Need help: What's the counter for NC MAXes in a Bio Lab?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. ScrapyardBob

    Or LAs with C4, or engineer prox mines.
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  2. Daibar

    couple of smoke grenades, speed in and drop the C4, pull out, and boom!
    works nicely.
    a good deal of my Max kills are from them not shooting at me....

    happy max hunting
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  3. quicKsanD

    Make it so the MAX cant use/overload the gen. This should be fixed.

    I'll list the ways you can deal with this:

    1. Flash Grenades
    2. Get AV MAXes
    3. Grenades
    4. Gen room rush
    5. Concussion grenades
    6. Mine the generator
    7. Camp the generator room
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  4. StormFrog

    If they've broken through the generator teleporter room unmolested then a large mistake has already been made. It's very important to set up MAXs and engineer turrets to cover that teleporter, regardless of faction. Another key is to have light assaults with C4 sitting on the roofs above the teleporter.

    As for removing a force that's already entrenched in the generator room, at the very least you need to have a force of equal size and coordination. Spam lots of grenades into the room, they hurt MAXs a fair amount and kill engineers. If possible, strong ranged classes (heavies and non-NC MAXs) should attack through this door:

    as it gives a good view of most of the room and lots of range on any scattermaxs.
  5. Wargrim

    Out of the many answers here, the following is tryed and proven:

    LAs + C4.
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  6. Nature

    If you go slugs, you become rather bad at close range fights. Without them, you need to be lucky to kill someone with 14 shells at 10-15m ranges.
  7. StormFrog

    As someone who does occasionally spam dual slug ammo at long range, it's pretty much a game of chance. It's very funny when I do kill someone but I'm not exactly being useful. Try hipfiring slug ammo on a normal shotgun at range, that should be the same level of accuracy.
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  8. Johnnyseven

    Getting ranged kills with slugs can be somewhat pot luck as the slugs just hit things "in the general direction" of your crosshair. But hey, so do most other NC weapons so I suppose we're used to it. :rolleyes:

    Edit: Simultaneous same point post.
  9. Bambolero

    I will teach you the counter to MAX when you teach me the counter to a flying Mag sniping infantry from a genuine infiltrator sniping position.
    Your turn...
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  10. vrcarnage

    Concusive frag to c4 or any other explosive. Those things screw up the entire squad and maxes are effected the worse.
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  11. ScrapyardBob

    Lock-on launchers on the opposite hill will at least drive them off or cause them to stop firing in order to repair.

    Alternately, pull out the AA bursters, kill off the enemy air (and the enemy AA), then call in the Libs.
  12. GSZenith

    Just kite, no wrong game, just CC, no wrong game, Just outrange them cos bio is full of 100+meter areas.
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  13. Bambolero

    Whoa.. a special operation involving a full squad just do get rid of a single mag...awesome, balance at it's finest.
  14. Jadith

    LA + C4

    Tankmines + patience

    Rocket Launchers

    ESF or Lib hovering just out of the top guns firing arc.
  15. Yetskii

    Same counter for 20 TR or VS maxes.....
  16. Kaon1311

    The way to kill an NC is to let them expend their ammo then rush them en mass.[/quote]


    I can see the squad chat now.

    Wait guys, dont fight back, their maxes still have ammo.....
    But sir, they have engies with AMMO BOXES!!

    dont want to nerf nc maxes (yes they are godly inside 15m, but outside they are crap. i find hit and run tactics work, ie shoot a rocket and crap your pants while running benny hill style around objects) but when you read, "wait till they are out of ammo", cries op, lol.
  17. {joer

    The TTK of a NC max on a TR/VS max is about 2 seconds, and I might be over optimistic. The trick to killing an NC max is to have its attention diverted elsewhere when you shoot it. If it starts to turn in your direction RUN.
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  18. TeknoBug

    Yeah gotta love running into a doorway only to get instagibbed by dual hacksaws.
    Except they don't instagib you in 0.01 seconds.
  19. Kracken

    fine .05 from 100 meters.....
  20. Bambolero

    Look, a MAX wielding double Pwnsaws has 2 very weak spots but I'm not gonna tell you what they are...
    You will have to learn on your own, trial and error...
    OP obviusly can't figure it out so he came on forums begging for help lol.
    Clearly a L2P issue.