Ever had a Jango Fett moment?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by ArcMinuteLight, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. ArcMinuteLight

    If you don't know what I'm talking about you're uncultured.
    I'm serious.
    Ok fine I forgive you.
  2. Iridar51

    The one where a Jedi runs to me and cuts off my head? Sure, happens to me every day.
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  3. Dusty Lens

    Jango Fett?




    GET OUT.

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  4. vaxx

    Yeah....kids these days.
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  5. blzbug

    You mean the one where my seedy choice of employment got my wife killed and left me with a sniveling cling-on brat?

    Not yet, but I'm sure SOE has something good planned for the GU31-PlanetsideSims update.
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  6. Uglyass

    Thats Boba Fett :( just sayin
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  7. Dusty Lens

    Yes that's rather the point. Who the hell advocates Jango.

    Kids these days.
  8. Makwa

    The context of the post says he knew that......just sayin. It is implied in the big GET OUT letters at the bottom.
  9. Makwa

    But my turn to be the foolish one. Will someone explain to me what the OP ment as a Jango Fett moment? Was it the one one with unloading a ton of weapons on a little starship? getting cloned? getting his head cut-off? Freeloading off a group of aliens for the cost of a few cells?
  10. AdennTM

    To be fair, Jango is a badass too if you know is back story/star wars EU :3

    BUT he is no Boba
  11. Klondik3

    Noobs, Boba is Jango's clone so technically speaking they are the same man.
  12. ArcMinuteLight

    Nah, Boba will forever live in the shadow of Jango Fett, heh, and yes people I mean the moments when you try to jetpack away from danger only to realize your meter is empty/bugged.
    Because Jango Fett was The Legendary Bounty Hunter. The entire republic placed their faith in his DNA. Boba is just grasping to live up to his legacy! He even dresses and equips like Jango!
    Now Mace Windu, and that damned rhino-thingy, they were the villains of the entire star wars plot!
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  13. Makwa

    Oh that.......CONSTANTLY. I would say once a night. Another one I am good at doing is jet packing into a place to find six or seven smiling pairs of spandex waiting for me. Only then realizing I used up all of my fuel getting there.
  14. Aquilae

    fortunately for boba he will also forever live in the light of the original star wars movies and jango will forever live in the fetid shame of the prequels.
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  15. Parricidium

    I was offered a revive by a person named Jango Fett just now.

    I declined.
  16. hardes13

    how about a yodamoment?
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  17. Kogmaw

    I was eaten by a giant worm once... though im pretty sure that was just a bug *badum-tss*

    (if you dont get it, its ok. im actually ashamed at how hard i laughed at my own joke)
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  18. ArcMinuteLight

    Jango Fett is pretty awesome but Mace Windu decided to cheese him when he was down and his jetpack didn't work because of that cursed rhino! Now we need another jetpack character moment..
  19. Mogi67

  20. Kayth

    Man, I didn't remember that scene too well. Jango got ******, I mean, talk about putting yourself in a bad situation......
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