VS just broke the record!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightFall, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. NightFall

    VS population just broke the record of going BELOW a 20% population. Thank you again, SOE for completely overpowering TR and NC with patch 2 and ninja nerfing VS.

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  2. Xuram

    More bonus XP for us :D
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  3. HadesR

    See you have a TR toon there as well .. Maybe all you 4th Factioners are playing TR/NC atm ?
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  4. AnnPerkins

    vanu was full of fotm kiddies taking advantage of their OPed state. Once they started getting balanced they bailed faster than a scythe pilot with a lock-on.
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  5. Flix

    You mean no one crys about vanu beeing op and therefor every winersidejoiner left? Damn. thats hard. And what "ninjanerfs" are you talking about? I`m not leaving Vanu only because the magrider got some hate. Did anything else got HUUGELY nerfed? Didnt noticed. My guns are all working as intended.
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  6. NightFall

    I play the most OP race. Currently it is TR with prowlers that do insane DPS and can one shot ESFs from the sky.

    Also had a br10 NC toon but NC was getting way too easy with all those 2 bullet kills.
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  7. nella

    VS UP? Good one.
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  8. Azzer

    On Cobalt, Indar is still neutral (since VS & NC neutralized it from TR about 2 weeks ago) because no one faction can manage to get the whole continent - with Esamir being VS owned most of the time (sometimes ghosted back by TR in the night), and Amerish also being VS owned mostly (ghosted back randomly by NC/TR at random times because Amerish is always dead).

    The VS population *DEFINITELY* dropped - and the NC population increased noticably. And most times when logging on, I notice the NC server pop frequently seems a little higher than TR and VS... and I notice a lot of low-rank (new) NC players that are pretty decent, so a lot of people jumped straight over when they heard on the whinge-vine that NC was suddenly "not so bad" and had good warpgates, but it doesn't seem to have changed much.

    I do feel for you if your server has had a MASSIVE population shift though - that will have a snowball effect of making even MORE people leave, and you'll end up with a really bad imbalanced server. Cobalt still seems to maintain fairly even populations most times of day though, which is great.
  9. Sprintfox

    Nuff said.
    Wonder how much people are like you :)
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  10. YellowB

    I'm VS on Connery as well. It is nearly unplayable at the moment. I was on early and there wasn't a single VS hotspot indicator to see where allies were. Impossible to have any air atm due to being outnumbered. Game is as good as dead unfortunately as VS on Connery, rather disappointing. Who cares about OP this or OP that when all that truly matters is numbers.
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  11. Flix

    You know what the funny part is? We nearly didnt lost any ground due to that. So those "winnersidejoiners" are worth absolutly nothing. Good luck with those guys NC and TR. HAve fun having a bunch of worthless space-blockers.
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  12. Arkha3

    Don't see the problem here. Wars while being warpgated are the best. UNGODLY amount of certs to come from these situations. This is where certing into all of your vehicles become very handy.

    I wonder though, would people have a problem if warpgate bases were raised above ground as high points instead of being stuck in a crater-like position?
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  13. GrumpyArse

    So the TR slogan of "Loyalty until Death" means nothing to people like you then. Seeing as you will just jump ship if things don't go your way ?

    If I was playing TR I'd kill you on sight.. I can see you are a bit of a comedian tho, in your last comment about NC 2 shotting, that was funny..
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  14. Bill Hicks

    ahahahahahahaahhahahh Most of the VS are flavor of the monthers who flocked there, when the TR got nerfed early on. Makes sense that these kids would move on to the next new thing. Probably all playing lost planet 3 errr I mean dead space 3 lol
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  15. PandoraAce

    Yet another thanks for nerfing VS thread with no actual mention what was nerfed. As far as I know, only the mag rider however range was toned down a bit. This hardly makes VS nerfed...
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  16. Sprintfox

    The interesting thing is, at least when they switch to NC, they aren't that fine with us because of the learning curve, so they end up playing as TR. I mean, OP is talking about 2 shot-kills. I seriously don't know about those kills. Because if they were there, I would have noticed it.

    And I mean, LOLrider isn't anymore a LOLrider, but a magrider as he should be. He isn't anymore the overpwnz-supervehicle it was. And just saying: Anchored Prowlers can't move away. We, the NC, found that out!

    Tactics: What do you need to clear out a zerg with 20 prowlers. Now the funny answer: You only need a higher hill / higher position, 30 HAs to engage on them, 5 AA Maxes, 3 Skyguard-Lightnins, a bunch of medics and engineers. Done.

    But since the most of these kids only mind about being the rambo-bro of your n-hood, they never mind about getting organized. Most of them have a problem with authority. I see it in my own outfit. We've recruited today 50+ new gus. 40+ were kicked out after some hours.

    Good organization, people able to follow orders and able to make recommendations, solves every kind of problem.

    And I personally love tanks which are anchored :)
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  17. Tasogie

    yup same is happening on our server Briggs, most people went to NC, mostly the VS fotm'ers. TR was under 30% today for first time. NC was up at 38-39%.
  18. NightFall

    I'm guessing that you didn't know that the NC SAW was a 2 headshot kill or a 3 bodyshot kill
  19. TheArchetype

    If those pea-shooters can get you any xp in the first place...
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  20. m44v

    Statistics 101: Correlation doesn't mean causation.

    Also nerfing the magrider climbing ability hardly makes the VS underpowered.
    • Up x 3
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