Dev team now has to work on a Sunday

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FXRiot, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. GImofoJoe

    Whoever did the Saturday hotfix add a lot more problems than the original patch.
  2. Drenzul

    Its not the dev's fault, it's whoever decided this patch was ready to release with clearly insufficient testing prior to release.

    The hotfix is in some ways far more forgiveable(dispite the greater bugs), because its meant to be a quick fix to an existing problem, but why it wasn't rolled back pretty much immediately, I'll never know.

    I think its a case of certain higher-up's pride and not wanting to just roll-back the game to pre-patch and get the patch fixed up before re-releasing it, who that was we'll probably never know, but some people just don't like ever admitting that they made a mistake.
  3. Sharpe

    So, this afternoon I was making some tea. While I was waiting, I looked out the window and the sky was apparentely falling.
    I paid no attention to it and went back to my tea, but I noticed there was a storm brewing in the cup.
    Weirdest thing.
  4. Playful Pony

    I perfectly well understand that they are people, hard working I'm sure, that would like some time off. I don't actually care who you are though, if you haven't done your job well you'll have to sort it out. A mess of this magnitude certainly isn't a good thing, and if they hadn't had the time to properly test things they SHOULDN'T HAVE RELEASED IT! Most people were patient, many praised the fact that the dev's took some extra time to properly finish the patch before launching it. Turns out it wasn't so...

    I haven't lost my patience, and I'm not about to. I'm also not going to hold back on stating what is wrong, what needs to be fixed and when I feel they have performed bellow expectations. The lowest of expectations I had for this patch and it's "optimizations" was that it would not improve at all. It didn't even occur to me that it would completely destroy my FPS and make the game unplayable. It's not a crisis, I have other games I can play and other things I can do. What it means though, is that I'm not spending my time and my money on Planetside, and that should be a concern for the developers.

    It's hurting them more than anyone, and I wish they will be more careful in the future.. I like this game and I want to see it do well.
  5. Dkamanus

    I disagree. Incompetence does not come only from a programming point, but from a larger perspective point. They are deliberatly trying to save some smed bucks avoiding to have a test server. Smaller fixes, no problem, put them in the game (wednesdays) and if problems arrive, try to fix them. But imagine if EVERY SINGLE GAME UPDATE, the game would break in ways noone would consider it would? Can't it be avoided? NO!, Can it be minimized? YES! It's called Test Servers.

    World of Wacraft has it, EVE Online has it, both need this in order to deliver the stable final version of the Game update. You can't expect people to be pacient, specially the ones that pay for a product, but they can wait a little longer for a better game. One thing is for someone to be impacient towards a feature that is needed to be inside and it isn't yet. But having a game that was running quite good, only to have it run real bad, to a complete freeze is incompentence on a manegerial level.

    They need to stop resisting this, it's imperative to have something like this. It bring an image of care for their product to their clients, it brings peace of mind for their developers, and more green dollars to their wallets, since the clients stay happier with better software. SOE must stop avoiding the stress test server and put one online. Having such a major feature as TANK BATTLE destroyed on a patch just demoralizes even more future clients, since there's a tank game like World of Tanks who doesn't have to deal with these sort of things anymore.

    Players CAN wait 1 week. What they CAN'T wait is six months for a small feature. EVE Online does their way with 6 month expansion packs and it works. WoW does its Major patches and expansions from months to months. You guys are doing it very differently here, but a tool to have it working like test servers IS required, to give a player's perspective BEFORE hitting the servers.

    I just got VERY pissed off when I saw my Vanguard (Which was working perfectly last night) not work on the next, thanks to hotfix that fixed...something. A week long stress test on a separate server would have spared all the STRESS on everyone's minds and wouldn't make SOE look like a careless bussiness who cares only about the money while giving the shaft to its clients.

  6. Camel

    Came back wondering if it is worthwhile logging in today. Last night TR was holding up quite well despite having no tanks. In some sense variations like this make the game more fun. It changes the game, make people think out of the box. Lots of heavies, lots of air (although air was also not working for me reliably).

    I wonder what the solution is for the next patch, maybe you could open a few beta servers to give people who are interested a preview pre-release, that might expand test coverage.

    I suspect in the end that a lack of good testing comes down to schedule pressure. Testing got squeezed in an effort to make a date. Patches were still coming in from developers last minute. From a player perspective I'd rather the patch slipped a week and was really well tested and developed by people who are getting enough sleep rather than a rush job delivered early. You see as a player the patch is like a Christmas present, if you give me the present next week I will like it just has much as if you give it to me this week. Planetside 2 is already so much fun.

    I also agree with the sentiment that you shouldn't listen too much to the complainers. Blah Blah is over powered. If it is over power you just need to think your way around it. The changes to the game are great, not for balance but for shaking stuff up and giving us something new to play with. I love when you change the layout of the bases, it helps to mix it up, make it fresh again.

    Right now it seems everyone plays on Indar because there's not enough population for 3 continents. Sitting on a cap point is boring. Somehow a mechanic is needed to make the armies flight more. Last night there was a swirl on the map as each faction fought back through it's old territory to reclaim it's old warpgate. I felt a bit sad when I realized it was futile because the warp gates cannot be captured, but that is for practical reasons.
  7. Mehuge

    Problem with a test server, it will likely be deserted, unless there is some incentive to test on it (free SC per hour). Some people will test on it sure, but I doubt it would get the numbers required to stress test. At least thats my experience of test servers. Deserted.
  8. Galantis

    Sorry but releasing a patch with this man bugs is really showing incompetence. I can understand having a few issues after patches but this beyond reasonable and completely unprofessional. And coming from someone who's done 16 hour days 6 day weeks with no overtime and a lot less pay, go cry me a river, your jobs are not that hard.
  9. Moh819

    ITS THEIR JOB !@ they chose that career !
  10. Sowahka

    Yeah, I can't believe how hostile everyone is on here. It's like a bunch of kids that had their videogames taken away for the weekend because they were naughty. Except it's a bunch of adults that can still actually play their games. Everyone on here is just being insanely melodramatic.
  11. Dkamanus

    People love checking out new contents. ALWAYS! People go to test servers only to do so, and in this case, it would be 1 server open only.
  12. LameFox

    Eh, it'd get bored before it reached the top at that rate anyway.
  13. Iksniljiksul


    I always work holidays and weekends. Weekends are nothing special, who ****ing cares. Fix the game.
  14. Nonsensei436

    If, as an end user, you were forced to pay any money for this game I would agree with you.
  15. kill

    The nerd rage on this forum is pretty embarrassing.

    what a pack of ingrates. SOE should have let the game rot until next week. no wonder they don't bother communicating on the official forums. enjoy your superbowl sunday, entitlement kids.
  17. Arcanum

    Pretty sure they said something about test servers before. Might have been or become a lie, but they did. Or maybe they're not meant to test minor updates(let's be honest) like this one.
  18. MeowMix986367

    I'm appreciative that they're coming in to work during the Superbowl Sunday. I have a feeling who ever greenlit the patch the weekend before the Superbowl is going to be strung up by their toenails when this is over, though.

    That said, the bugs are serious enough to warrant another hotfix. Vanu being able to shoot through shields with the new SMG is game breaking enough, let alone all the tank bugs.
  19. FigM

    They wouldn't need to work on the weekend if instead of previous hotfix they rolled back the patch to previous working version

    But because they are too stubborn to admit failure, they have to suffer, and players have to suffer.
    Nobody would cry over spending another week playing previous patch! It's much better than being stuck with what we have now.
  20. Rusky

    Oh wow, I sure hope you're playing TR with that attitude.