[Suggestion] How to ballance NC splatmaxes

Discussion in 'MAX' started by huller, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. huller

    ok, so it is generaly accepted that something needs to be done about the 6 shotguns of doom walking tank that is the NC scattercannon MAX (and variants). The fact that they can almost instagib MAX suits of the other empires at point blank range is generaly viewed as OP as hell (especialy in their natural habitat: biolabs)

    My suggestion is not to nerf the splatmax at all, instead we should increase the default resistance MAX suits have to MAX weaponary. That way scatmaxes can keep their instagib shotguns and the other empires' MAX suits can survive for more than one second against them while not giving the other MAX suits an unfair advantage at all ranges.
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  2. GamerOS

    Your first mistake is to say everyone agrees, your second fallacious argument is forgetting to mention that this insta gibbing only happens within 10 meters and outside of that the TR and VS MAX almost always win.

    But I actually agree with your idea, reducing AI MAX damage against other MAX suits would make for more interesting MAX duels.
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  3. OMGSquirrel

    I like this. Though, rather than Maxes being resistant to all max weaponry, I think they should be somewhat vulnerable to the Max AV weapons.
  4. Ztiller

    No, we don't agree. Just because people agree that it is extremely powerful does not mean that peopel agree that it should be nerfed.

    I really don't see a problem as it is. Yes, the MAX is a beast in the biolabs. But elsewhere he is practically weaker than the other MAXs, due to the increased range of the engagements. In open-field battles, AMP-stations etc. he tends to lose.

    Yes, he is extremely powerful, but even if i play Vanu i don't really think he needs a nerf. We have our magriders, Terrans have their...whatever it is, and NC have their MAXs.

    I just don't like this obsession with nerfing everything that is good. Like everyone keeps saying, the game is supposed to be imbalanced, but evenly across the board.

    NC MAXs are supposed to be incredibly powerful, but within 10 meters. Everywhere else they are useless. They have a very clear and distincs weakness. That is enough for it to be balanced.

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  5. huller

    Edited, dicuss.
  6. Timeraider

    VS/TR MAX is smart, survives initial burst, NC MAX has to reload.. hes dead.

    In my opinion atm other MAX suits losses are caused by incompetence and aside from that also mostly based on 1v5 experiences where they ran in alone without friendly units or an ally engineer. If both MAXes get healed by an engineer.. NC is dead as it can be, since the reload time is so freaking massive.
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  7. drNovikov

    NC max is the only not underpowered thing NC have. And it works only in CQB. Leave it alone, please :)
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  8. Dkamanus

    The thing with resistance to MAX weapons is that it doesn't make sense. MAX weapons are, fluff wise, stronger versions of infantry weapon. Besides, a good deal of damage a NC MAX recieve comes from smart VS/TR MAXes. BEsides, increasing MAX resistance to small weapons is actually a BUFF for the NC MAX even more, since now, people will have to deal me with explosives, which are much harder to do, since I prey those corners much effectively then infantry and enemy MAXes, specially since now they would need to expose themselves even more, being MUCH more vulnerable to explosives then me (since I can take infantry out easily).
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  9. Vadimir

    Ah the "it's not OP you just suck" argument, I hope you realise people have been using that argument to defend OP units since the start of gaming. In fact in this game alone certain people used it to defend esf/libs and certain members of the VS also used it to defend the magrider and we all know what happened to both of them :p.
    While I can't speak for anyone else, for me personally I have no problem with NC MAX's being the king of CQC but when something is "incredibly powerful" that is where I draw the line. Currently the NC MAX outperforms the other MAX's in almost every situation that a MAX is useful in by such a large margin it's not even funny.

    Plus SOE have demonstrated time and again that while they like perfect imbalance, if something is significantly outperforming vs the opposition they will step in and make changed.
    To the OP, the trouble with your solution is that not only does it create the problem that Dkamanus talked about but also currently a NC MAX should never die to a TR or VS MAX due to their high TTK at the range they actually have an advantage. Increasing that TTK would make things worse. I have to agree with Dkamanus, I'm afraid your solution is actually a buff to the NC MAX.

