Wizard quest

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Cinexa, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-dracokalen Guest

    Just a heads up, but this is the same exact quest that conjurers have to perform. My first character is a conjurer and my alt will be a wzard here shortly.
  2. ARCHIVED-Thala Guest

    Another note, in the narrow valley leading to BB, there's actually 3 spawn points. You won't see them all if you just blast through the valley (ie sprint) because it seems if you do that then only the first trigger activates and the rest don't seem to pop. If you move slowly through you can kill the pairs quite easily.
    Doing this at 18, i've noticed the chanters are even con and the diviners blue, with either no arrows or single or double downs, so they're not at all hard if you've got your wits about you. Have yet to get an oracle to spawn out there, but going to keep trying, it's just too impossible to find a group in BB worth anything and willing to kill 5 blue mobs at a time just for 2 chances to *maybe* get a drop from the pair of oracles in that room.