[Suggestion] Do the developers even admit/acknowledge vehicle spam is killing PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dulu, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Dulu


    They don't interact with us at all, I'm just curious if they even realize that they are hemorrhaging players due to the idiotic nature of vehicle spam.

    The least they could do is increase resource cost of them.. but it seems like they are on vacation again. Or still. Whichever you prefer.
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  2. Dulu

  3. Hosp

    If they didn't acknowledge it, there wouldn't have been a flak buff(Still needs a bug fix). And they wouldn't be tweaking libs today. Other vehicles...well, 1 step at a time.
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  4. Isila

    Whether they realize it or not is irrelevant. The root issues that cause PS2's problem with vehicle spam are deeply ingrained into its core design at this point (the way the new cert system works WRT vehicles, the way resources work, the way crewing vehicles works, the nature of base/outpost designs), and cannot be addressed without deep, sweeping overhauls of the game. At this point in its lifecycle, those are just not likely to happen.
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  5. {joer

    Until they actually look at the MBT issue, the answer is no.

    Nerf ESF's, see more MBT's especially mags all over the place. Go figure.
  6. Hosp

  7. forkyar

    i disagree,nothing is wrong.
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  8. Daedrick

    How is this a suggestion?

    Anyway, as another enlighten player stated, vehicle spam is directly related to the terrible ressource system. If the ressource system was half decent, there wouldn't even be an artificial timer to limit them. Also, the fact that you can pull them from any base all over the place and require only 1 player to operate is another problem. The result is too many vehicles and not enough infantry.
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  9. Jestunhi

    I have no major problem with vehicles in general (which is not to say that they are perfectly balanced, but my main issue was with air and I'm seeing how things go after the latest patch before commenting on that), they just have too big of an effect on base battles.

    Redesign the bases, keep vehicles for the big battles between the bases.
  10. Uben Qui

    It is a hard thing to do when so few think it is a problem. Look across all of the posts in this section. Then realize this is not even 10% of the population. For every one of those threads notice that there are always guys like Forkyar and me who are in them saying we see no problem. So now we are talking what, 5%-7% of the population thinks this game is bad because there are vehicles?

    To many of us it is the allure of the game. Combined arms play. When we look out and see 20 tanks we think, hey that is maybe 0.5% of the population on a full server. 100 tanks? 5% of the server.

    There really is not much of a problem in our eyes. The biggest problem is that people want this to be an infantry only game like the Battlefield series. They cannot wrap their head around 2000 players and tanks that it takes 1-2 HAs to take out.. If I wanted to play a gimped vehicle game I would go to the other 50 titles that do it. :(
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  11. Dulu

    This part made it clear that you don't actually play Heavy Assault.

    Please, post a video of you taking out a Mag Rider with 1 HA.
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  12. Stormlight666

    Well if they gave HA the ability to carry more rockets, we'd be able to actually kill a vanguard through its front armor in one go with an Annihilator. So with us giving up Flak armor and Nanoweave to only get a maximum of 3 extra rockets with the munitions pouch puts us at a disadvantage. Now if the Pouch gave us 3 extra rockets per level (9 max), we'd be able to wipe out some of the zerg before it got to us.
  13. Stormlight666

    Actually to take out a Vanguard through its front armor you do need 2 HA's to take it out.
  14. Talizzar

    The is a Lib hot fix coming out possibly to night.

    Does the gaming community not understand that it takes time to fix issues. That many of these issues are very complex in code and game play?

    I wish schools would start teaching patience instead of entitlement.
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  15. Dulu

    This assumes people are going to pay real cash, or 1,000 certs just to compete against **** that anyone can spam for free.

    The tank gameplay in this game is child-like and boring, I think any adult who enjoys it needs to seek mental help. Seriously? You enjoy firing one shot at infantry every few seconds? 90% of which can't even fight back. Pretty clear some people were bullied as kids.

    LA should get 1 C4 as default. Rank's 2 and 3 should allow up to 3 C4. Give Infiltrators the ability to purchase anti-tank mines. This immediately would put more anti-tank weaponry on the battlefield, without having to drastically buff the HA class, which I think is in a good place. (except maybe the NC LMG options.. could use a Carv or Orion equivalent)
  16. Dulu

    Or maybe this thread was made last night, before we knew anything about the upcoming patch.

    Maybe schools should start teaching kids how to read, instead of being snobby little pricks.
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  17. Uben Qui

    Nice try.

    I play nothing but heavy assault 80% of my game time. I use a stock launcher and have taken many MBTs from the rear with 2 shots.
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  18. Eyeklops

    LOL. If two HA's kill a Vanny through the front armor they just killed the dumbest tank driver in the game. The TTK is so long in that situation there is no excuse for not running away in time.
  19. Kieshdor

    Just cause some of you cant learn to flank a tank doesn't mean its OP or just get lock on rockets for your HA. Or even better learn to aim with the horrible physics this game has, I swear that Araxus is a high gravity planet. The way i see it this is simply another MAG is op nerf it to hell. The problem is not tanks and air craft but bad balancing and terrible game play that caters to the stupid and ADD. I call for a need for "LOGISTICS" to comeback into the game, and intellegent base designs not fung shway, automated base turrets, and last but not least hackable tanks(switch them from one faction to yours){it would be your fault for letting that infiltrator sneak up on you camping tank hacking it from you}.
  20. LameFox

    Step 1: ignore it unless it comes inside the base because really who cares if there's a giant purple almond floating around out there

    Step 2: fire rocket into the back of its hull when it comes inside

    Step 3: relocate while it starts rotating and repeat step 2

    Of course if you've unlocked any C4 you can probably just skip step 3 and stick one on the back then trigger it with a rocket.
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