Wizard Bug/Issue List

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-BlueSun, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    god forbid the class actually take skill and though while mindlessly button mashing.
  2. ARCHIVED-Jezekiell Guest

    It isn't as much about requiring "skill or thought", infact I'd say there's no thought or skill required to just watch the combat spam for X seconds until next surge lands. It's on the other hand a source of frustration and nothing beyond a pain in the rear, not to mention a loss of DPS having it work like it currently does. I really don't see why surge can't be just another DoT like FC and Irradiate.
  3. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    Loss of dps? rofl. what do you do just sit there cast nothing until a surge ticks off? The way it works now you can get dmg procs and beneficial procs on each tick, thats an increase in dps if you ask me ;)
    the skill comes in timing your nukes, if you cant get off a 4s cast spell in a 8s window consistantly you really do have no skill, especially since you already know when each tick will land, and you can even mouse over the damned icon to see when the next tick will go off.
    Is it really that complicated to stand in one spot and nuke, mouse over the timer, write down on a piece of paper if you can do basic addition / subtraction in your head and tape it to the monitor so you know how long you have till the next tick of surge, know what the cast timer on your spells are and adjust your chain accordingly? i'm getting tired of people complaining about this.
  4. ARCHIVED-Cowtothesky Guest

    I have no problem timing the nukes if I want to. But, in a raid situation where you are jousting ae's, running in for fusion, coordinating debuffs w/ large casts, coordinating aa's, working raid strategy, and conversating in TS/raid chat/etc, it gets confusing and I don't understand why the aa abilities just can't be changed to work with nukes over a certain amount of damage, such as 5k or more. This would not require a ST change to a dot. Makes alot of sense to me and I really don't wanna screw around with math when I'm trying to have fun lol
  5. ARCHIVED-curtlewis Guest

    You can't wait for up to 8 seconds for Surging Tempest to land on a raid. You have to cast, cast, cast in the most efficient order with no pause in between in order to do decent dps.

    Even then, you'll still be out damaged by Summoners and Assassins every time (unless they're afk).

    It's just so wrong that Gallenite doesn't get that being a 2 man group, with double hit points, double mana, aggro split between them and pet, a body instead of a root for protection, rezzing, superior power dumping (wood/shards) is overpowered compared to a class with half the hp/power, doing much less damage, no rezzing, vastly inferior power dumping. Anyone with half a brain should know that a pet class shouldn't outdamage Sorcerors.
  6. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    I just dont see what your talking about curt. I dont get out damaged by summoners and assasins *every time* without a troubador and only amends on me we usually trade for top dps, with rangers/assasins, warlocks, and summoners all up in the top 5. Give me a troub and I can blow those classes out of the water (see my parses in this forum)
    I've accepted that soe wants summoners to do t1 dps and moved on. It's time to just let this horse die.
  7. ARCHIVED-curtlewis Guest

    I guess your Summoners and Assassins are slacking then - they outdamage everyone else with ease most of the time in most of the raid guilds I've talked with.

    Amends only goes to one person. I'm rarely in a group with a pally. I'm usually grouped with a healer, a troub and all the summoners. Level playing field.

    I have not accepted that SOE thinks Summoners should do T1 dps. It's entirely unbalanced and and I will never stop mentioning how utterly stupid it is to believe it's not. It's preposterous. Even EQ1 got that basic concept...

    But then it's well known that the devs don't even read this stuff let alone reply.

    So the gloves are off!

    Gallenite wears silk panties! neener neener neener!

    The trap has been laid. Maybe THAT will get some attention! ;-)

    I'd love to engage in a non-flamed discussion about the differences between Summoners and Sorcerors and why Summoners should be 2nd fiddle in DPS with Gallenite or any Dev at SOE.
  8. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    I think the part in red I highlighted is the key.
    Also I think the summoners and assasins and rangers, and zerkers, and brigands and any other claimed uber dps classes I've grouped with and parsed would like to disagree with you on the slacking part.
    I used to think the same way you are until I actually started parsing myself logging zone parses, going over my own damage, figuring out what to cast and when.
    My problem was I never had enough hate reduction and or hate gain on the MT. Once lu24 hit and coercers got a cross - raid passive hate reduction + amends (without a troub) i'm golden on hate reduction and can nuke till my hearts content aoe or singles. With a troub + harmonious link its pretty close but I prefer amends because once I pull agro the paly can take 2-3 swings and not die so I tend to live through fights if I over nuke.
    beg plead grovel, what ever you have to do so that you get harmonious link, or amends, or hell I'll even take a moderate adp 3 (guardian de-hate 33%) you wont believe how much a difference it makes being able to nuke on the pull.
  9. ARCHIVED-curtlewis Guest

