There are many ways death could work in MMOs...

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Oct 2, 2013.

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  1. Malokar Well-Known Member

    I'd assume that in most groups at least one player has a heal ready.
    Having a player with a heal should NOT be required. It might be smart, but it shouldn't be required.
    Requiring a healer or a rezzer would introduce a different kind of Trinity, and they want players to adapt rather than be forced into old models.

    My recently suggested fading out debuff wears off on its own.
    How long rez sickness lasts is very debatable.
    Until we know more about what combat is like, it's hard to say how long is too short or too long.

    The side effects I'd like to see, wouldn't affect combat.
    Odd vision (blurry, black & white, etc) can affect combat, even if it isn't directly.
    The player vomiting after the resurrection is a neat effect...the first 10 times. Then it just gets old. Then you just don't notice it.

    Heh, I really like that. Rezzed by a Necro, so you walk like a zombie.
    I think people might just get themselves killed JUST for that animation alone.

    Rezzed by a Bloodmage, so your eyes are bloodshot and your skin looks pale.
    Rezzed by a Firemage, so you have a flame around you.

    Neat stuff.
  2. Viper1 Active Member

    Oh, I understand all of that. Still, I don't think in-combat rezzing should be in the game. If you die in pvp, you release to the nearest revive point, bind point, what-have-you and you hoof it back to your group. I really don't see why a player that dies needs to "get back" into the fight so quickly.... they died. Whether that was by virtue of getting ganged up on or they stood next to a cliff while fighting a player with knockbacks, they lost, they're out of the fight and the rest of the team needs to fend for themselves.

    Personally, I don't think death should be something that can happen in an instant. I never have liked 1-shot mechanics in games. But yeah, if you lose someone, it makes it that much more likely you will wipe. Personally, I do see that as a good thing. In long boss fights, you really need to focus on avoiding damage. Don't stand in the fire. Something I noticed in some of the videos is that boss mobs that have aoe abilities, there is actually a red outline that precedes the attack that shows you exactly where you need to stand to avoid damage. It's very similar to something from The Secret World.

    As for being picky about who one groups with, I don't have a problem with being picky. I mean, I'm all for teaching people who have never done "fight X" before, but they have to be able and willing to learn. We were all noobs at one point. However, the people that I know have done something many times over and they're still standing in the AoEs and taking unnecessary damage, yeah, I'm not grouping with them.
  3. lordhighhaven New Member

    not enough choices for that one.

    If there were 5 choices to this one, I would have chosen 3, somewhere in the middle.
  4. Hijo de la Luna Member

    Trinity or not, everyone cnan learn all classes. I think the probability is still quiet high.

    Sure, that goes without saying.

    Now you're arguing in my favour regarding my demand for diversity. But you're confusing my fade-out debuff with my side effects. The debuff could be a stat malus, hefty in the very first moment, but gradually fading out to be gone in some seconds.

    :) And while not affecting combat, it could affect NPC reaction. Something to get rid off, eventually.
  5. Hijo de la Luna Member

    Up to a point I like that. What I don't like is not being able to do something in a fight, while being able to do the same thing out of fight. At least not through a status flag disabling you to do so. And I'd still like players to be able to help with the resurrection.
  6. Wudbine Well-Known Member

    I'm in my 40s, and caring for a disabled wife and an autistic kid. I get what you say. I still want death penalties.
    • Up x 4
  7. Viper1 Active Member

    IDK, the way I see it, the rez is just there to save the player the run back from a revive point. In EQ1 that was important because you revived at your bind point, which could be anywhere in the world. If EQN is going to have revive points scattered throughout the world without the need to specifically bind to them in order to use them, then honestly, the point of the rez becomes mostly non-existent. Maybe we just do away with out-of-combat rezzing as well. If you die, you get the penalty, no chance to mitigate said penalty. It is what it is.

    IMO, the in-combat rez is just an added resource to the player group. It gives them an opportunity to overcome something bad happening, a mulligan, if you will. However, since the players have that resource, you now have to tune encounters taking that resource into consideration. If you take away that resource, you can more finely tune encounters to match the players true potential. I personally prefer the tighter tuned encounter with less mulligans, less do-overs and more onus on the players being forced to play better and be more aware of what's happening.
  8. CoffeeNDonuts New Member

    Well oiled my foot... If a group did this in EQ1 (prior to Luclin), someone's going to eat it.

    Enchanter AoE mez/puller (monk/warrior/etc). breaks one and pulls them forward one by one.

    Mage was a pet class, this isn't WoW and the mage shouldn't be blasting until whoever the main is has decent aggro. Your pet serves as the bulk of your damage. If you're a wizard and you decide to go balls to the wall, enjoy your death as it's your own fault.

    Rogue should be doing their bit AFTER the tank has aggro.

    KC showed this exact play method time and time again.

    Also, someone posted about other classes being able to resurrect. EQ1 had this. Necro's could do it as could Pali's. It's just that the Pali resurrect was garbage for xp and the Necro stones required player sacrifices to acquire.

    Furthermore, rez's weren't just used to move from place to place. Losing xp sucked as would losing a level, so having an epic cleric in the guild was a boon. It also made people much more wary of death. Keep the EQ1 (pre-Luclin) mechanics and let the babies go play WoW-clone # 12390123
    • Up x 2
  9. Baadco New Member

    Corpse runnign isn't bad + ghost sickness, having to run all that way as living person is for games with small corridors not open spaces and being ghost let you see world from another perispective.
  10. Baadco New Member

    if there was some sort of being who would let me purchase strenght of soul and allow me to run to my body in a limited time it would satisfie both ppl who like t run as alive person and these who wanna risk running.
  11. Rob New Member

    Or, reservation can require a long time to cast and for example a 20 minute.
  12. Rob New Member

    If a character dies no automatic resurrections or spirit runs should be allowed and it's body should remain where it fell until it can be resurrected by a player with an appropriate character ability. If the characters spirit can leaves it's body at death then the spirit should have a restricted range. The resurrection spell should require a long time to cast. Characters should be a temporary weakened after they are resurrected and have a very low amount of hit points until further healed. I think the casting time should be a minimum of ten minutes. A body dragging ability can be tactical by allowing the body to be moved only by any other living character to a safer location so that resurrection won't be interrupted. :No spirit runs or automatic resurrections!
  13. Elleon Well-Known Member

    That seems like a fairly hardcore mechanic. Throw it on a hardcore server if they make it. For others, I would imagine this being extremely off putting for the majority of players. The dragging thing seems interesting, but I don't see how it can be considered tactical in any sense though. It's either a burden for the group while they fall back and try to escape, provide another chance for potentially wiping survivors numerous times if your body is too close to mobs while they try to regroup, or for others that have absolutely no stake in resurrecting you just because it's not their problem. Yes, plenty of people do in fact ignore the plight of others and will continue to do so no matter how much we scream and curse their names.
  14. Rob New Member

    I was definitely thinking if this being implemented for a Hard Core server. Dragging an Incapacitated or dead character can be important if hostile character are too near to allow for a defeated character to be revived without interference and non player character can be saver in this way too. I can you imagine dragging a character to safety as being a requirement for a quest.

    Also, Non player party members may be recruited for body retrieval.
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