    The main cause of the unbalance is currently the NC MAX gets two fully functioning shotguns while the TR & VS MAX get a single LMG that is restricted to hipfire. Just that on it's own makes the NC MAX OP and that's before you take into account anything else. The only real solution is for either the NC MAX AI guns to be nerfed, the TR & VS AI guns buffed to their level or something in-between.

    If they go the buff route I personally would rather see the TR & VS AI guns have their damage rather than their accuracy buffed. MAX's are meant to be indoor tanks, they have no place outside where actually tanks roam free. Plus giving them too much accuracy would leave the NC MAX trailing in terms of utility.

    I also think giving TR & VS MAX's useful attachments for their AI guns (such as laser sights) would go along way to solve the issue. Currently the NC MAX gets two useful attachments, while the TR & VS MAX's get one that is better than nothing but doesn't provide any where near the same benefit as it does the NC MAX.
  10. Onical

    wen i figured out my friend was playing planetside 2 i was happy. then i figured out he was a NC being a max user who got to lvl 15 mostly using maxes on TR and now lvl 19 on NC i can say that i personally love the TR max more. they both have a very unique play style thought.

    NC your at the door you see the enemy (4 of them )there activating the generator self destruct. first try a bait in tactic. go in a bit fire a round or 2 then fall back behind the door if they come after you you might get 2 kills before your out of ammo then start meeling them if your good at it or reload and hope they don't kill the engineer or you. if they don't fall for it reload and start to move in hoping they think you chickened out. if they spot you charge in then shoot 1 kill him then look at his buddy waste what left of your ammo on it wile falling back towards your engineer who probably giving you cover fire from the door will hopefully finish off the other one. then if you live get repaired wile you guard the door in hopes of ambushing chasers sense you probably finished reloading by now.if they let you repair then repeat. if they chased you with a little luck they should all be dead.

    TR slide in halfway in the door opening and start firing at one of them they will panic and start shooting back. just dodge the missile and keep up suppressive fire and they will stop overloading the reactor and start taking cover. if things went well one of them should be dead and your hp should be ok reload (wile getting repaired) then move in trying to pick them off 1 at a time wile engineer trings to remain safe behind obstacle repairing you. remember to focus on anyone who runining towards you this will scare them off into cover or kill them. you don't want them getting to close or the dead zone will screw you over. fall back if you have to using a fighting retreat.and don't let them kill the engineer. the best part of being a TR max is how hard you are to kill.

    if there a NC max in that room instead of 4 infantry get the engineer to c4 near the door then start shooting at him wile behind halfway in the door for some cover. he will charge at you fall back behind the C4 wile firing at him then wen he closes the corner boom. you win.

    TR has a much easier time staying alive a nicer range reloading is rarely a issue sense your already in cover. the only thing NC has over TR maxes is the very high chance of pulling off the first kill in in seconds. and the great ambush power. if we could trade weapons id gladly give away my shotguns for mercys sense i prefer the killing my enemy wile staying safe next to my engineer aproche.then having to break off from him to kill my enemy's then hope we both live till we regroup.

    i have very little experience with venu but i had 2 blueshifts (or at least i think that what there called) and i did not find them half has bad has people make them out to be. ( got 4 kills before dieing with no engineer)

    well that my thoughts on the matter goodnight all.
  11. Olek

    I don't believe for a second that MAX weapons are stronger versions of the mainstream types, perhaps the Scatt is better than the Jackhammer, but I would trade twin Carv's or Gauss Saws for my twin Mercies any day.
    The only thing I think that makes a MAX good is that it will outlast an opponent 1v1, sometimes 1v2 if their nubs.

    NC MAX's are fine, don't go up against one in close quarters expecting to win, I come up against players in game when in my TR MAX, the smart guys run, the idiots stand there and try to shoot me, the really good players run and leave a suprise if I try to follow them.
  12. omgwtfgg

    You know what scattmaxes hate?

    HA with rocket launchers...
  13. Xasapis

  14. Reis


    Give the MAXes abilities that favor their strengths.

    TR MAX gets MAX Anchor, can't move, shoots faster, reloads faster, weapons have less recoil and spread during the action. Gets a duration and cooldown so it doesn't become a turret for the whole battle.

