In Landmark, what kind of building do you think you'll participate in?

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. Soulkiss New Member

    I will be doing both solo and group build, looking forward to what my fellow Guildies at legend gaming come up with
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  2. kookykoko New Member

    I am really fond of the idea of creating buildings underground. I would like to create something akin to menzoberranzan from the Drizzt book series. (underground dark elf city)
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  3. kookykoko New Member

    That is a fantastic idea, I am envisioning something along the lines of the mages tower that you can purchase as DLC for the game called The Elder Scrolls Oblivion.
  4. lordhighhaven New Member

    This is pretty important. This is one of the things that can make or break a game.

    Getting the dynamics right is key.
  5. Elleon Well-Known Member

    Primarily solo at the start I'm guessing, but as with the styles, I doubt I'll stick with any one option but branch out into all of them. If there is a really great location and I can find a way to contribute, I am hoping to be apart of large scale projects with numerous individuals.
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  6. Buzzyboy New Member

    Solo first, group second. Need to get my hands wet before I help someone else.
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  7. Zhael New Member

    I would love to help people in groups! However I'll be doing a great deal of solo building. I've been a fan of building things in games for years and I'm pretty adamant about not being interrupted on personal projects! (Avid fan of modernized castle building here.)
  8. Eschersand New Member

    Not really a huge fan of building and tradeskills.

    but someone mentioned subterranean development. I think is a good idea sense humanity should start thinking about that on earth.
  9. EverQuestNextfan Active Member

    At first , since I'm new to building games. I would do things solo. After a while I would like to build stuff with friends and then later stuff with guilds.

    Solo: I wouldn't mind building a nice house for my character at first.

    Group: Then maybe helping the other people from my starting town build up our town. Maybe Qeynos. I would really like it if every area in EQN could be built up by the players starting there or visiting. I love the idea you guys showed in the games introduction, where people could build up the towns. I don't know if it will be a great role playing aspect to have everyone on the server building up one city. I think it would be more "realistic" for people who visit a city or "live there" to help build it up. If you let people build their houses in the city. Their initial building will invest them in building up the city. As they build up the city it could get more conveniences, like a rez place, a buff area, more merchants. More crafting stations, eventually a bazaar or the typical MMO areas to buy/sell. It would also be nice if the building up of the town opened up instances for each tier of growth the city reached. These instances could tell the story of the cities growth.

    Guild: I think all guilds would love the opportunity to get a plot of land, build farms, collect mats and build their own guild hall. Maybe as the guild gets bigger they can make it a walled city. Complete with merchants that anyone can shop at. I think PVE guilds would love this. Of course PVP guilds would love it even more, especially if they could declare war on other guilds and they could invade each others lands. Maybe make it more exciting, where both guilds put up mats/cash/etc and the winner takes the spoils. I think the building of guild halls and such would be great for EQN. As PVE and PVP people would both have reasons to love it. Also the order they build things could make a huge difference. Farms and shops raise the money the guild hall makes. But the defenses decide how many NPC guards and security around the town. Maybe a strongly defended city has NPC patrols that patrol further and give early warning of invasion from NPC's or PC's.

    Raids: Maybe some raid bosses are so tough that guilds can do a raid that takes months. They go in they clear mobs of the area. They build a fort, then maybe collect enough resources to build a town. As they clear stuff they end up fighting minions of the raid boss. Which eventually leads to an epic fight with the "raid boss". Of course their could be like 10 fights with major minions of the raid boss before the final fight. And the guild would have to regularly deal with new trash mobs trying to claim back areas. Again a great way to add the building aspect to EQN. Besides the usual raid gear rewards, there could be epic mats rewards for the guild to use to build up their guild hall/town outside the raid more.
  10. Fiachsidhe New Member

    A mix of solo and playing with close friends. We were up really early when the servers came up and was able to get on the new one and scramble to get claim plots next to each other on top of a huge mountain. So we'll be building together.
  11. Syllogy Well-Known Member

    I built this in about 10 minutes last night:

  12. Devildog New Member

    I'll eventually build a Fantastic PvP Designed minded Castle or City and share it with everyone, and give personal prizes in game to the winner(s) and include myself as either a player or Lord of the Land end boss. Restricted entries like as in levels to participate. Whatever the game allows me to do to make my place Rock ! All solo

  13. Dasilva Member

    I am not a big fan of big huge conglomerate efforts, I would rather have my 2 or 3 claims next to each other in what is my current buffer and quietly design my amazingly awesome whateveritisIdecide to build, I wouldnt want to see a HUGE chunk of the worlds natural beauty destroyed by 100 players grouped together ina humoungous mess building this gigantanormous city, quite honestly I think the islands should be seperated accordingly to what ppl want to do for example if oyu want ot band a guild together of 500 ppl and build a giant city on a particular island then you should choose one of the islands set aside for that purpose and dont let that particular island have any impact on people like me who want ot just quietly enjoy the building game and building a beautiful place in beautiful surroundings

    allow players to go back and forth between the areas I have no problem with going out of the country to visit the city and the city coming to visit me but quite honestly I would rather not catch the city cutting down my old oak tree for the purpose of building a road through my property
  14. Aazimar Well-Known Member

    As it hasn't been posted yet.
  15. Sucuri New Member

    Sometimes you just want to be alone, other times you feel like taking on a greater task with multiple players! Same goes for any other aspect in a game to be honest.
    I chose Any or all types of building - solo or group
  16. Impkat New Member

    I would probably mix things up. Sometimes solo, other times I might build in a group. However, I would probably go with solo building more often than group, since I struggle with group projects and I wouldn't want to be restricted or ruin everyone else's work.
  17. The Foolish One Active Member

    I had this crazy idea of building a 'Fae Forest' type thing.

    Huge trees, lots of flowers and colorful mushrooms and stuff, but plenty of winding paths and ways to get lost, with it's fair share of spooky, hidden places. Enchanting, alluring and dangerous.

    OBVIOUSLY this would require a large number of people. But I also like building my own, humble little abodes. Perhaps WITHIN a Fae Forest!
  18. MercuryRiver New Member

    A stone quarry with a rock crusher and dispatch shack with a coffee machine.
  19. Opus 32 New Member

    I want to do all types of builds.

    What I REALLY want is for us to have much more land to work with for group projects with the ability to simply share various building assets with each other so that we can keep the design language of the structure consistent. Maybe that way I could get a group of people together and make a city instead of a mini-castle.

    What I think would be also very neat is if skilled builders actually got recognition for building well and could then take their skills into straight Everquest Next, not just Landmark.
  20. Firestorck New Member

    My own home. And if I'm able to have a guild. The hall as in style and placement. I hope that we are able to buy bed and or make them later on.
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