How complex should the Landmark design tools be?

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Amnerys, Jul 30, 2013.

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  1. Xenith New Member

    One of my concerns is when someone makes something, is there an approval process in which SOE approves it as long as it isn't an obvious "troll" attempt? Basically, not allowing Hello Kitty statues to make it into the world. But I do see great potential in this feature.

    My only other concerns are the open world aspect (the game not being truly open world) which I'm assuming wont be the case considering it's been said players can build anything anywhere. Am I correct in this assumption?

    My other main concern is the cross platform rumor. No MMORPG has EVER been successful in doing this. Having 3 servers for the PC version of a game because it's basically dead on one end doesn't make a game successful. :)
  2. Azriall New Member

    It should be as complex as possible so that the people who have the skills can do wonderful things with this tool, but at the same time should have maybe a beginners mode or at least a very easy to follow tutorial so that people without the skills but are willing to learn can pick it up and still make things that look great.
  3. Cynaidh New Member

    I think that would be the best bet also having a simple mode that is default but then give us the option to turn on an advanced mode that takes a PhD to master.
  4. rozzyroz New Member

    I think they need to be extremely detailed, yet easy to use. maybe some in game accessible tutorials. like everyone here, I want to be able to make what I want, how I want it, without the frustration.
  5. Vildainn Member

    I really feel complex would be a step in the right direction. I'm not sure how the claiming and overall building is going to go, but, I hope we wont see a huge influx of random shoddy designs spread out everywhere.

    Obviously everyone will give it there best but if the tools given are super easy it may invite tons of people to flood the world with less than great designs. Make it more complex so people take it serious! I know I can't wait.
  6. LagLight New Member

    To help work on large projects I would like to have / be able to do..

    • Undo and Redo buttons with a moderate history. (5-10 steps at least)
    • Copy and paste both large and small areas that I have built.
    • Have a relative player/character scale to make sure doorways are big enough.
    • Quickly draw out basic outlines and primitive shapes over a wide area.
    • Make custom selections or groups of objects to make selecting objects like a completed tower in one click possible.
    • Be able to keep a library of created parts to keep things consistent.
    • Be able to keep multiple versions of the claim in-case I need to do a restore.
    • Be able to quickly restore areas of my claim to game generated terrain to keep the hills consistent if I make a big mistake.
    • Be able to test AI movement.
    • Be able to test the environment destruction on your creations and quickly restore them afterwards.

    Other features I would like to see..

    • Be able to edit a claim's atmospheric or environment lighting. ( For example a red sky )
    • Be able to force a specific time of day (So a permanent night or day claim is possible)
    • Be able to force or restrict weather (Such as being able to turn off the literal "..lavastorms.." or force rain in the claim at all times.)
    • Be able to enforce player specific rules on my claim such as no PvP.
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  7. GrayKnt New Member

    I wondering about things like doors, secret passages, levers ( yes i know i am describing some aspects of minecraft :) also would love to be able to place items i looted in game in the structures like Starwars Galaxies.. it system was so simple but versatile i remember seeing an x-wing built out of furnature, when i get to building i want to be able to make a forge as part of my building i will want to have the fire lit and smoking and so much more..... so looking forward to the lol my lack of skill will be frustrating
  8. Muftar New Member

    There needs to be a balance of complexity and simplicity. I don't want all the dev tools, but I think it should be complex enough so that each project is distinctly different from the next. Minecraft accomplishes this with just blocks. I know Everquest Next can make this even better.
  9. Winwin New Member

    A basic list of tools with advanced tools branching from each would be absolutely amazing.
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  10. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    Landmark is sort of a 'gateway' to the game. It's basically EQN: Minecraft, although hopefully much more advanced. We don't know fully how Landmark and EQN will differ, but it's reasonably safe to assume that most of the "MMO" content of EQN will be missing. The whole point of Landmark, after all, is to collect resources, recipes and such, then create structures in the theme of EQN for other players to vote on so the Devs can look at, pick the best and put them into the actual game of EQN.

