has the release schedule sped up any?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by CoffeeOutlaw, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. CoffeeOutlaw Active Member

    hey guys, its been years since i made anything for ps2, when i was doing it you could sometimes have items in game soon as just a couple weeks after submission, and submission rarely took more than a couple of days to be aproved or bounced back, here while back i jumped back in thinking of making something, but heard it could take months to get aproved, and after that god only knows how long to get a release, has things evened out and sped up any or is it still an insane wait time to get your items in game?
  2. Syrah Developer

    It was slow while they made the construction stuff but I've been seeing items going through the process again. The PS2 team has the challenge that they patch once per month so you could get lucky and be right before or right after the patch cutoff. And then it takes longer for the patch to get out to the console versions. And then it could be in the game but you don't receive your free copy immediately unless you see it in game and petition Customer Service. They are happy to grant you the item if you can identify exactly which item to them.
  3. Fuzz Active Member

    if im not wrong bill and chris are both very busy atm so the queues slowed down; and from whats sitting in mine

    ant parts x 2: submitted 05/24; updated to "on hold" like a week or two ago
    Decal: submitted 07/10; updated to accepted last month iirc, now in files
    galaxy parts: 08/03; "valid" not looked at.
    spartan: 10/27: valid

    like a lot of times been obviously sunk into player armours and weapons but those haven't been opened up to the general player studio yet :( (which is nice i suppose as it does give the rest of us a bit more time to work on it)

    edit: forgot that it was valid not accepted.
  4. Giz Active Member

    Yeah, slow Que times, had me discourage from making anything. The turn around use to be a 1 or 2 to get a stamp approval. It took about 3-4 month a helmet I made to get looked at.
  5. AfableAutomaton Member

    You might have to ask about older items. I had some harasser windshields that got finished and put into the game files but never made it to the market place. Asked Bill about one of them via twitter and it was in game shortly there after, still need to ask about the other two tho...
  6. PsyTrigger Member

    Hmm... the liberator cosmetics I submitted on 8/12 still read "valid" as well. Maybe things will speed up after this construction update?

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