Matherson TR is horrrible.....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterCheef, Feb 1, 2013.

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  1. LoveJuices

    Haha oh God, it is like clockwork. Rile up one of you and the next thing you know the thread is a sea of red and suspiciously none faction aligned posters dropping lines about how great and organized TE is between the hours of 5-11pm! Come join the Enclave! Endorsed by Bazz Corp.

    Do you guys get a cookie each time you name drop?
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  2. JerryMouse

    I think you're all missing the point. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE FIGHT AT ANY GIVEN TIME. While I can't speak for everyone my ONLY problem with The Enclave is the the way you congregate at one base and ignore the rest of the map. It's even worse when your "fight" is just you throwing yourselves ( and half of the remaining TR ) into a meat grinder you never had a prayer of winning anyway. Meanwhile the OTHER empire moves out and takes half the map, and I'm not talking about ghost capping behind us I mean tank columns rolling, aircraft flying, full armies of infantry marching, MOVING OUT. There are plenty of opportunities for good fights here. Only one problem, you have concentrated 2/3 of our total population at a single base, and the rest of us have not even the slightest hope of holding back an ENTIRE EMPIRE. If you actually bothered to look at the map and go where you're NEEDED you would be the heros of the server. As it is you're just the Zerg Mk 2.
  3. JerryMouse

    Your influence on the map is exactly the problem. Namely the way you let all of our territory get capped by what ever empire you aren't focused on.

    If you want to have your " fun", fine we can't stop you. But don't act like you contribute anything useful to the empire.
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  4. Sharmanti

    Server trans inc. Should make a thread getting all good TR to join a server
  5. Cyridius

    This is simply not true. Sorry.

    Buzz has said over Orders countless of time "We have X, focus on Y"
    "TE has the NC kept in, focus on VS"

    Yes, when we've hit a particularly good fight, or we're trying to draw more TR to a particular location to free ourselves up, we will give Orders for people to congregate on specific locations or focus on particular areas.

    Watch his stream. You will see him give orders to his squads to branch out and fight where it's required. You think we'd win anything if we sent half our forces to the other side of the map? God no, we can't be everywhere, and we aren't half of the TR population either.

    Not to mention, reports of other players of "Massive tank column pushing on X" often turn up fruitless - we'd have shifted 3 platoons of people to one location - either by wasting our Hot Drop, stopping us acting quickly for the next 15mins, or by having all of us pull Galaxies only to drop on a totally dead location.

    And to add, the map system right now is horribly inaccurate and slow to update. We could all hot drop on a red alert "Platoons Detected" zone and we'd fine out <1mins after we landed the enemy presence is reduced to "Squads Detected".

    We would rather stick with a fight we know is there than waste everybody's time, concede ground everywhere, on the off chance there's a fight at that location. It's just not feasible.

    The sad thing about it all is, not even the TR know where we are 90% of the time, no matter how we try to keep people updated. This leads to alot of misconceptions and misunderstandings on everybody's part.
  6. omgBAMF

    Oh, so all those time's we've cracked NC scatmax biolab farms and freed up TR soldiers from throwing themselves into a meatgrinder wasn't "useful to the empire"? As I have said before... WE CANNOT BE EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME. Nor do we want to be. We focus on VS, there is nobody to keep NC in line. We fight the NC and then there is nobody fighting the VS. We can't keep the entire continent in check when we only run 2.5 platoons on average. Now... if we could field 25 squads like we have sometimes, then we can talk about holding back 2 factions and falling back to do ***** work like stopping ghost cappers.
  7. JerryMouse

    I don't know if you're biased or just unobservant, but I can literally count on one hand the number of times TE has moved away from a warp gate once they've committed. Also the ONLY thing I've ever seen Buzz broadcast on the orders channel is along the lines of " ALL TR CONVERGE ON *X*, IGNORE THE VS/NC ". Never once during the time I've played has he told anyone to push anything other than YOUR objective.
  8. JerryMouse

    You may break a Biolab here or there, but the majority of the time YOU are the ones stuck in the meatgrinder, while your leaders spam the orders chat screaming for reinforcements.
  9. FailasaurusRex

    so by your statement TE = all of TR? Once ops start everyone on the server becomes TE and TE only. rest of TR non existent.

    your posts reeks of soloist whining "the rest of us have not even the slightest hope of holding back an ENTIRE EMPIRE."
    also lack of enjoyment of the game.

    for the sake of your enjoyment PLEASE JOIN A FACTION. any faction that is organized. BWC, AOD on and on. any of the many factions that call mattherson home. forget TE by your statement i guess we are self indulgent and chronic not-give-a-damners.

    Soloing doesnt contribute anything useful to the empire either.

    PLEASE JOIN A FACTION...for the sake of your own enjoyment. I say this not with a wagging finger, but with an understanding that butting heads against armor and air + infantry that is organized just isnt fun when you're a loose hodge-podge of individuals.
  10. omgBAMF

    There are only a few reasons why we would leave a camped WG.
    1. the rest of the camped faction's players are at the crown or a biolab
    2. the camped faction's players have left the continent to ghost cap Amerish or Esamir.

    Have you ever thought as to why Buzz would say "ALL TR CONVERGE ON *X*, IGNORE THE VS/NC"? It's usually because we are moving on to secure other important territory and need the pubbies to finish the fight. He tells players to ignore VS/NC because one of them is usually weaker atm and not a threat. Sure they may take some territories while we concentrate elsewhere, but they are just a handful ghost capping. The areas they take are quickly resecured within an hour, so its not really a big deal if they push north into TR hexes.

