Fast travel in EverQuest Next: love it or leave it?

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Sep 25, 2013.

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  1. Siyus Member

    But see, there's a "scumbag" answer to all this.

    -If the game makes it possible, that means it's ok to do. You getting mad over a game is your own fault. It's just a game, bro.

    Makes farming bloody coins on Timeless Isle on a pvp server in WoW a breeze. The QQ in general chat is just perks.
  2. Talathion Well-Known Member

    However if someone completely RUINS you by playing the market and makes you want to quit and never play again. Its completely fine, not PvP at all..
  3. Dygz Well-Known Member

    Exactly! This is the kind of discussion that leads to PvP haters demonizing PvPers.
    Being told "The game should let us steal your stuff and then if you don't like it, you can't try to kill us and get your stuff back."
    Which leads to the response, that's fine on a separate PvP server.
  4. Siyus Member

    There are precautions you can take to not get scammed or not end up in situations that make you want to quit. I've felt that way many times myself. But knowing that half the players around you completely lack morals and will have their way with you if you let them, turns playing the game into a stroll through a minefield. Which is sad. But what can you do..
    • Up x 1
  5. Dygz Well-Known Member

    Can't ruin me if I don't play the market and only buy and sell from vendors.
    I dunno how you could trick me into selling you something for 1c. I compare my prices to vendors.
    If I did sell you something for 1c, I wouldn't care how much you sold it for. I don't have to sell to you if I don't want to.
    That is not stealing.
  6. Talathion Well-Known Member


    They have said from the very start that crafters will be playing a much bigger role in EQNext then in their other games. I can even find a reference for that.
  7. Talathion Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately players will cause grief to other players regardless of ruleset or morals. People using PvP as that argument are wrong because you can grief in SO many more ways on a non-pvp server, whereas on a PvP server, at least you can do something about it. This is why I don't want separate ruleset servers.

    Griefers are gonna grief.
  8. Dygz Well-Known Member

    I don't need a reference.
    If I'm selling something, I can check my lowest sale price against the vendors.
    Doesn't matter to me what the player's market is.
    Same if there is an AH, if I care what the players market is.
    But, I'd be unlikely to sell and buy from an individual stranger anyways.
    Players I trade with would be from my twitter and twitch friends first or crafters high on the leaderboards.
  9. Talathion Well-Known Member

    From what they said, they might not have an AH. :) You won't be able to know what it sells for unless you know a lot of friends.

    They also announced they would not ALLOW logs that gives players an advantage available. That means no twitch/twitter/ect. Which they announced just yesterday. I don't approve of cheating like that either, should be a bannable offence.
  10. mouser Active Member

    And I'll come back with this is why you should have your PvP ruleset server where you can do something about it. In fact, since people of your own faction (or even your own guild) can "grief" you all you want you could make a strong case that PvP should be Free For All so that you can "do something about it" no matter who it is that is griefing you.
  11. Dygz Well-Known Member

    Any other kind of grief I can probably deal with.
    There's no way to deal with forced PvP.
    And PvPers tend not to agree with flagged PvP.
    You also say you don't want battlegrounds.

    So, as far as I can tell, we're at an impasse.
    As I've said. This is what tends to happen.
    There is no agreeable compromise.
  12. Siyus Member

    Except you're not really doing anything about it at all. If someone ninja'ed an item from you, unless you can loot it off their corpse, they will continue to have that item and killing them won't do a thing about it. Killing them repeatedly would put you in the wrong as a griefer, but killing them once would hardly make you feel better.
  13. mouser Active Member

    A broker system works just as well, better in a lot of ways. If you can't check prices though, you've just killed the free market baby. The playerbase won't let that stand for long. Anyone who remembers the threads in EQ 2 at launch when they tried to make selling 'online only' (effectively forcing you to buy a second account to sell stuff) can tell you that.

    Players are not going to go back to checking through a bunch of lists comparing prices to find out what something is worth. That puts all the power in the hands of the sellers and the economy become tremendously unbalanced.
  14. Talathion Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately in SWG there was an AH, however it was very vague and only listed where venders were and what they sold. It didn't go into much into pricing. However it was vague enough and didn't tell you the best deals, and AHs shouldn't. They should just tell you prices and such, they shouldn't go into stats.

    Anyways, the subject is about fast travel. Fast Travel will have to be limited and expensive. Only the richest of players should be able to skip content, and prices should go by taxes and such.

    Ways to fast Travel:
    Teleportation: Very Expensive, only the richest of people should be able to do this.

    Horse: Expensive, however its convenient. A horse has its own HP pool and you must take care of it, however if you can do that it can last forever. Unfortunately if it dies it doesn't come back, you only can summon a dead body of your horse.

    Those are my ideas for now.
  15. Dygz Well-Known Member

    LOL you really are bonkers.
    They may not have an AH - which is why I said "if".

    I can communicate just fine with Twitch and Twitter via my 2nd PC and my iPad.
    But... the devs have already mentioned the goal of integrated twitch. Last I heard was maybe not at launch.
    I just asked Dave last night about importing our twitter followers so we know when they're logged into EQN.
    He replied this morning - not at the moment, but he was jotting the request down.

    So, while I wasn't really referring to trading with my followers by using integrated twitter and twitch.
    Integrated twitch and twitter are both under consideration by the devs. Integrated twitch is already part of the design plan.
  16. toptek New Member

    I think I all ready posted here some place, so don't get mad plz if I add more . I want my ports back with limits like EQ 1 , I miss so much about EQ 1 , I really really hope EQN does it have no idea how many times i have gone back to EQ 1 after playing other MMO because so much is missing in other MMO that EQ 1 did, no other MMO has done or will ever do, I MISS . but sense those other MMO have better and update PC . I found EQ 1 less fun ..
  17. mouser Active Member

    Yes, keep fast travel to the gold farmers and players that can play 10 hours a day or do top end raiding :rolleyes:

    Btw, if we had a player market thread, I'd talk about it there, but since I'm not allowed to start one, I'll take the discussion up whenever the topic is raised, thank you very much.

    Back to fast travel - it's in. Instant travel is in as I understand it (probably between cities). Fast travel makes a world feel larger because you can see more of it - particularly flying fast travel. The views you get and the places you fly over really make you realize how big the world is. Otherwise you never see farther than the trees and grass in front of you.
  18. Golando New Member

    What about a portal system like in Asheron's Call you can memorize only a few portals, One like a recall to your starting point /bind point and 2 portals you can bind to existing portals in a town or certain places that you frequently want to visit and you could change the bind points if you visit a new place you prefer over the other.
    That way you can not get every where in an instant but only where you are bound to.

    So this means that you still would need to travel to get somewhere new through the world but when you like that place you can bind there with a portal spell to return fast.
  19. mouser Active Member

    I'm fairly certain we'll have some sort of 'hearthstone' or 'Call to Home' ability.
  20. Dygz Well-Known Member

    Instant travel in EQN will be "limited".
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