought at this point
    2. If a player wants to earn experience for taking out a foe, they damn well better earn that kill. Not sit back and spam overly-accurate rockets that kill is near 2 hits. I can handle myself against 5-6 average pilots, 2-3 great pilots, 1 pro pilot. I am not rewarding a player who wants to farm. They can go to crown for that. If they want to play a game that rewards skill, by all means I am perfectly ok with denying them experience for lacking any and all skill. Just as how I will leave a base that is being spawn camped.

    Poor sportsmanship also applied to someone who sits on the edge of combat pot-shotting two people engaged in a dogfight with a skill-less weapon.

    Fairly earned means they had to struggle in even the slightest for it. Even an infiltrator takes risks when sniping. As an analogy, if I were an abused child, I would not allow my harasser to continue beating me so that I could show off my markings for statistics. I'd place a camera there, record it in all its complexities and leave. Never dealing with it again.

    Believing something is unfair does not make it unfair, correct. Regardless of what you believe, I believe the opposite. In that a highly skilled pilot should not be able to be shot down simply by hovering your mouse on it for 6 seconds.
  15. jdono67894

    I do it all the time because I don't like the air dominance in the game, its not against the rules to deny you a kill and I also deconstruct if I have enough time.
    Try stopping me hah!
  16. Navoletti


  17. Slyguy65

    Suicide needs to be tweaked also deconstruct should not work if the vehicle was attacked in the past 30 seconds or so.
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  18. buddahx

    All they need to fix this is if you kill yourself the last person to hit you gets the kill, simple enough. Hell if I chase down an aircraft to the point where he says **** it and crashes, ya he killed himself but it was because of me.
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  19. SDD

    If you've ever shot at infantry with your ESF, you've engaged in a fight won without struggle.
    This is not a 1vs1 dueling game.
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  20. BeanSidhe

    I crash all the time. But not to get out of giving the opponent a kill, but because I still get so flustered in a dogfight I seriously unintentionally crash.
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