Your INT at L30?

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-Junaru, May 24, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Splatterpunk28 Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-Crono1321 Guest

    Until that patch goes live, I'd say worry about +power over +int, considering +power items are usually more potent in nature. However, I am extremely excited that int will determine damage output, as long as we (with high int that is) don't see a noticeable DECREASE in our dps. At level 37 I have something like 205int self buffed, a few of my items could stand to be upgraded. I do, however have ~2273 power solo. Like someone said before, the d'morte/etc items may give you 329037821321int but its not doing much good considering it gives NO power. 9int or 50hp and 40power?
  3. ARCHIVED-dreadfang Guest

    35 warlock here on kithicor, can't remember my stats right now and too lazy to check.
    when you get to EL go turtle hunting and pick yourself up some fog grinnin cloth gear if ya don't mind not wearing a robe, every piece has nice intelligence and stamina, at least 5 of each if i remember rightly.
    However as a rat, my strength really sucked so i switvhed for a str robe so i wouldn't get slowed down as bad from str debuffs from healer mob agro when soloing (freakin lizards)