Broken tanks = more fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Redshift, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Zhorg

    I really agree with OP SOE..

    Make vehicles much harder to come by - You'll keep more players, and new players wont get scared of as easily.
    I remember disliking the game so much when i first started because of all the random HE shell spam.

    You can clearly see, besides the infantry farming tanklovers, most support this suggestion. Just make them harder to get
  2. Fear The Amish

    Kinda reminds me of that few days in beta when MAX's were taken out of the game... (this was after the had no spawn timer and cost no resources so they were the default class to play). Was one of the funnest times in beta we were joking about making a holiday were no one could play max's.
  3. Lionel-Richie

    People are confusing "Combined Arms" with "More Tanks Than Infantry."

    After the fix we had more tanks than infantry. That is not combined arms. That is just World of Tanks with the occasional infantryman or aircraft that insta dies.

    CA means you have Infantry and Armor supporting one another, not "THERE ARE TANKS, WITH A GARNISH OF INFANTRY."

    I want tanks to stay powerful, just fewer in numbers.

    Make MBT be Driver/Gunner separated, 3-seaters. If you want a powerful tank, get friends. If you want to solo tank, get a lightning. Balance! Reduces the number of tanks too.
    • Up x 2
  4. Playful Pony

    Had they only remembered to "break" the Magrider and all the aircraft weapons as well...
  5. Sian

    Just make most vehicles cost more resources. Sunderers are about right. But when I'm pulling lightnings and magriders, I'm getting enough resources via direct action that by the time I have to pull a new one I'm back up to 750. Resources should be a limiting factor on vehicles at least as much as the timer is.
  6. Johnnyseven

    ******* genius. Now we just have to get you into SoE's development management.
  7. Gavyne

    LOL I was quite surprised at how many still played the game and fought with the tanks broken. That definitely should tell you something. And no I don't support the tanks being broken. But I would support the devs continue to find ways for infantry to have good fights without some HE farmer spamming HE to break up good infantry battles.

    We all know resources revamp is coming, and the devs already know players want better infantry fights so we should see more battles where vehicles can't access in the future.
  8. Zapon

    I , and several OTHERS here, KNEW people would make this claim due to thi bug

    -When i started playing online console games, i played SOCOM 3- the SOCOMS were always super realistic(Go look at Confrontation's thermal scope- you'll think every other game(not counting ARMA series) is GARBAGE- ) - , but you could have awesome tank battles between T-72's and Bradleys. And yes, it was one driver, one gunner, etc-

    I had so much fun in that game... i wished a game could that and scale it up

    Since then, there have been some decent games in the vein of combination combat. I didnt play the online for the Battlefields- ,but i played COD- they're polished, but still arcade games- and it gets more and more obvious ever since MW2.

    I played Warhawk- combinational, scale was decent- Starhhawk(watered down mostly)

    - I wanted Star Wars Battlefront 3- that had such a combinational focus- it was the first game ot build the engine tech to go from ground to sky to orbit, to SPACE- all in one map. Yes, that powerful

    It would have curbstomped Planetside 2 in terms of what you could do- well, everything except scale and numbers of people- and if thy add Vehicle AND space combat in PS2(unlikely), then they'd beat them.

    I played MAG- and fell in love with commanding COMPANIES of 4 platoons, 128 people(127, not counting me)- and Loved MMOFPS games- but then, i noticed it was limited to infantry combat. It still was pretty awesome -as the battles involved multiple platoons - and frankly, the fights were BIGGEr than 99% of fights i see here in PS2.

    Lol, that's where i made that silly "the infamous Raven leader Zapon" title//
    - but MAG didn't have vehicles aside from APCs similar to sundies.

    Planetside 2 advertised itself as thousands of players fighting in a combinational way. That's WHY we came to the game- for what it can offer.

    Of course, we don't have battles of 800 vs 800- sadly, the servers can only hold 2000 per map- and that's not big enough.
    Sadly, the maps are only 8 square KM....

    But, it's a mini version of just what things could be- and is still pretty fun.

    So here we have a bug where most tanks are useless- but some of us want BIGGER tank battles than currently exist. Where can you get that?
    I dont play it but i doubt you can get 300 vs 300 tanks in world of tanks.

    So, why remove a niche that PS2 offers?

    Because they aren't as rare? Well, then what about satsifying those of us who want to take it to the next level?

    this is why PS2 needs to scale up. This is why i was calling for 600 m/s shells for all tanks. Everything needs to be scaled up, and so on- PS2 is a game of "large", in multiple ways. So we should push it to the limit, because there isn't anything better. There might not ever be. There don't have to be winners and losers in this-

    -simply putt, more fun? I played MAG- and you had WAY BETTER, LARGER infantry combat than in PS2's current state.

    I'll get heat for this- but i hear that ARMA 's hyper-realism ended up making it a case where infantry don't get "farmed", etc, etc. Perhaps we should take page out of their book. Not to mention they hold the number one spot in terms of immersion. Planetside2 could rival them easily, no doubt....but only if people can see it and will for it
  9. Zapon

    also, this, much

    Who cares that i can spawn a tank, maybe get killed 10 mins in and have to wait 10 for another? There's nothing wrong with that(i'd say tanks need a massive armor buff against everything non-tank except maybe aircraft).

