Dev team now has to work on a Sunday

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FXRiot, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. FXRiot

    From John's twitter.

    That sucks a left nut. John, please do give them some time off. We'll eventually organize a community vacation where all PS2 players agree to shut down the forums and give the staff a week off, and if anyone complains we'll feed them to a wild boar.
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  2. Mehuge

    So they bloody well should have to, they produced a pile of ****, so boo hoo them is they have to do overtime to fix it. I am a software developer and you know what, if I send out a load of bug ridden crap, then I have to stop what I am doing and start fixing it immediately. The trick is, don't send out a load of tripe, then you can relax on a weekend.
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  3. Aerensiniac

    More like all players uninstall this piece of oreo to hell and soe can do whatever they want to.
    They wouldnt be in this situation if they had bothered to test their code in the first place. It would be slowly time for SOE to understand: A beta realm/test server is not an option but a necessity.

    You can book it here and now that at least half of the players wont be able to play for a week after patch 03 and 04 either.
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  4. Tvayumat

    It's constantly amazing to me the people that come in and babble about the "poor devs" having to actually do their jobs.

    A lot of people in this world work a lot harder at more important jobs for less pay, so no, I'm not sorry that the poor, disenfranchised employees at SOE have to give up their Sunday to fix the pile of **** that is GU2.

    Grow up.
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  5. NC_agent00kevin

    I dont have any sympathy for a team having to work Sunday that produced such garbage as this patch and hotfix. It was obviously halfassed due to the weekend and had there been any testing at all, it would be very obvious that it was utter garbage. It took about 2 minutes of gameplay to find all of these glaringly obvious bugs.

    Im not one to go trash a dev team as I make Source Mods when Im not gaming, but this is inexcusable. Completely inexcusable. I spend more time testing my Mod work than I do actually modding. I dont even get paid for this stuff, but I feel I have an obligation to release something that is playable and not broken in every aspect.

    INB4 'its free to play'

    I paid for weapons, I paid for a membership; maybe you didnt, but I did.
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  6. Rivenshield

    That's life in the IT industry, kids. They don't get paid time and a half for overtime, either. (I'm a technical writer, so I do. Possibly the only perk of being support staff). :D

    On the other hand, they make well in excess of $100K a year... so don't feel *too* sorry for them.
  7. Daioh

    shhh!!! don't say anything positive about SOE, its not welcome here!
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  8. Stargazer86

    Measure twice, cut once.

    Then you'd avoid even being in this situation.
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  9. LameFox

    ...I guess I can sleep later, some of this stuff seems too good to miss.
  10. Jaquio

    They could have waited to ship the patch til Monday.

    But they didn't. And they released a well-meaning but pretty sloppy product.

    The chain of decision-making all comes from their end.
  11. Isila

    As a software developer myself, if I put out a patch that fundamentally broke one of our products for our users, I would have two options: Come in and stay in until it was fixed, or find another job. I don't expect it to be any different for other software developers just because their product happens to be a video game rather than business software.
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  12. Eleo

    I don't know what kind of jobs you guys have but pretty much anyone I know work saturday, even a lot of them also work sunday.
  13. FXRiot

    Hey, did you guys know we're all floating thousands of miles per hour on a giant organic space ship through mother ******* SPACE!?

    What's that about a bug in a game again you were so furious about?

    People need to gain some perspective sometimes.

    Tell you what, they get everything stable, and THEN we'll let them have a week off because god forbid the color of your UI is incorrect, or a Magrider can climb a steep hill for a few days.
  14. Rivenshield

    Yep yep yep. And I'd have to come in at 5:30 on Monday -- or work at home on Sunday -- updating the help files or patch release notes or what-have-you-may so that the user base would understand what was going on.

    Most end users have no idea what a complex, slow-moving beast software development is... or what a ruthlessly results-oriented work environment it requires.

    That won't prevent me from nerdraging over the fundamentally flawed aspects of the application, mind.
  15. NC_agent00kevin

    As a Construction Inspector, Tester and QC/QA representative, I approve this message.
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  16. Talizzar

    Be glad that I was not their boss. They might have been coming in on a Sunday to be handed pink slips after this abomination.

    Probably time to re-evaluate their pay structure. They should not be paid as professionals, that is for certain.
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  17. Doogle

    Some people on these fourms....
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  18. TotalNoob

    OP works for the NHS?
  19. FXRiot

    serious business.
  20. Aerensiniac

    F*** i loled... i lose, you got me.