Strange Awesome Players I've been encountering lately, how "bad" am I?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dkamanus, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Dkamanus

    So, I've been playing this game since Beta, seen stuff evolve and everything and I am still playing vigorously this game, even more since my outfit is steadily growing on players, the kind that gets in and sticks for good, getting better from time to time.

    But I've become frustrated with something which I'm finding VERY strange lately. Just so to illustrate my "abilities", this is my players stats:!/5428010917236055185/stats

    and stats:

    I do not consider myself a ******* god mode in FPS, although I do know how to play a little. But lately I seem to be killed MUCH more easily then I'm able to kill others. Mind you, the KDR is still growing, even marginally, and I'm not a HE spammer (although I use consistently MAX units, but not as my main class), and no heavy vehicle user (though I think I excel at tank driving).

    The problem is I seem to be more constantly headshoted (even by farther ranges) in engagements where I start to fire and still the dude somehow turns around and headshots me 4 bullets constantly. This is becoming a though in my head, cause I really can't believe there are THIS many hackers in the game, but I also can't believe there are this many Pro gaming twitch individualas in the game. Even at closer ranges, when I'm on the initiative, I seem to lose a lot of times because the dude seems to hit headshots and down me MUICH quicker then I down him.

    Even at perfect positions, I seem to hit five bullets just for the damn TR simply fire 4 shots at me and kill me, without the slightest reaction time possible. I don't mind these things happening now and then. But today this seemed to have happened MUCH more frequently then normally (Could be the 200ms latency though =x).

    Which comes to the final thing of the discussion: What should I consider is the problem? Lousy aiming skills? Awesome pro gaming adversaries? Hacking? Infantry weapons imbalance? As I said, I can't believe that neither all are cheaters or pro gamers, so I'm sticking with weapon balance. I've seen TR and VS weapons and both are so much better then NC weapon in regards of actually hitting enough bullets fast enough to kill people.

    Does anyone else feels TR and VS weapons kill NC much easier then the other way around? How to properly make NC weapons work better though in a different way?
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  2. Dam187

    Let me give you some comfort. Even though it may say some infantry shot you-it really was a rocket that helped get your butt.
  3. p10k56

    You mean some super player like this

    Died two times already before decide to record him:D
    Those players are on All sides.
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  4. Iksniljiksul

    It's called an aimbot. Hit registration bugs don't happen consistently.
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  5. JP_Russell

    That is presumably what he's implying. He wouldn't have recorded the guy if he didn't think he was cheating.
  6. StormStrafe

  7. Dkamanus

    Not this contrasting, but still less then 1 second to die, even though I'm at a higher position at 30~40m away.
  8. MurderBunneh

    Pretty sure that was an aimbot. Notice how he never fired more shots then it took to kill you.
    This is the same thing I get from a certain Matherson VS outfit.
    No one is going to fire just enough shots in cqb then stop shooting immediately like that because you are never certain that you have killed someone due to latency and netcode.
  9. p10k56

    When you change your heading rapidly it will take more bullets but you will still die.
    On woodman when one stops for a while instant headshot from sniper is almost guaranteed.
    Specially when smaller teams return fire on each other. Thats why I most enjoy infiltrator, one is never safe until invisible:mad:
  10. LahLahSr

    The "just enough bullets" to kill you..every single dead giveaway. I hope you reported him, although that barely means anything around here.
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  11. Zaik

    Well, not everyone who hacks runs around at 70 kph spazzing out one shotting everyone with a 500 round magazine. And to say that any one concentration of potential hackers implies that they couldn't be doesn't really work either, because it doesn't take time you didn't see any hackers into account. When four people decide to do the same thing without knowing the others would, its a coincidence.

    I struggled with it for a bit, then made up some rules for myself on when to /report and when to wait:
    -Is the player BR <20?
    -Is the player using stock weapons and no cosmetic items?
    -Were you hit multiple times with a weapon that should have recoil that prevents headshots that quickly? This one is most obvious when you are instantly hit by two semi auto sniper rifle shots from one person and die, but if someone is using an Orion and hitting 4 shot kills from 50m you know this is also the case as the horizontal recoil at that range would pull the cone of fire all the way off the head.
    -Does the player's user name sound like something you would see in the comments section of a youtube video?
    -Has the player done this to you more than once?

