WOOT: Live Update #6 Posted

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Handlebars, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Romka Guest

    Nice patch?
    They just FIXING what they broke in previous patchs.
    Dont see anything "nice" here.
  2. ARCHIVED-El Chupacabras Guest

    No, we've always had most of these issues as "features" except when they were broken for a short time (pet buff drain). These changes are balance changes for the better.
  3. ARCHIVED-Bargran Guest

    what about the changes we are asking for, they can do, they do for conjurors but not for us ?
    live update 6:
    Conjurer changes
    - Geotic Brand's armor and health buffs will now update immediately rather than after the caster zones.

    Aspect of the Undead anyone ?
    Since the patch that increased duration of short buffs, conjurors equivalent of grisly brace/stele last 15mins, while ours still last 3mins.
    Looks like devs love conjurors more than necro.
  4. ARCHIVED-backyard Guest

    live update 7 we get a dps boost?
  5. ARCHIVED-Handlebars Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-DarkelfNecro Guest

    Actually...he said that there will be Con/Necro *Pet* DPS improvements.
    Which does mean more DPS for us, but they might not be buffing up any of our other spells...just pets.
    No real details have been listed, so i suppose it could still go either way.
  7. ARCHIVED-Seeko Guest

    Actually it says nothing of the sort and leaves no room for your interpretation. The sentance reads "Conjurer/Necromancer pet/DPS improvements " which interprets as:

    • Conjurer DPS improvements
    • Conjurer pet improvements
    • Necromancer DPS improvements
    • Necromancer pet improvements
    The "/" is for word replacement. So if you read Conjurer/Necro as "Conjurer and Necro" the you must read pet/DPS as "Pet and DPS." It is semantics yes. But I can't see how you can edit "Conjurer/Necromancer pet/DPS improvements" to read "Con/Necro *Pet* DPS"
  8. ARCHIVED-DarkelfNecro Guest

    I seem to stand corrected ;)
    Thanks, can't believe I missed that.
  9. ARCHIVED-Chandigar Guest

    OTOH... the pessimist is never disappointed ;)
  10. ARCHIVED-Seeko Guest

    Heh! I guess we could just take that statement to mean "conjurer's pets' DPS is getting an improvement" ;)