    From what I've heard, you basically get a Claim flag, claim your spot of land, then we're given access to some/all of the development tools, we create structures, find resources, create bigger, more detailed and impressive structures... :p
  11. Leynor New Member

    I couldnt agree more. I like to have power at my hands but I dont want to have to take an intro class on how to use the tools. Understanding this may be a difficult thing to accomplish so perhaps along with having an intuitive tool, maybe a quick tutorial that walks you through building something meaningful the first time. Im not talking about a tutorial showing you how to make a tree and then you have to figure out how to apply what you learned to making a castle but maybe a tutorial walking you though building out a tavern complete with basement. Touch upon all the concepts so you can quickly get a good grasp for the tool.
  12. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    I'm not too sure they'll be bothered by the "troll" attempts. The point of EQN: Landmark is people can make whatever they desire. Sure, there will probably be some restrictions to keep things from being NSFW. But design style wise? Doesn't sound like it. The only restriction they've mentioned that I recall off hand was that they would ask the players to design something specific at times, and that one continent would required to have designs influenced by EQN Lore/styles.

    As far as building everywhere.. to my knowledge that's correct, except for the fact you can only build where you have your Claim flag. They said you'll be able to earn more flags, but you need to "own" that land, or be given privilege by the land owner to actually build there.
  13. Iviean New Member

    those creative individuals will love this and the more choice the better to some extent. Although most of us schmucks will be living in a cube castle lol
  14. Magnemous Member

    I agree, i think the tools should be physical and not an option on the UI that you turn on and off. Lets say you start out exploring and find a land you want to claim, you make claim well then what? How about you keep exploring because all builders need tools. it takes some time but you found a HAMMER TIER 1. well if it strong and gives you great options and abilities(think Minecraft blocks here). Well you used that hammer to make a nice home for yourself but what if you prefer greater details and round edges. now it is time once again to go out in the world to find "Hammer of greater detail" and so on. it will add to the exploring and excitment of the search for greater power which is what i prefer.
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  15. Pexx Member

    I support you idea +1 I think giving us the players the ability to create custom tools is a great idea versus some guy somewhere making a mod that I have to install to get the diversity or simpliness of a tool.
    Not everything the players make will be in EQN they have to be approved by the wonderful hardworking folks at SOE. It’s a layered world, but they did say so long is it didn’t violate the terms of service/eula we can make anything(but those haven’t been announced yet). It depends if they integrate the servers such as a PS4 player being allowed to be on the same server as a PC user. Which would be cool, but I don’t think we are there yet.
    I like your list keep workin on it =)
    What does everyone think on not just making buildings, but be able to make our own creatures/possible races as well? Think of Spore =)
  16. Jacsen New Member

    I have never played Minecraft so I have nothing to compare it to, however I chose easier for one reason. I love creating, but would not like my creativity to be restricted by tool in any way ever. It should be welcoming to the newest builder. Keep in mind this is partnering with Player studio where money is involved. Don't risk taking away an opportunity from EVERY player to participate in adding content to the game and/or selling on Player Studio because the tools are not user friendly enough. If you can accomplish great builds with simple tools then why wouldn't you? Adversely, if the content is impacted by the tools, then make it as difficult to use as necessary to make professional grade products - simple!
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  17. Jacsen New Member

    Or in the very least a lengthy tutorial that might unlock more options as you become proficient with the tools. I started using Photoshop with no instructions about a year ago. I can do certain things well, but I can't do a fraction of what others can with training and experience. I completely agree there should be a building-on-skill process
  18. Mornroc New Member

    Do they have to be mutually exclusive? I mean with today's technology can't we build tools that are both simple to use but have lots of power?

    I mean, if we all need degrees in using advanced programs like 3DS Max, Maya, AutoCAD, etc. then you are really really limiting the pool of potential people that can help you design stuff.

    On the other hand I think a lot of that power should be available, but hidden until we need it.
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  19. Quinton New Member

    Absolutely agree! I want it complex enough that I can continue to make new and interesting items with plenty of fun options, but I want it intuitive enough where I don't feel like I need a degree in graphic design to use the utility. lol :)
  20. Rammesh New Member

    Power with simplicity, the mix is whats important, Imagine building a huge building with complicated tools, ugh it would take forever. However, the tools should be complicated enough to allow great creations that will assist in creating Norrath; a tough balancing act.
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