Wizard Bug/Issue List

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-BlueSun, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ilucide Guest

    Man, I came here to see what problems my class has, and the post hasn't been updated in like two years! ^_^

    Might I suggest folks on the wizard forum get together and put together your top issues in a new post and drop this one? ;)
  2. ARCHIVED-Mythal_EQ2 Guest

    In all honesty, Ilucide, more people might have taken the time to post in this thread if they actually felt that something would be done.
    It took, what? 2 years to "fix" Surging Tempest -- and it wasn't even a complete fix, since the last tick of the spell is still bugged and won't do damage. And, since LU43, our major bug -- epic mob resists and mitigation due to higher wisdom scores -- is not only not recognized as such, but "Working as intended".
    If that, too, takes 2 years to fix, or -- as I personally feel is more likely -- just remains "as intended", the bug/issue list will remain dead, perhaps only filled with disappointment.
    In an attempt at good faith however, if nothing else, I'll start a post with bugs/issues, and perhaps others will chose to contribute to it too.

  3. ARCHIVED-Pitt Hammerfist Guest

    oh well if you've got nothing to do, maybe you can stop by the SK forums and see whats going on there
  4. ARCHIVED-Skwor Guest

    Ilucide wrote:
    Odd, we have plastered many other boards with cloth DPS issues, and as posted above Storming Tempest has been broke for two years and even after the last fix it still fails to proc on the last tick. However I am excited that someone will look into these issues and as such will post links to some of the discussion that has been occurring.
    http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/...topic_id=419860 (this is one of the best on our issues with GU 43)
    http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/...topic_id=412072 ( This thread sums up the dispair and goes a good bit as to why many may not bother to post into this thread. There is some bickering back and forth as to how effective a wizard is which eventually ends in most seeing the wizard DPS being relagated to low high tier 2 maybe low tier 1 dps with no more cloth DPS competition for the top three parse slots, which are the sole providiece of melee DPS. It is identified as being the result of GU 43/44 and probobly an indicator of where the class is headed.)
    Please take the time to read thru them all, some wizards originally thought we where fine (and some still do I am sure) several changed thier mind in the course of these threads as they saw the problems develop with progression, no one filpped and started seeing the wizards as currently in a good state.
    If I where to sum it up wizards are more random chance DPS on raids, unless where have massive support (Illy, Troub, Fury, Brig) we have no chance to even come in third on the parse. Couple this with the minimal support melee require and the fact that melee have much easier access to raid supporting buffs than cloth (more support available on more classes for melee buffs / debuffs) results in the class failing to be able to compete anymore against assassins and now to a leser degree swashies and rangers. Many parses now typically look like Assassin/Assassin, Swash, Ranger.. then cloth DPS. All we would like to be able to do is again compete for the top slot (not own just compete effectivly) with Assassins. It seems odd that there would not be a cloth equivalent to Assassins.
    Thank you for your time and efforts
  5. ARCHIVED-Griffinhart Guest

    Skwor wrote:
    I agree here. It seems to me that Wizards are more dependant on support classes than other DPS classes. Especially assasins. I do pretty well as a wizard I believe. In the ideal set up of getting buffs like Time Compression, Lucidity, Tandum, troub buffs, near 75% to crit on spells and a brig to debuff mobs I consistantly hit the top of the parse, or at least in a good relative position on the parse. But, on anything less....
    Case in point: Last week I was on a SOH run. It was not an optimum raid at all. We had no Brigand for debuffs. I had no Illy for TC. I did have a troub for some buffs and got capped on a regular basis. On the other hand, the assasin was with limited buffs as well. He had a dirge and that was about it. He dominated the parse all night. Especially with the rediculously resistant mobs in SOH. What really bugged me was after inspecting his gear I saw that he was decked out in mostly crafted gear and didn't even have his legendary epic, yet he was still dominating the parse. I have no doubt that getting max DPS out of an assasin takes skill, but to break 5K on a parse with only a dirge for buffs and no brigand while wearing mostly crafted gear is definately excessive.
    What I would like to see is:
    Fewer resists!!! It's depressing to watch your name drop off the parse because Fission followed by BoI, followed by Fission are all resisted back to back. 10 to 12 seconds of Zero DPS on even con mobs in SoH is frustrating. Current resist rates are really dropping down my DPS.
    Spell Double Attacks: For most wizards it's the impossible dream. I'm not going to be getting my Mythical Epic any time soon. As far as I can tell the only way a wizard can get spell double attack is by getting the epic. Please, add some Double attack to other drops prior to VP. Perhaps add Spell double attack to the bard AA Fortissimo.
  6. ARCHIVED-Fomka Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-DerFunkBlaster Guest

    Is this some sort of joke Illucide?

    You guys at EQ2 SoE never fail to amaze me.
  8. ARCHIVED-UUCyberSteve Guest

    Ilucide wrote:
    Honestly, I got tired of waiting for any Wizard class changes, so I just went and made a Necro as my main when class shortly after RoK came out.
  9. ARCHIVED-Fendaria Guest

    Ilucide wrote:
    Wow. I'm speechless. Fendaria
  10. ARCHIVED-Marie-Ange Jourdelune Guest

    Ilucide wrote:
    Hello and Welcome Illucide.

    I am pretty happy to see that some Developper of Eq2 choose the Wizard class. We feel has forgotten since EoF and even before...

    The Wizard side of Eq2, really need a developer who can care and cherish that classe, because we really need it.

    I would say, that a lot of "hard clashes" had undermine the wizard in the past. Without no much motivation from SoE, a lot of them simply goes to the Melee DPS toon of the game.

    Without being FUBAR, Wizard are in my mind the hardest classe to play well of the game.

    We are the only classes who need more than 12 players debuffing their mob. And some of them are in the dark side of the melee dps.... that want to compete, and don't land their debuff.

    But, it's not just even that... How can I say... when you whine and complain, and work to show proof of your experences and you get nothing done, it's kind depressing.

    So, You had came here, giving some clue that SoE get some Wizard in their staff... but after reading all our issues... are you still there for us? ;) I guess it takes ball to play with the hardest toon ever? ;)

    Why I say so? Give me any 80 wizard geared with pure trash, and I am sure I can boost his DPS by more than 1k ZW, playing it and "paying" all the guyz need to having a Wizard that can give good numbers, but never enough to compete with the assassin. (plz break that dependancies, it's not even funny anymore)

    Wizard depends on others. They need others buff, temp buff more than any none T1 DPSer... and guess what? They need to fight their TC buff from summoner (well right,.50% of their damage is not affected by TC, with so fast timer...) at time or their JC from trouby to the T2 meleer...

    Anyway, I am so disgust, that I will leave it at that. But I am sure you can read a lot, play a lot and do your own analysis of our pathetic situation.

    Wizards of Norrath, the Beggars of Buff/Debuff, the Slower caster of all, The mana hungry kitties, the Alzheimer of Reuse, the patetic dumbfire guy.

  11. ARCHIVED-SacDaddy420 Guest

  12. ARCHIVED-thajoka Guest

    /lastname manathirsty'kitty
  13. ARCHIVED-Tsunai Guest

    Since there is a new and stickied Wizard bugs list I'm going to shut this old one down since it no longer serves a purpose.