Game Update 04: Coming soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 1, 2013.

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  1. BarxBaron

    Not only this but I'm assuming the TR one has a warning even if it can't be shaken by smoke.

    TR libs just got nerfed more. Gonna get sniped with no warning all day.

    I can't wait to need to aim twice to kill inf in my prowler while being sniped by VS or killed from nowhere by NC with no warnings.
    I get to have my crappy "need to stand in open and die horribly" striker back.

    GG SOE - I thought they left the imbalanced fac specific launchers out because they got smart. I should of known better.
  2. CrashB111

    Most people aren't in here scared of Prowler nerfs, I will still be able to use mine just as effectively after the patch.

    What does scare me is the new AV launchers that are going to completely wreck vehicle play.
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  3. MarlboroMan-E

    Seems to me that the nerf to HE splash might be addressing a symptom, rather than a cause. Infantry getting farmed by camping tanks - yes, it's a problem, but it's a symptom. The cause of it, as it were, would be insufficient cover and indoor fighting areas. Now we're going to have tanks that are just convenient targets for HAs. I love infantry combat, it's the primary reason I play the game, but heavily nerfing the tanks' ability to kill infantry is not the solution. The solution is the interlink facility y'all told us about, along with more tunnels like you added last month, and allowing combat in those tunnels.

    Really really really not looking forward to swarms of Phoenix snipers hiding behind rocks, and searching out infantry. One of the dumbest, most annoying weapons from PS1. Except it will be even worse, because now missiles don't appear on the minimap, so you won't be able to find the launcher nearly as easily. Mega-sigh.
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  4. Xind

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  5. Being@RT

    One other difference is that the 'accurate' shotgun (only 2 COF while jumping vs 5) is the automatic one for vanu while it's one of the semi-autos for the other two.
  6. Radec594

    I like how some VS trolls are just lurking by waiting for someone to QQ for the Prowler tweaks and bash them, as if these changes weren't getting called from most Prowler drivers already anyway.
    Plus, I doubt the amount of Magrider tears will ever be surpassed by anything in the future..

    Seriously, grow up.
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  7. Osiris371

    This "REAL MBT" you speak of is already in the game, its called using an ap turret and secondary that can damage vehicles, (another place the TR has an advantage because that damn vulcan is AV and still rips infantry apart). Not that TR know about AP turrets, damned if I've ever seen one. And these MBT's you speak of would need infantry to support it to keep enemy infantry at a distance to stop it getting mined, C4'd and to snipe/shoot any launcher wielding heavies they see.

    You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that MBTs are designed to fight other MBTs, not to rip through infantry with wild abandon. As well as the fact that to mine or c4 a tank the infantry has to get close to start with. yes sure missiles can be fired from distance but give plenty of warning that they are incoming via lock on warning or the sight of a dumbfire streaking to where the tank is (was if the driver sees it and move even a little bit). and if your answer to mines is "but they can be planted on roads anywhere." then I'll just point you towards the torque increase and say that tanks will be able to drive to the side of the road more effectively after GU4 and so that won't be a problem.

    Even if infantry do get close them to get c4 or mines on the tank then they still have to fear that minigun on top which (unlike the saron, enforcer and halberd) doesn't need to be pinpoint perfectly aimed to shred them in quick order.

    Magriders and Vanguards can deal with infantry, but mostly only if they have the HE turret, but certainly nowhere near like the speed and efficiency that a stock HEAT prowler can.

    In closing I'm going to actually wait and see how much of a drop the splash is for the prowler, and i genuinely do hope that it doesn't break the tank for the TR but instead evens it all out. Though maybe they should consider centralising one of the barrels to at least make that first shot easier to aim and score a direct hit like the Vanguard and Magriders guns.
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  8. Inzababa

    wait, that isn't true.

    You're not only nerfing the splash damage, you're also nerfing the direct hit damage (well that's what's written in notes)

    btw I get one shotted as infantry by VS / NC tanks?
  9. Ceskaz

    Camera guided Phoenix is a terrible idea, and I say that as a NC. Camera guided Phoenix means a lot of NC not advancing towards objectives but hiding behind hills waiting for MAX to go outside base... It's lame and will kill the fun playing NC.

