VS pops since patch.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wellknown, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Wellknown

    Is it me or are the VS pops dwindling on miller we avrage 27% + - compared to 35% + NC TR
    i looked on woodman looks the same.
    Does TR or NC have lower pops on any server.
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  2. StrikerSix

    Thats wierd I came on here to post something similar about Waterson
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  3. BadShot

    VS pop has dropped on Helios too.
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  4. Soylent

    Same on Ceres. It isn't until very late hours (12am+) the %es even out. As if the NC and TR for some reason had to go to sleep early *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*.
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  5. rayvon

    Just shows you that gamers are very fickle and/or stupid.
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  6. henpara

    Jeah not since latest patch, but already some time bevore VS is always the lowest pop. Well NC was long time, now its VS. Never it will be all equally. But TR was and still is the most played faction on Miller. And the most crying faction, too HAHA
  7. Haya jii san

    I confirm this for Woodman.

    Yesterday's population :
    26% VS, 36% NC, 40% TR
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    Connery has dipped quite a bit as well.
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  9. Cleaver

    Today was the first time I've seen VS pop over 30% on Ceres since GU02.
  10. DrStrangeLug

    It's dipped on Miller too. The perceived magrider nerf added to the TR boost has seen a lot of population jump fro VS to TR. My outfit has noticed that the last three nights that when they start to get anywhere the TR just roll in en masse and win just by weight of numbers.
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  11. dragondrop

    VS and TR are roughly equal in size on Lithcorp. They dip around the 30% mark, while the NC now constanly has over 40% population thanks to some polish outfit creating a surge unbalancing everything.
    Except not really since they don't seem to get anything useful done. We can usually push the NC to Camp Connery on Indar until they get their zerg rolling back down to Hvar where they ultimately fail every single time.
    Come to think of it, I can't recall the NC really defending any of their bases on the north east, at all.
  12. Zer0range

    Confirmed. The amount of Vanu on Woodman has declined relative to the two other factions.
  13. NightmareP69

    Yup, down to 25% on Ceres. We bearly have the manpower to fight on one continent sometimes.
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  14. JackD

    Yeah because we do have Jobs ;)
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  15. Rectal Exambot

    Yeah same with Briggs, we used to have the most players, now we have the least at about 29% on averge
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  16. LameFox

    That almost seems worth logging in to look at. TR has had the lowest (world) population nearly every time I've checked, occasionally replaced by NC and very rarely VS. Though I do mostly just look when I log in, and then use continent population on the map, but it'd be surprising if it had been changing after I logged in so often. I don't have that many personalities.
  17. allattar

    Yes the vs are disappearing on miller
  18. zukhov

    What do you expect? A couple of balance changes and the 4th faction is leaving you like rats from a sinking ship.You are really much better off without them, they only get in the way.

    This is a direct nerf to NC/TR, whichever is now FOTM with the 4th faction.

    You should now notice - less teamkills, less vehicle flipping, less pointless spam in chat, more objectives achived and an overall a more skilled player base. Your lucky VS - now another Empire has to put up with them.
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  19. Soylent

    I guess that's another way to look at it, but you know, always could use the cannon fodder.
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  20. zukhov

    They are useless even as cannon fodder I'm afraid. They don't leave the spawn room and just supply bonus xp to whoever is capping the base.