    I've talked with many wizards in MANY guilds. I've spent hours analyzing logs from wizards in guilds that do high DPS (DPS efficiency, casting order, etc). Of course, Summoners and Assassins do great DPS in those guilds, too...

    We have one guardian and I'm NEVER in the MT group. I'm pretty much not getting Amends, either. I usually get a Troub, it's not enough. Sometimes we have the coercer, it's still not enough.

    HOWEVER, the Summoners are subject to the same problems. And out DPS all the Sorcerors by the previously mentioned amounts.

    Unless your Summoners are frequently parsing 1600+ DPS average, they're slacking. Ours good ones do. And our group makeup could use alot of improvement. Given our group makeup, I'm breaking 1600dps once, maybe twice a night at most. Any attempts at increasing that only increase my death rate.

    You can say, get this buff, that buff or whatever change all you want, see paragraph 3.
  10. ARCHIVED-Jezekiell Guest

    I'm still not impressed by the changes LU#24 added to the Summoners, if anything nothing really changed. I still see them poking their ugly head out at #1 and #2 on overall damage done at raids. In particular Necromancers, their swarmpets accounts for a ton of their overall damage in the parses I've done, the point where it's just too much IMO especially since their aggro generation doesn't respresent a significant enough amount compared to a wizard. If anything summoners needs alot more hate generated added to their swarm pets atleast to average things out some.
  11. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    Since you cant go past 1600 dps your problem is hate. If your raid / guild doesn't want to set you up to do maximum dps then that is their fault. There is nothing left to discuss on this matter.
  12. ARCHIVED-electricninjasex Guest

    Those damage procs are a nice little dribble on my love handle compared to a 12K ice nova that should have been a 15K ice nova.
    If you postpone your FS+IN to fit the next Surge, you just lost dps. And what else are you casting out of the optimal order to fit this scheme? Who knows.

    Complicated processes in this game tend to be a result of complicated goals. One's own basic spellbook should not be the thing that is muddling one's spellcasts, because if it is, it's out of line.

    You will hear complaints until it gets fixed. I'll bet more people are /feedback'ing my position than yours.
  13. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    I thought we already had a chat about this in the all wizard chat channel like last month.......
  14. ARCHIVED-Jezekiell Guest

    I agree 100%, Surging Tempest isn't the only thing that needs to be fixed either. Sunstrike is horribly inadaquate compared to Firestorm and Irridiate. I find it stupid that Stunstrike regardless of it's faster recast does less damage in the overall scheme then Firestorm. IMO Single target spells should always outpreform AoE spells vs single targets. AoEs should come in play when there's multiple targets to attack. But regardless of what I think spells should or shouldn't be, Sunstrike is wank and needs a considerable boost in damage, enough to make it worth casting over Firestorm vs single target encounters.
    Moving towards a more optimal casting pattern to compete with Summoners, Brigands and Assassins I find that I NEED to be in range to use Firestorm otherwise it's a hopeless struggle, which to me is ridiculous since we're a ranged DPS class with little to no defensive mechanisms to save us from AoEs, Aggro or what not.

    You're a decent chap, and you may not share the views of others presented here, but I see it consistently in the parses of the guilds in the top end, and I see it in the parses of my own guild. It'll only be a matter of time before my own Assassins will out damage our summoners and my self, and the two summoners are already ahead most of the time or tied with me, and I hardly consider my self a mediocre player. Yes I've seen you're parses but honestly, and not to put the guild you raid with down but ask your self, how much performance really comes out of a semi-pickup joint guild raid compared to a guild that raids together multiple times a week with a focus on playing 110%.
  15. ARCHIVED-IllusiveThoughts Guest

