Zarrakon TLE PvP : Let's do it right

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Partyx, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Partyx New Member

    Request to launch in Rise of Kunark Expansion.

    Reasons for request and the logic behind it:

    Last PvP TLE server launched in Kingdom of Sky.

    The core population will be from the last PvP TLE Tarinax. Thus, generally a large portion of them will not want to re-do content so soon after. Also, a large percentage of Everquest 2 plays on Varsoon server. Which, just played through Kingdom of Sky. Which , will make them reluctant to give the PvP server a try.

    Launching server in Rise of Kunark will aid player retention, which raises profits.

    Many of the TLEs have started in Shattered Lands - Kingdom of Sky era.

    You also just worked on Rise of Kunark for the last PvP TLE. It may be easier to start from this point?

    Helps player retention, player interest. We would like to explore the expansions of Everquest 2. Not just the first few expansions.

    Additional idea. Lower Xp rewards of quests , mob kills , pvp kills and collections.

    It will make lower level content last longer, providing more PvP content throughout the leveling to 80. Also raises profit due to paying for masters for those whom can't grind out all of them. Also will attract those whom enjoy lower level PvP.

    If you would like to see these changes. Please give it a +1.

    Thanks in advance to any Dev consideration. Questions?
    Discord : Party#3757

    Xiao, Cigam, Milambers and 9 others like this.
  2. Milambers Active Member

    Partyx likes this.
  3. Partyx New Member

    Yes , it just makes sense to do this.
  4. Kazooooooooooo Active Member

    First, they don't care whether you just ran the content or not. You're going to sub either way and play so that's the end of that discussion. Not to mention nothing they've done points towards creating and caring about the health of a PvP server. It's just another cash grab. This isn't the first time they've made a decision like this, they simply don't care. Its easier to relaunch a bad server that players like you will still swipe their cards for than it is to rebalance later xpacs and HOPE it brings enough players back to make the time spent worth it.

    Second, RoK isn't going to change anything. RoK is too big for what little population still remains. They've lured players out of retirement and failed them on several occasions. The prospect of them botching another xpac shouldn't and wont cause any influx of players. Anyone interested in the actual content will just play Varsoon. This is a failure of the company and their decisions for years now. RoK doesn't erase all of those moments from history.

    You preach player retention but fail to acknowledge that every PvP TLE has failed to successfully make it past the first xpac. It doesn't matter which point in time you choose. Players aren't interested in returning to run around RoK, find 1 group and then pray your server lasts til TSO. You're not keeping anyone by starting it in RoK. On the off chance you're unaware PvP pretty much went to crud late TSO with the implementation of pvp stats like toughness. So at best you're looking at maybe 1.5 xpacs on a dead server with botched balance.

    Lower xp rates is ok in theory but its a fifteen year old game as is. Leveling shouldn't be a chore just to extend the life of a server, can't think of a quicker way to lose interest than to make what is already and not good game/server more time consuming. All you do with this is alienate what little casual player base may have existed on your PvP server. I acknowledge that their is a healthy middle ground but again, you're asking them to do more balancing which they are notoriously awful at. This is the 7th? 10th? TLE and they still haven't gotten it right.

    All in all these ideas don't make much sense to me. In an idealistic world where everything plays out the way you want it to but the reality of the fact is the PvP server exists only as a cash grab. To expect any sort of dedicated balance or dev work is baffling, its not even a sound business decision. Their servers don't last, your credit card and nostalgia will.