    So please, do something else (I was pretty excited by a laser guided Phoenix).

    Also, I hope you are being carefull with the Lancer : as presented here, it looks pretty badass. Don't make it overpowered
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  10. Dubious

    Only positive side with the Phoenix is that the user is unaware of its surroundings = a easy knife kill

    I just hope it gets a completely different design, so we can tell the difference when NC holding it..
  11. SirBurning

    I hoped that the unlocks would be more along the trend of
    I buy the Gauss Compact S on my NC guy, and I recieve the TRAC-5 S on my Terran guy aswell, since every weapon has a other faction counterpart.

    Quite unfortunate, but I can see why this was decided though.
    Apart from that, great change.
  12. PaperPlanes

    I like a lot of the changes, but nerfing splash damage for all vehicles? Why? This is especially going to hurt air even more...Liberators are already laughably easy to rip apart with flak and ESFs ALREADY require pretty much direct hits with pods to kill infantry. The game is full of anti-air already, why do you want aircraft to have to stick around and be even more vulnerable to kill infantry?

    I sincerely hope GU5 contains a complete Liberator revision. You're ruining that vehicle so much. I can direct hit with my ESF pods just fine, that will hurt newer or worse pilots more than anything (which I think is a bad move because it will make newer players less interested in learning how to become pilots), but with the Liberator...that should be the whole point of a giant bomber, it should have big splash damage. Do you not know how hard it is for my bomber to get accurate hits when I constantly have to pull off weird, erratic movement just to avoid flak, dumbfires, etc.? And you want to take even more splash damage away from them?
  13. Brendan0212

    You didn't know by now that you are playing Heavyside 2?

    Certainly the disclaimer "every other class is just a slave" should have given it away.

    On a serious note. Heavy Assault should be a jack of all trades, master of none. Currently they are the Master of ALL, and if anything should be nerfed in this game it is every tool and weapon at their disposal, even if only minor.
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  14. Jaloro

    I see the dailies appear to have quietly died a death. I'm disappointed because it was the thing I was looking forward to most.

    Like no deploy zones for sunderers I feel it got a lot of down votes from poor initial presentation.
  15. Ranik

    What a joke. The "real MBT" we currently have is just basically a moving coffin which requires you to play it as if it's sitting on 100 tons of C4 and ready to explode at any time. This may sound appealing to someone like you who clearly favors infantry only gameplay where vehicles have to cower behind infantry zergs.

    But as it is currently MBT's are a joke in small numbers and are only worth a **** when there are 30+ of them...
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  16. copywrite85

    Yeh its perfect. KEEP NERFING VEHICLES PLS. I have such a hard time flipping ppl on this game because of three reasons.
    -performance issues
    -all guns look the same
    -ppl who play shooters HATE BEING FARMED BY VEHICLE ZERGS
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  17. MisterSnuggles94

    And ofcourse not a single post about Light Assault Jumpjets being ****** up...
  18. Sedisp

    Uhhh.... no they aren't.

    MBTs rarely run into each other in modern battlefields. They are indeed used for obscene infantry murdering. Heck the Abrams has a canister round that is literally a shotgun the size of a 120mm cannon.
  19. Cpu46

    It looks to be more balanced than most lock ons since you have to maintain the lock while the missiles are on their way to the target. At least the TR one will give warning that death is on the way. NC sounds like it will be a good weapon that rewards skill with amazing damage. The VS weapon is the one I am a bit wary of: no lock on warning, near instant travel time, and high damage. As long as something happens during the charge time to allow players to evade (Bright laser, slowing the users tracking ability, or something along those lines) I will be fine with it.

    Honestly though, when you take the alleged strengths of the 3 empires into account I feel that the entire feel of the VS weapon should have been given to the NC as a railgun, the NC weapon should have been given to the TR, and the TR weapon should have been VS as a plasma launcher (with all the necessary visual changes of course).
  20. EvilKoala

    I drive tanks and use an AV turret.. AV turrets are fine.. I spot and kill them all the time in my tank and on foot. It's really not that difficult to find the giant light bloom with a 100m long smoke trail (though sometimes the trail doesnt render). And to help you out.. 90% of AV turret users are terribad, and place themselves in the most obvious places; perched high and skylining themselves.
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