Mark Tuttle Reveals Why All Access is Awesome

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    Dear Members,

    My name is Mark Tuttle and I head up the All Access Membership team here at Sony Online Entertainment. We’ve been working around the clock to bring you SOE’s all-new game membership. Implementing this new All Access membership plan across our portfolio of games has been one of the most complicated changes to our billing system to date so we appreciate your patience while we completed these necessary updates. With that said, I am happy to inform you that we have officially launched our new All Access Membership!

    At SOE, we see our players as part of our extended family so naturally our games are all about our community. It’s fun to belong to something. There’s information, status, and sometimes, really cool decoder rings. Up until now, our Members largely belonged to individual game Communities. The EverQuest members were over here talking about the “good old days” while the EverQuest II members were arguing over Shadowknights, and the Planetside 2 members were running around yelling “pew pew!” Wouldn’t it be great if we were all members of the same Community? Not only just the EQ or EQII or DCUO game Community… but the SOE Community.

    To that end, SOE All Access was re-created! This valuable new program awards members with top level access to all participating SOE games. Members are no longer just a Planetside 2 member or a DCUO member. You are all now part of our extended family.

    So what does this all mean? First, it means your membership dollar goes a lot farther. For $14.99 per month (or less if you purchase multiple months at a time), players can now have top tier access to all participating SOE games. This means if you want to take a break from sneaking around Auraxis in your Stalker Cloak and test your mettle against the dragon, Nagafan, or The Joker in DCUO, you can do so with all member benefits. And since your Station Cash wallet is good in all SOE games, you can drop some coin on a snazzy new outfit in EQII to announce, “Yes, I have arrived!” To continue the awesome, as a member players get 10% off the Marketplace price of that item! Go ahead, splurge for the spikey hat and the bunny mount!

    One thing we want to point out is the change to the way members redeem the 500 SC membership reward each month. It will no longer be automatically delivered to players’ wallets. Instead, you will need to click the claim button in any of the participating in-game Marketplaces. This has been added to the main marketplace screen, so it’s easy to find. You’ll also know when you’re eligible to claim your next reward the same way!

    My advice now is to OPT IN for emails from SOE and your favorite games. Because All Access members will receive special sales and promotions, you’ll really want to be in the know! Just go to, My Account, Newsletters. Sign up for one, two, or all of them!

    One of the smaller, but very cool benefits that all players receive is the new forum badge system. We all need stinkin’ badges and SOE will be delivering them shortly after All Access launches. Members will get the All Access badge that screams “status,” but everyone gets a host of other cool items to adorn their profile as well. Some have to be worked for, so be ready to step up!

    This has been a massive undertaking, as it touches pretty much every team and system at SOE. While we hope it will be a seamless transition, we expect a few bugs to pop up here and there. Please be patient with us while we squash them and get ready for a host of cool membership goodness coming your way.

    If you’re not currently a member of the all-new All Access we’re making it easy to join with a special deal! Get 12 months of All Access membership for just $99.99. That’s a savings of almost $20 off a one-year plan.

    Thanks for reading and we hope to see you in the ranks of All Access!

    Mark Tuttle
    SOE Director of Ecommerce
    SOE Director of Ecommerce
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  2. 1000Phoenix New Member

    All access sounds quite cool. But it needs more games.
  3. A;truce New Member

    Add EQN beta access on to it, and I'll be all over it :)
  4. Strandly New Member

    Is eqnext going to be put on the all access plan when it launches or will it stay separate?
  5. Noc New Member

    I will only play Everquest Next (and maybe Landmark) so I wont have any use of it.

    Set good money-worth items in your ingame shop and I will buy them. This will be how I show my support.
    • Up x 2
  6. Digitalprowler New Member

    so wait, basically its 14.99/mo, then a cash shop for a game with free to play systems to spend more money when the only game you have worth playing is eqnext? As a long time everquest fan I might actually have to pass on this one. Seems mmo and gaming is going in a poor direction and seems finding a new hobby is in order.

    good luck all, watching your favorite thing to do get washed down the drain is depressing. yea, it's really awesome there tuttle. I can't afford f2p games, much less f2p games with 15/mo access on top of it. Trust me I've tried em. I play to much and to often to be able to afford it. The last one ran me about 100/mo...2 mo of that and I learned my lesson, this **** is for casuals and casuals only lol. Thanks for continuing to degrade the development of games....before long we will be reverted back to pong except with a cash shop so you can change the color of your bars and ball lol
  7. Ashram77 New Member

    Personally I like the way this is heading if I understand it.

    For my $14.99 a month not only do I get full access to EQ Next, which is really the only SOE game I'm interested in right now, but I'll also have full access to all of the SOE games. So if I want to hop on DCUO or Planetside for something different to kill a little time with, I can. I'll also have full access to the game John Smedley has teased us with, that will be directed at the old SWG community, John you tease! I think a lot of us ready for some spoilers on this, or maybe not, sitting on pins and needles during 2-5 years of development might drive us crazy if it's looking really cool.

    But basically for $14.99 a month I have full access to all the games, and I can pretty much just ignore the station market and micro transactions. Unless I want that "cool bunny mount" that is only available on the market, but this kind of stuff is just fluff, it's not the meat and potatoes of the game and you can completely ignore it if you want to.

    SWTOR, EQII, Rift, and WoW have all had online market places where you can go buy the "Fluff" if you like, but I have personally never spent a real life dime in these virtual stores. I have spent some of the market cash I got as an SOE subscriber, and the Cartel Coins I received from my SWTOR sub, but I've never dropped any real life money from my pocket on this stuff. As long as you're a sub you shouldn't have to spend real life money in the market to be able to raid and enjoy all the end game content the game will have to offer.

    KUDOS Mark. I know you've probably spent countless hours in brainstorming sessions trying to come up with all the "If then Else What"s to make this happen.

    Hopefully you'll keep this geared towards not sucking any more money from your subs to make end game possible. Subscriptions should always trump micro-transactions. As long as my monthly sub means that the Station Market is nothing but "Fluff" then I'm good with it. If I have to pay $14.99 a month for a sub, and I get hammered to death with micro-transactions in the Market Place, then I'll probably have to move on to something else.

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