RECAP: Friday Night Ops - Episode 23

Discussion in 'Friday Night Ops' started by Luperza, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

    Will we finally get to see the Faction Specific Launchers?
  2. Luperza Community Manager

    Of course we would love to do that for all new features, but we have to get approval from people and sometimes, we don't get that. =P
  3. Raichu

    Well you k-know.. Hossin that new C-continent? Maybe we can-we can you know maybe sometime.... *Rubs neck nervously* See that? *Puppy eyes*
  4. Lakora

    Well did you get any approval for this time around? ^^

    EU here so quite late after all n no offense to the outfits being spotlighted but just that ain't reason enough to stay up could watch the recap than. ^^'' Normally just watch live for the chat if there's new content being shown.
  5. NanoBitSplit


    "Oh my god she's touching me Pascal help me my feet hurt this sun is too bright I wish I was at home playing video games"
  6. SharpLight

    What's in God's name is the "Chinese anti-indulgent system"?
  7. MuldoonX9 Developer

    In China, it is considered unhealthy to play games for hours at a time. In order for a game to launch in China, it must have an anti indulgence system to stop or discourage players from playing longer than the government set standards. We do things like stopping kill tracking and not awarding XP to meet these standards.
  8. SharpLight

    Thanks for the answer, I have one of those but I call it an over-heating USB modem ;)

    Are you the real MuldoonX9 from the interview? If so then where is your SOE tag?
  9. MuldoonX9 Developer

  10. gunfox

    Alright, stop the kill tracking, stop giving them medals, hell stop giving them ressources. But don't stop giving them XP, that's just evil.
  11. Garrett24789P

    where was the "content session: showcasing new content on internal builds"?
  12. KaMiKaZePiG

    Uhhh... where was this?? Just checked through the whole stream, didn't see anything.
  13. Kroova

    Really interesting video!
  14. TheBloodEagle

    It was really interesting listening to MuldoonX9 (dev). I wish we could of heard more from him. Lets be honest, most of us watch FNO because we want to hear about new content, what's being worked on and insight from the devs. Anyone else feel like they follow the outfits around way too long? I know it's called Friday Night Ops but I'd rather have less of that Outfit stuff and more answered questions from the Devs. He was answering some pretty interesting questions and then he gets cut off. Argh.

    Most of us would rather play PS2 ourselves that watch someone else play for a really extended amount of time.

    I really want to see more time on the interviews Maggie! They're awesome!
    • Up x 2
  15. TheBloodEagle

    Way to be a huge d ouche.
  16. ZephyrBurst

    One day, Jimmy, I'll get you. I noticed I hit you once, but it wasn't a headshot. :( One day... <3
  17. Luperza Community Manager

    The major thing is that doing these interviews takes up a lot of time. That's time I would rather have them actually creating all the awesome things everyone wants. Don't you agree?. ;)
  18. TheBloodEagle

    Yup, so ditch following the Outfits around instead. :p
  19. 7CavRocknowski

    Way to be a team player! Bloodeagle I love you!
  20. NanoBitSplit

    Relax, dude. It turned out he wasn't awkward anyway despite initial appearances and actually knew his stuff (speaking of, why can't SOE be made of all competent people like that?).