    If there's a tank zerg attempting a thunder run- why act like that's not a valid tactic? The idea then should be to get some tanks of your own going and meet them in a massive battle- which is where PS2 is at it's best.

    Farming, and spamming spawn kills- is only a factor in base design. That isn't a tank problem, because the devs noted farming is done mainly by infantry
  10. Zapon

    except i want better, bigger, longer lasting tank fights here as well

    No other game offers anything similar, so if you limit tanks, those similar to me have nowhere to go... and while i don't, a LOT play PS2 just for reasons like that....
  11. Gavyne

    I want big tank battles too, but I want those big tank battles to not affect infantry everywhere. So you see the difference? I think big tank battles will happen more often once they implement continent locking. Once people have to play on Esamir more where things are more open, and there are less narrow canyons, you'll naturally see more tanks. But then you'll also see more air heh, so choose your poison.
  12. Zapon

    now here's the proble,

    I'm 1000% for 2 , or 3, or 4 man MBT's(they still need to be buffed though- tanks do not survive long in fights at all- these days C4 ensures that)

    - but what do i do when i want to run 2 platoons worth of all tanks, and attempt a thunder run? With a well balanced weapon's spread?
  13. Zapon

    #1. big tank battles don't affect infantry- in PS2 if a tank zerg fight happens- infantry are the ones interfering and causing pressure on a logistics side with rockets...

    infantry are only affected when vehicles tend to go where infantry are vunerable- and proceed to do so.

    Mind you, you can't fullu have them seperate- but doesn't the problem you mention result more from bad base design? which is where the infantry fights are supposed to happen?

    Finally, there needs to be a way for vehicles to provide fire support- otherwise there's no point to tanks. we have to have a little realism here....

    2. It still won't be enough. You'll have more than twice as many infantry battles as tank battles.

    And since we dont want to leave anyone out- you also won't see as many air battles either.
  14. Gavyne

    Part of it yes, base design could be more infantry friendly and more anti vehicles & air. Part of it no, because in games like Battlefield: Bad Company 2, they show you how infantry can coexist with tanks & air. You have battles that go from start to finish, where infantry is at the heart of the battles all around. Tanks & air are just supporting roles for infantry. I suppose the key to that game is that there are always a limited number of tanks & air, unlike this game where tanks & air could become overwhelming. Also in BC2 you don't have hover tanks that could strafe side to side, or climb hills where they aren't supposed to climb.

    What you are looking for is probably in Bad Company 2, too bad the game isn't that well populated anymore. Planetside 2 has favored vehicles (both air & ground) since the beginning. It has taken devs 3 months to realize more people prefer infantry than vehicles, and that most people hate air superiority. Unfortunately many have left the game already so it's gonna be interesting to see where they take this game.
  15. Zapon

    You mention that vehicle combat isn't preferred to infantry - but i want to enjoy vehicles where they have a massive role, with infantry being a major factor, but not necessairly greater

    my brother has BC2....I dunno, SOCOM 3 back in the day had a better mix i'd daresay.(tempted to bring up SWBF2 as well)
  16. Keiichi25

    Gimping the resources won't be the quick solution either. And technically, the bases being redesigned will take time, yes, but at the same time, the 'basics' were there as well.
  17. Keiichi25

    As a solo person, you can't kill air. In a group of mass AA, you can kill small fleets of air.
  18. Craeshen

    The only way I could see supporting a longer timer for tanks @ this point is if they got an hp buff and the prowler's back got redesigned so the hit box for 2.5x damage was a lot smaller trying to push up even with infantry support can be quite difficult because lock on launcher's are becoming very prevalent and a deci to my tanks rear means I'm burning.

    The only way fewer vehicles become viable is if they are a lot stronger. That said it was nice earlier to have some good fights with the nc over one of the pass check point's I also learned the 666 can't place a sundy to save their lives lol ( 5 in a row parked in the worst places possible for them.) 1 thing the magrider has going for it is that tiny rear hit box.
  19. Vertabrae

    Armor/air costs should be much higher, and reset the timer for when the last one is destroyed. Right now 60 people take a base, 57 of them want to spawn a tank, and 56 of them refuse to leave the tank to help cap the next base.
  20. Keiichi25

    If they ever did that... They would seriously need to rework the XP/cert thing on vehicles to make it worthwhile to even do that... At the same time, you will find that vehicles will need to go 'back to the basics'... Or allow modular design, because fielding a tank and having a 'good weapon' that someone else use, you are hoping you get a gunner that is worth a damn, and drive handling shouldn't suck, but right now, it sucks.

    From experience in Planetside 1... The transport vehicles only worked well when you had outfits working together, but this game is not just outfits, but a bunch of random people who don't know how to do basic teamwork. The lowest common denominator will still be allowing the Single, lone-wolf player to be able to play with a bunch of other lone-wolves. But by doing that, the vehicle concept has to be revamped and more vehicles enabled, which is probably not the direction you want to go for either.