Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by perspicacious, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Neurotoxin

    I like the concept of flinching, but it is so extreme that the first person to register a hit in a firefight will often win.It is a good indicator to let someone know they are getting hit, but it ruins aim far too much, and causes many rocket launchers to fire astray.

    It also reduces snipers greatly. Where a sniper has to compensate for sway to line up on a target, many non-Infiltrator weapons set to single fire can win because they don't have sway and induce flinching in the sniper when they hit. I gave up on sniping for a while because enemies of all classes could fire back with weaker weapons and win by inducing flinching.
  2. cardboardbacon

    I'd prefer if flinching were removed, but since that's probably not going to happen, here's a compromise that I think is fair:

    - If your shield is up, you won't flinch from damage.
    - If your shield is down, you will flinch from damage.

    It makes sense. Your shield can absorb damage from bullets; it should be able to prevent flinching as well.
  3. Arcanum

    Agreed. Should only shake if damaged or something. This annoys me a lot when I play infil, but then again you're not supposed to be near any explosions...

    Careful with that, it would make snipers(especially bolt action) much more powerful, as in people with good aim would be able to one shot people hitting them full auto in close range. Something that is very hard or impossible to do legit right now.
  4. {joer

    Make all guns equal carbon copies of each other and sure.
  5. LordMondando

    Don't run into fire dingus.
  6. f0d

    i freakin hate this flinch mechanic in games
    not much you can do though - all fps games are copying all these stupid mechancs from each other like 3d spotting and this flinch stuff
  7. LordMondando

    Given its the future and it takes 5 shots to kill someone, also we all have shields.. errr

    It is the one thing that makes shooting someone less than a mere nuisance or what kills them.

    Leave it is, its awesome and people need to learn how to adapt around it.
  8. Daedrick

    Yeaaaaaaah I hate it too, that and the stupid Q mechanic.
  9. RBN

  10. xXJon2011Xx

    Flinch mechanics are ruining the infantry game for me, explosions should also not shake your screen so much(screen could shake, but doesn't move your weapon around).
    I hate when I try to shoot a tank with a rocket and 4 things can occur:
    -I hit the tank and it does no damage
    -explosion throws aim off course and I miss
    -I get hit and I flinch and miss
    -I hit the tank and did damage, yay

    These features/effects don't add anything to the game.
    Next patch, please remove the flinch mechanic if only for a week.
  11. iNuc

    You forgot something:

    Personally I hate this flinching. If it was reduced by half I'd be happy.
    I think a reduced flinching buff added to Nanite armor/Flak armor would be nice.
  12. Nocturnal7x

    I agree, its way way over exaggerated. ALSO if anything explosed near you? earthquakes ensue. Also the screen jerk that occurs if your super soldier is on one of those super slippery dry 8% grade slopes...
  13. Hantak

    As mainly an NC player, i hate the current flinch mechanics, reason is because we already have to deal with the recoil issues and rather "normal" or "slow" rate of fire, but when you add to that equation the flinching thats when like 70% of normal FPS players start getting issues.
    I can handle recoil very well, but whenever i get hit by the high rate of fire weapons of the TR and Vanu i get demolished, thing is, currently i know that IF i dont manage to give the first shot i will probably die, because in a normal exchange I will have more issues keeping my aim on the target .

    I dont want the flinch mechanic to be removed, it adds that extra something to infantry battles, but i would love to see it changed, meaning weapons with higher damage cause more flinching than those who has a lower damage per shot output.
  14. Col_Jessep

    I would like to see it removed as well. Simple reason: I have different weapons for some classes and the weapons with a higher rate of fire ALWAYS win. This means my choice of weapon for each class comes down to one question:
    Which of the guns available for my class has the highest rate of fire.

    I would like to try different weapons, get something with more accuracy, damage or range. I can't. Because flinching leaves me only one choice: highest rate of fire. That's pretty boring after a while. :(
  15. Arcanum

    Oh boy, if that happens it's gonna be time to dig up my Bolt Driver.
  16. Ghostfox

    Honestly, the issue is that the mechanic isn't equalized. Damage caused should have a factor in it as well(or atleast a higher one if it is currently considered).. higher damage shots should cause more flinch to balance out the more hits that higher RoF weapons cause.

    THEN the overall level of flinch should be reduced. I think that it should be in for reasons noted but that it should be changed so that higher RoF low damage and High damage lower RoF weapons generate an equivalent amount of flinch.

    As for explosions.. it really should be a localized phenomenon if they are going to leave it in(which they will) than it currently is.
  17. Ronin Oni

    not hard, literally IMPOSSIBLE.

    Flinching and screen shake is purely obnoxious in this game.

    Actually, the constant ground shake from endless shellings of libs and MBT's are 100x more annoying than flinch.
  18. Phazaar

    I'd rather they buff weapons that aren't dependant on ROF... So getting the drop on someone with a hard hitting weapon is just as effective as getting the drop on them with a high ROF weapon. Until then, there's only one weapon in the NC arsenal.
  19. icesail

    Balance flinch the same way they balance weapons around damage/ROF.
    On paper pretty much all weapons are balanced based on damage and rof. high damage weapons have low rof, low damage weapons have high rof
    The problem is flinching is only takes into account ROF.
    If they were to balance flinching so it also takes into account the power of the round (damage), it would make it fair across the board.
    A pistol bullet body shot should not make you flinch as much as being rocked by a 800 damage sniper round to the body. At the moment, this is exactly what happens.
    Being hit by a shotgun at optimum range makes the enemy flinch just as much as if you were plinging it for 10 damage.

    If they do not want to make it more realistic by taken into account damage taken, them they need to tone it down a tad.
  20. fish998

    It's not a fun mechanic, it unbalances the game towards high RoF weapons (ahem, guess which faction doesn't have a lot of those), and it doesn't add anything gameplay-wise. Screw realism, I'd rather have a true aiming/reactions skill contest. That's why I played instagib mutator in UT, it was the truest skill test.

    Am I right in thinking the flinching will actually stop you firing altogether sometimes? I'm sure when I get caught out playing Inf and need to hipfire the bolt action sniper rifle (hey it happens sometimes, you can't know where every enemy is), it hasn't fired at all because someone was shooting me. That's just insane if that's how it works.