TR WON!!! Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The King, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. The King

    "In addition to the live event, the player community was able to participate in three online challenges. Here's the scorecard from the three challenges:"

    The live event is what it was based on.

    The scorecard was what we were able to participate in.
    This had nothing to do with the live event in regards to an empire winning.

    TotalBiscuit won it on the live event. He led the TR to be victorious.
    However, the Vanu won the challenges.
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  2. VSDerp

    popular vote is op..NERF!
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  3. sebo

    it was rigged the whole time...
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  4. Caydn

    TR won ?
    lol wont be wasting my time on this again , Im NC but I would have awarded it to vanu
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  5. Grotpar

    It's fine.

    We know how things really are.
    Be calm, anger is not the path to enlightenment.
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  6. Verisimilituder

    So maybe Tobuscus didn't get kicked (just) due to incompetence, maybe he also refused to throw the fight and so had to be replaced?
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  7. Cougarbrit

    Superior propaganda obviously. We convinced the masses we were the deserving victors through a series of TB promotionals and free rations for voters.
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  8. ReNiki

    Nerf Total Biscuit.
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  9. VSDerp

    Tr might won the people choice but didn't win the battle!
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  10. orthus2

    cause SOE and all the ps2 devs only care about making money and have no honor
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  11. yankeefeet

  12. The King

    If Tobuscus was still here, Vanu may have won if it was based on votes. lol

    I didn't watch the live event, so I have no idea what went on.

    I just know that on Waterson, (where TotalBucuit lives) the Vanu dominated the 3rd round.
    And won the 2nd. If there were more time, may have lost that.
  13. wrenched

    This is the same event where they announced PS2 would be in the MLG

  14. Drealgrin

    Because this event was never about the game.

    They handled it poorly, They've angered off a LOT of people. There will be repercussions for such scummy underhanded favoritism.

    When they pull **** like this THE ENTIRE GAME SUFFERS. Everyone should be furious.
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  15. Drealgrin

    Accidental Double Post.

    Wonder how long until this game is dubbed "Highschool prom simulator 2"
  16. Recce

    To win pro PS2, must have TWITter account
  17. Mootar


    1st we have an avalanche of NC/TR whining because this is undoubted proof VS are OP.
    Now we have a torrent of crying because all the Vanu tryhards didn't get a metaphorical pat on the back from SOE.

    I love it.
  18. yankeefeet

    This just in!!!

    Highlights on the TR gameplay for winning Ultimate Empire Showdown:
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  19. The Milk Man

    I think people here are missing the point, the winner is not determined the numbers of challenges won on every server. The real battle was on Connery and it was determined by popular vote, not the number of challenges won. The challenges on all the other servers were just for fun xD '
    At least that's how I see it o_O
  20. Mortucus

    oh i am im very angry