    We move around so much that there are many times we don't get cap XP. You need to look at the bigger picture and see that we're trying to use the pubbies to bolster front lines, but all you see is "everyone zerg here". Have you ever watched an entire one of our ops? I doubt it. Buzz spends half his time looking at the map to see enemy movements. There tell players to ignore VS/NC.
  11. Isila

    Not to get too deeply involved in this lovely poo-flinging contest, but just to put a point on this little bit here:

    One man's 'meatgrinder' is another man's 'good fight'. If I'm given the choice between killing blue and purple traitors in steady supply at a biolab, or rolling some backwater outpost to spend 10 minutes getting there, capping the point, spawncamping the two dudes that show up to defend it and then getting back out? I'll be taking the 'meatgrinder' every time.

    This is a problem with PS2 currently. Nobody wants to fight for anything. The instant they run into any resistance they just leave and go take some nearby territory that's being 'defended' by three newbies on flashes. The word 'farm' is overused in this game, more than it was in the original Planetside, which is saying a whole hell of a lot. People say they 'farmed' their opponents any time their base wasn't immediately rolled by a massive overpop. Nobody is ever willing to attack a base, see that the original tactic doesn't work, then try again with a different tactic until they crack the nut because they're all so goddamn scared of forum nerds posting HAW HAW WII FARMED YEW. Nobody views the game in terms of "We were at a base, the enemy came to the base, we had a good fight for a while, eventually the fight ended", it's all a bunch of slack-jawed "WE MADE MORE PURDY COLORS THAN YEW WE WIN!" What exactly are people 'winning'? Sure as **** isn't anything meaningful.

    It's a sickness and it should be rooted out and destroyed. You play an FPS game to shoot dudes. If all you want to do is turn swaths of maps pretty colors, go get a coloring book, it's purpose-built for that and you don't have to put up with internet trashtalking.
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  12. JerryMouse

    I AM a member of an outfit, a small on admitedly, and I greatly enjoy the time I spend playing with them. However we find ourselves more often than not trying to hold back insurmountable odds because, surprise, TE is running ops and the the rest of the Zerg are following after you like they almost always do. In the past few days alone we have come incredibly close to capping Indar , only to fail as The Enclave finds their " fight " and ceases to contribut in any meaningful way. You may not be half of the population but you always manage to drag it to where you are due to orders chat spam.
  13. omgBAMF

    Proof? Didn't think so. However, I can link you to several instances of us breaking biolabs at will.

    HVAR Tech is a different story only because the VS love to protect their magriders. Their entire faction shows up to defend once they see it's under attack, and eventhough we may try, we cannot hold back an entire faction by ourselves. We are not so big as to refuse asking for help in taking a facility.
  14. omgBAMF

    This right here is why we differ in opinions. We look for a fight. We look for the spots on the map that say "Enemy Platoons Detected".

    What we don't look for is a way to cap a continent. There is no point in having 2 whole squads or more sitting in an empty base "defending"... waiting for some other outfit squad to finish doing their thing on the other side of the map.

    Watching TE's stream on a regular basis I gotta say that I envy everyone who is lucky enough to play on Mattherson, regardless of faction or outfit. The battles must be jawdropping.
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  16. Ultramarine

    A lot of what was mentioned here is exactly why I joined WMD. The leaders intentionally send the platoons to areas the NC are losing, leaving only single squad small teams in places that need ghost capping, and will move where the fight is or sabotage an enemies front line by back capping and ambushing their counter offensive. The leaders throw so much into tactics they rarely get to make carts because they spent the whole battle watching the map. It's a group I'm proud to be a part of.
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  17. FailasaurusRex

    Oh i see. Id like to apologize on behalf of TE for starting such a massive and fun fight that even noobs and zergs see the fun in it.
    Also would like to thank you for being so tactical and empire minded for that all so important 10%.
    Also would like to thank you for that all these posts giving me a better view of how outsiders perceive thing as being hopeless when TE isnt their to save the day. :p
  18. Ultramarine

    Why are the people supporting the enclave being directly disrespectful? It's one thing to argue with opinion and data and another to behave in a demeaning way. I hear buzz encourages that though? Maybe that's why? Either way disrespect for other members of the same community is not ok
  19. JerryMouse

    Again you all miss the point. I can understand looking for a good fight, but the fact of the matter is leaving your team to hang in the wind is a dick move no matter what. As for "painting pretty colors" that's the point of the game. If I wanted to play a pure FPS and "kill some dudes" I'd go play section 8, It's by far a superior FPS. I play planetside 2 for it's scale and the many ways you can actualy " fight ". Some of my favorite experiences are playing as an engineer and pairing up with a max or keeping a sunderer alive to support the front line. The feeling of contributing to something larger is what makes this game for me. So when I have to watch as whoever TE decided not to fight today completely roll over our flank and right up to our warp gate, undoing hours worth of fighting inside of minutes because you can't be bothered to stop "killing dudes" long enough to actually read the map and go kill people where we need you to, yeah that upsets me.
  20. LoveJuices

    Remember forever, always in our hearts.

    RIP Dagger 9 - This World didn't deserve you.

    Shame Babz edited out the final moments of Dagger 9 during the Mesa Contingency. At the very least he knows enough shame to recognize that berating and verbally whipping one of his underlings for no reason may be bad for recruitment numbers.
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