    As soon as you hit 3/5 go ahead and /report him, and if you ever see someone do #3 go ahead and report them anyway. This net isn't really fine enough to catch every one, but every one it catches is /report worthy.
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  12. SolidSnake

    I like to use the steroids in baseball analogy to describe some of these players. You give a minor leagues player steroids and he will probably play better, get more hits, homeruns, etc. You give a major leagues player all-star like Barry Bonds steroids and he shatters decades old records, he seems downright superhuman.

    I have the same problem as the OP, I run into the same group of players on my server and more often than not I die. I'm not a FPS god by any means but these guys seem unrealistically good. I don't think they hack 'cause I have killed a few of them before, they're just good players given a different set of tools based on the faction they play. They all play on TR btw. After playing NC from the start, I made a TR character just to compare the weapons and it seemed way easier to put more bullets on target than with NC weapons.

    These guys are good players plain and simple, they use cover, strafe like crazy when shooting, but what really makes the difference is the weapons they use. I simply cannot put as many bullets into a moving target as fast as they can. I try strafing while shooting to throw off their aim but that makes my bullets spray left and right more, add to that the recoil on NC weapons and the flinch you get while you're being hit and it's game over for me. The Gauss Saw has more damage per hit but the Carv still fires faster and with less spread so they can land more hits on me. The only chance I have with the Saw is if I'm fighting at a distance and use controlled bursts. You try that tactic in CQC and you'll simply die quicker 'cause you're gimping your RoF for accuracy. Don't even get me started on the Lynx. I haven't looked at the chart but is there a weapon that fires faster? 45 rounds with that RoF is insane.

    I'm tempted to try the new SMG because of the higher RoF it has but I don't wanna fall into SoE's trap again, where they release a new weapon that performs well just to have it nerfed a few weeks later in favor of another weapon being released.
  13. Lafladitu

    the sad part is that these aimbots are getting more frekvently used, I die alot more to them now then I died last month, really frustrating
  14. Devrailis

    Yup, that looked like an aimbot hacker. Report the ******. Guys like him are a disgrace to NC.
  15. allattar

    They do ban players. They eventually get them. Take heart.

    I started a chat with undergroundman when he visited miller.

    This guy creates alts and just ***** around.

    He admitted he had been banned and now doesn't care. So he creates a new character and cheats. Oddly his aggrievance was due to him being banned for infrequently using hacks. So whoever his main was he was only using them occasionally. The subtext being occasional use was alright

    So lance you only occasionally cheated at cycling so its ok...

    I was asking why he felt occasionally cheating was alright and suddenly the player could not be found.

    It may take a while but keep reporting. Its all we have but hopefully theyll get them in the end...
  16. Spartan 117

    Nope. According to evidence below, most hackers are pardoned by SOE within a week & go right back to hacking.
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    Yep same happens to me too lately. Weird hit detection and insta deaths since GU2. Probably lag compensation. Very frustrating and makes infantry combat even lousier than it already was.

    Sure there's also blatant cheating. Though I believe that due to the shrinking population, you happen to run into the good players more frequently, since pretty much only the core players keep playing the game. Pretty sure that the majority of the casual players a.k.a. the "cannon fodder" vanished into thin air, apparently because it is no fun getting farmed left and right.
  18. Sinist

    LOL holy aimbot and ESP.

    I would report that player. BR84 too. SOE AWESOME JOB!
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  19. Goretzu

    Unfortunately the use of aim-bots and radar hacks is becoming endemic in PS2. It's almost pointless hiding these days as someone with the radar hack on can spot you from a mile away (and kill you through cover if they have all the hacks turned on).

    However the clever subtle hackers with "just" aim-bots and radar turned on, its nearly impossible for a player to prove the are cheating, other than always dying to them.

    They really need some anti-cheat software in PS2. :mad:
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  20. MykeMichail

    70% of players who people think are hackers are just people with extremely high ping and bad upstream packet loss. For example, they run into a room and you die before they're even fully in the room. On your screen it looks like he insta killed you whilst sprinting around the corner. On his screen, he came to the corner, saw you, ADS'd and put 10 bullets in your face.

    No doubt there's probably plenty of hackers out there, but this is a game which doesn't handle latency well, and frequently gives people the appearance of hacking when they're not.