    I just found it odd that illuminator was quoting me(on a 1 month old post) on somehting we had discussed over the WW wizard chat channel, in which I agreed that this spell wasn't in line with any other dot type spells in the game, and based on that fact alone it should be changed. (dunno maybe he forgot)
    I did not agree with people complaining about it when it doesn't take a ton of skill to time around it until they (if they ever will) fix it.
  16. ARCHIVED-simpwrx02 Guest

    Found a new bug today while playing decided to have a dagger as primary weapon and summoned familiar, this is suspose to reduce recast timers by 2%. I tried recasting this serveral time and still nothing, my finding are based off of the recast timer of ice nova.. i have ther relic chest piece which reduces recast by 3 seconds as well as the finall agi AA reduceing recast time by 12% as well dropping ice nova's recast to 37.2 seconds. A 2% reduction on a 45 second recast spell should be .9 seconds, how ever multiple attempts to recast teh familar and also dismissing him did nothing to change therecast timer , it stayed constant at 37.2 seconds. This should get looked at, it should have dropped the recast to 36.3 seconds, how ever this is no tthe case. I would like to have this looked at any help would be appreicated.
  17. ARCHIVED-Marie-Ange Jourdelune Guest

    I just do a came back for EoF.

    My fun factor was cut in the half and more.

    Before, when I was in a group of 6 with 4 DPS, I could blast Ice Comet and the timer had time to refresh before the mob was dead.
    Now for the same chain spell, I barely cast Ice comet before the mob is dead. It seems combat is a lot faster. So, why taking a wizard with slow spell when the mob cannot stand the fight when my bomb are ready?

    Before EoF I was really happy to give all my bomb on those mobs. Now, i don`t have the time to do it. I wear a robe, I am in crystal... so, my only fun time is in grouping. And now, I am worthless on group. I take aggro on a tank 5 level more then me really often and I am not even more in the top parse regularly.

    If at least wizzy could have good damage spell that take only 2 sec to cast. Sunstrike is really low damage in that regard, cremate take too time to cast to be has effective has a dual wielder poison free mana damage output for me.

    I think wizzy are broken in this regard. I think SOE forgot the role of a wizzy in a group when they changed the paced of the combat.

    I this situation, I should reroll to a better DPS, with better armor, better utility for raids and forget my 2 years old wizzy.

    So, rolling a scout DPS (no bard on them), will give me more DPS output, better aggro and power management, better armor. I will have more fun in solo, group and raids.

    That is ridiculous. Bring us back the old fat triple arrow of the time, when wizzy was need to advanced faster in any heroic place.

    At least on Nek, 170 wizzy are lvl 70 and only 70 assassin lvl 70. :D

    Message Edited by Marie-Ange Jourdelune on 12-20-2006 10:35 AM
  18. ARCHIVED-SacDaddy420 Guest

    Marie, I think you just need to give it some time. Keep playing your wiz. Get more and more AA. I'm pretty sure you'll discover once you get back into the groove that we still are the best. LOL , of course, I -may- be just a little biased :)
  19. ARCHIVED-netwalker48184 Guest

    I was recently in a raid with multiple wizards, I am fairly new to the raiding scene and noticed something last night. Voice of the tyrant (or any of the series of this spell family) is a group AE Int buff.... in my case at master I it bumps my intellegence by about 85, with multiple wizards though (who were in not only in the same raid but were actually IN MY group) the intellegence buffs should stack, otherwise they are NOT in fact AE at all. There has been a lot of discussion about the DPS problems of Wizards and I admit that I am really ticked when a conj consistantly out DPS's me by 100 - 150% and yet "I" am the one who is somehow pulling the aggro. the easy answer though is if the int stacks then not only does our power levels go up but so does our damage abilities.
    I can understand if SOE doesn't want a solo wiz to be able to stack ( in some bizzare way) int buffs and can even applaud that since they want to force everyone into raids and groups, but when we DO become part of a group we should not be penalized!!!!
    I would Love to hear what you all think

    Qeshar 70 Wizard - the Bizzare server - Shattered Illusions Guild
  20. ARCHIVED-Azol Guest

    Not a single post here for over a year! Devs may think we have no bugs at all...
    so here it goes...
    Please, fix resists rate that went ridiculously high after LU43, both in PVE and PVP (which is most annoying, I hardly can land a M2 stun once in 3 retries.) Thank you.