Anti-tank mines should not be usable as C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cilrael-sa-Altarii, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Mootar

    If engineers keep killing your sunderer with AT mines, there are 2 possible reasons;

    1) You didn't protect your sunderer - Your fault.
    2) You deployed your sunderer in a place that wasn't defensible. - Your fault

    Engineers don't teleport from the spawn to your sunderer, if you constantly park it in places that allow an enemy to get to it, without having to dodge/kill your entire force, the problem is not AT mines.

    If all of that is too complicated, get mineguard, then you can whine about C4 instead.
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  2. Zcuron

    The problem; Vehicle death.

    Origin; Engineer in melee range of vehicle.

    The proposed solution; Nerf one of the two possible tools he can use to kill your vehicle.

    I just don't understand some people.
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  3. Monnor

    You have no idea how something work in real life. Ever heard something about magnetic trigger ?
  4. Gisgo

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  5. Zizzo

    Suicide-engineers are relentless little buggers.
  6. Roxputin

    Just like half of the posts above you only suicidal engineers have to use their brains to sneak up on their targets and kill it with their broken weapon.
  7. FateJH

    Quoting myself, from another thread:
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  8. t31os

    Someone revived yet another AT mine thread to go along with the other new one... well done.

    Same logic applies here though, AT Mines work as intended and do what they are intended to, and all that power can be stopped with 1 or 2 upgrades in the Mine Guard cert path, at a mere fraction of the cost of the AT Mines. 1 upgrade in Mineguard will protect from most engineers that only carry 2 mines.

    Mine Guard is the solution to your AT Mine problem, if you choose not to use it then you are accepting the risk of being mined(i accept this risk with my AMS, i don't have MG certed).
  9. Aerensiniac

    Only that mineguard protects from damage coming from below, just like any other armor directional armor piece, meaning that should the mines land on top of the vehicle or (in any way, shape or form) outside of the lower 180° arc, it will take full damage from it.
    Especially fun on deployed sunderers.
    You cant even say that the engineer armed the mine with one hand and raised the sunderer with the other. The engi simply threw it on the top of it and everybody went home.

    For the millionth time: If you dont know what a mine stands for, then at least do not post.
    It is and will always be a passive/defensive area denial weapon, so either rename the mines in PS2 to "Minerade" or fix this nonsense already.
  10. MarkAntony

  11. t31os

    Shall we all agree they're just named wrong then and move on?

    I have a feeling you don't just want the name changed, you're welcome to correct me if i'm mistaken.
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  12. Aerensiniac

    Hidden in someone's underwear.
    I cant even log in due to this awesome patch 02, so i fear you will have to either get acquainted with how the damage is calculated in PS2 or test it out for yourself using a buddy with a mine and a sunderer. Alternatively: Do both so you at least have an idea what you are talking about. Tyvm.
  13. Aerensiniac

    Then just rename them and fix the degree bug associated with it where mineguard blocks only damage from the 180° below arc.
  14. Mootar

    WAAAAAAAAAAAH I want SOE to make changes to compensate for my incompetence.

    Who decided to deploy a sunderer in a place where engineers could drop "minerades" on it?
    Who failed to defend their precious sundy?
    Who deployed a sunderer in a place that was easy to infiltrate as an enginner?

    Nah you're totally right, they should nerf anything that is an inconvenience to terrible players, either that or you should stop sucking.
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  15. MarkAntony

    1. Be less of an arrogant *****.
    2. As far as I know mineguard prevents damage from mines not damage coming from a specific direction.
    3. Even if it doesn't all that means is people need to learn to pick good spots to park their AMSs.
  16. FateJH

    I think they should rename both tank mines and "proximity mines" because all mines in this game are "proximity"-based. "Anti-Personnel Explosive" and "Anti-Vehicle Explosive," with the flavor text that both are proximity-based upon arming. C4 is a general purpose explosive that is live man switch triggered, with no arming time, still called "C4." That good enough?
  17. Aerensiniac

    Ookay... i shall maybe reply to this in detail tomorrow, once the pot you smoked has gotten out of your system?
    I mean damage zones are clearly depending on skill and competence... i heard if you are skilled enough you can reduce the vehicle's lower arc of 180° to 5 degrees.
    Just fold it together so it wont have a bottom i guess.

    On a more serious note: What did you smoke? loled
  18. Aerensiniac

    They shouldnt have named them anything related to a mine to begin with. Its a proximity bomb. Has nothing to do with a mine, and trust me. Would i have known this, i wouldnt have bothered to cert into C4, but there i went and assumed that a mine is actually a mine... silly me.
  19. Mehuge

    Its a proximity sensor (with a arming delay), not a motion sensor.
  20. Mootar

    Engineers cannot fly, damage zones would not be an issue if you denied the engineer the ability to get above you in the first place, if you deploy a sunderer in a place where engineers can easily access it from above, you are terrible.
    Engineers are not invisible, if you cannot see him running towards your sunderer and kill him, or you deployed in a place that made it easy for the engineer to get to the sunderer without being spotted, you are terrible.

    So if you find your sunderer regularly dying to an engineer running up to it and placing AT mines, it is entirely your fault, no amount of nerfs will stop you being bad, only you can do that by not sucking.