    Give VS MAXes... uh, limited flight, or speed bursts which they can fire while moving, I guess? Not really sure what would fit. I was going to say energy shield, but NC has that covered.

    NC gets energy shield. Gives up sprint to do so, so you can't rush in and tank hits.

    All sides keep sprint, but nerf it.
  15. y3ivan

    since when NC max could instagib? its need 4-5 shot from a shattershot on a MAX at 15m

    NC max is a horrible choice in areas where theres infantry is fighting in a TEAM and in open spaces.

    i have been playing TR a lot lately, NC max are not threatening towards ground infantry.
  16. Xasapis

    I'd love to see VS maxes climb walls and hang on the ceiling of buildings.

    Vote for VS spidermaxes hehe
  17. Village

    The biggest issue is that NC MAX suits get a completely functional shotgun in 1 hand, while we get 1/2 of an LMG for VS and TR.

    Including full time to empty clip and reload, NC MAX has more than double the DPS of a dual Cosmos MAX.

    For DPS before requiring a reload, NC dual scatMAX has more than FOUR times the DPS of a dual Cosmos vanu MAX

    There is a reason NC can lock-down capture points and generator rooms so much harder than any faction.
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  18. Ztiller

    Within 5-10 meters, yes. Outside of that, my guess would be that it drops by more than 75%.
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  19. Plague Rat

    I play NC and TR on the side, and I'd like to recommend to all of you folks that are still sore about the NC max to actually start up an NC character and take the max suit for a spin. For a real challange, actually toss 7 bucks into it and get a second scatter. (Don't look at me like that we both know you've spent 7 bucks on stupider stuff with even less of a point.) Now actually try using it. See how useful you are when you run into something beyond 20m. You ever get overrun by infintry when all you have on is dual bursters? It's kind of like that. The areas where the scattermax is acutally useful and not a sitting duck is essentially building interiors. I've actually screamed myself hoarse trying to get my teammates on the TR side not to run into the scattermax meatgrinder, but apparently TR on that particular server think hugs are a valid method of killing a MAX, or refuse to understand that VS and NC max's take different tactics to kill... I don't know, I make no attempt to understand the madness.

    See I'm not so much irritated by the cry to have the MAX nerfed/balanced but jaded with people not learning how to dealing with it by now, and that's why I want people to actually TRY the scatter max. Because in my time playing TR with the first hand knowledge of the NC max, the ONLY time I've ever run into one where I didn't have an ample opening to kill it, avoid it, or ignore it entirely because the user refused to come out in the open where it would be easily killable, was in the event of spawn camping, which I haven't see one major instance of since update 02. Thanks to those new spawn rooms one usually has to be more than 10m away to not get helplessly shredded by the folks inside. Even with slugs the best one can expect is 20m becuase you're still stuck hip firing, they're not particuarly accurate, slow velocity, and you still have the small mag. Up to 30m requires luck and leading skill, and beyond that is next to poinless. In fact the often misses with the slugs in practical use make this a substantially slower killer than a VS or TR Max.

    But here are some other things to consider:
    -Max vs Max is a small majoirty of the encounters one might see as a MAX operator, so it's unlikely that will be the cirtera by which the balance it.
    -The vast majority is against infintry and pretty much every class has the tools to deal with the NC max, whether it's just standing back and shooting it, grenades, or rockets, or certing into your classes deployable explosive, which one can easily bait the NC max into walking into thanks to their limited range, they have only two options, close the gap or fall back to where you can't shoot them, and can be ignored. (This is in bold/underline because this is something that people don't seem to ever graps, and needs to be understood, that when dealing with a scattermax, they are extremely powerful in their close range domain, but outside of it, these are literally their only options)
    -Bringing the scattercannons in line with TR and VS weapons at those ranges would leave NC with a weapon that is on par for close range and still useless at long.
    -In a few months MAX's will have flamethrowers. VS and TR will now have their own deadly up-close weapons that can provide area denial, which is one of the major issues people have with the NC MAX, while NC will still be a close range purist.
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  20. Xasapis

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