Why no bolt hold open device on guns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jeuvisage, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. jeuvisage

    I mean really, why do the guns of the future lack a bolt hold open device. Even the M1 Garand had a bolt hold open device.

    really? this is an issue? did you just learn of this feature and feel you must tell the world about it?

    while we are at it, we should complain that the gun sounds are not deafening. i mean you can clearly see the players ears on some classes and they are NOT wearing hearing protection....................
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  3. Sock

    Frankly it's much more concerning that guns don't have safeties. No trigger discipline in this game.

    ps this is awful
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    im not sure thats a big issue since you know...no one can die and all.
  5. SinerAthin

    I'm more worried about people's driving skills(or lack thereof).
  6. jeuvisage

    Nerd rage much? My RFB and FNP-45T both have those features. And what faction/class doesnt have a helmet? Since we all have voice coms, presumably we have similar to a Peltor COMTAC.

    Safeties wouldnt help, maybe 12lb triggers like the NYPD would.
  7. Kracin

    why is my characters finger always on the trigger, even when dancing around a cap point? i have to pull out a med kit for fear that i'll get courtmarshalled for bag trigger discipline..

    please fix this soe!
  8. Tikayyan

    I'm particularly worried about wardrobe malfunctions. Armor has no attachment mechanism that I can see, and can you just imagine running around in a dual burster only to find your a** is hanging out?

  9. Sebastien

    I'm guessing it's because your weapon is linked to your HuD, and the magazine. So you'll know when you run out of ammunition, rather than the bolt holding open so the enemy knows you're out of ammo as well.
  10. Hetzau

    There are more pressing issues such as not having bullets that can pierce walls or drones with bombs attached to them. You know, all the fun features a futuristic game should have. Or hell, any game considering we have all of this now.
  11. Brickwalker

    I still cant believe my musket doesnt come with a ram rod.
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  12. Wobberjockey

    Where is my piece of sharpened flint?

    i want to kill the TR with technology they can understand
  13. Rogueghost

    Yet I sometimes hear vanu calling our outdated tech "easy mode" In yell.
  14. Aghar30

    meh everything is constructed by nanites even your ammunition, so there is no real need for a bolt hold on the NC / TR guns. Like someone said your hud keeps track of the bullet count so the visual que is not needed either. That and 1/3 of the weapons don't even need a bolt so it was most likely a desciscion by art/design to cut it.
  15. Wobberjockey

    not all of our brethern are equally enlightened :(
  16. Pemtaphalon

    Why do no guns have a strap????? SOE!!??? I NEED A STRAP!!!??? what am I supposed to do with gun when I'm taking a leak behind a tree, put it on the floor?? I'm peeing on the floor...that's it, I'm not playing this game until SOE address this issue
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  17. Aghar30

    I just piss in my suit...am I not supposed to do that?
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  18. Wobberjockey

    only VS suits have waste recycling units.

    it's why the NC are constantly caught with their pants down

    the tr? they are so uptight that that crap diamonds... how else do you thing the tr pays everyone?
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  19. jeuvisage

    There is a perfect reason for a bolt hold open device, pay attention to the reload animation. At least on NC characters, when reloading from a empty mag, the player has to charge the weapon. Which also adds about half a second to the reload time. It isnt about knowing when you're out of ammo, its about quicker reloads.

    I dont think it was discussion by the art/design team. Chances are they dont own guns and dont knowhow they function. Case in point, most of our guns fire from a closed bolt yet they never cook off.
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  20. ArmedGoose

    Throwing stones should work on them... :)