Will of the Heavens ninja Nerfed?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Esar, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Esar Guest

    We were able to cast Will of the Heavens while feared, but now we cannot. Was this change intentional? Also the description of the spell was change so that it does not include fear.
  2. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    It has been this way for a while.
  3. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    I don't remember this being the case at all. I used to use it all the time in TSO. (sometimes it would cure, sometimes not).
    Is this just in SF content or is this retroactive to all content?
  4. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    I'm pretty sure I used it two days ago in Erudin Palace to cure a fear. I suppose its possible that the healer cast a cure at the exact same time I did, but it seems like it was working recently.
  5. ARCHIVED-couching Guest

    It didn't work on fear for a while. Maybe from the launch of TSF, can't remember the exact date.
  6. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Clearly being able to cure fear from ourselves would make this class seriously OP and it needed to be nerfed. I mean seriously what is this world coming to when a tank can do something to prevent a fear?
  7. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    I'm pretty sure I've used it in Seb recently to cure fear, so it must just be SF content if anything. I suppose the fear could have just broken on a hit or something at the same time after I cast it.
    That sucks though. I wonder what the reasoning for that was. It's only a minor advantage considering the long reuse on it... on an already disadvantaged class.
  8. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    Edit: Sarcasm FTW.
  9. ARCHIVED-Jacobian21 Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    I'm hoping this was sarcasm.. :p there's a bunch of fear resist gear from SoF, including the kinda-rare Arachybutyriphobia clicky item (too bad you have to have it equipped) that makes you immune to fear for 10 sec. :p
  10. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    Jacobian21 wrote:
    Yeah, on second thought, that's totally sarcasm.
    Yeah, what about that tinfoil hat. Not sure what all it prevents fear from, but it's a hilarious item anyway.
  11. ARCHIVED-couching Guest

    Xerq@Crushbone wrote:
    No, it didn't work in seb. I have done farming named there day and night and didn't work after TSF launch.
  12. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    Couching@Crushbone wrote:
    Well with 10 mobs hitting me (and trying to re-fear me), I guess it's hard to tell.
    That really sucks.
  13. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    Couching@Crushbone wrote:
    One thought. Are you using the t9 Will of the Heavens or t8? I am still using the t8 master.
  14. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Xerq@Crushbone wrote:
    Yes I was being sarcastic seeing as the guard myth procs fear immune as well as crusaders being completely immune to it with the right aa set up.
  15. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    I was told this would be looked into. I don't think this change was intentional.
  16. ARCHIVED-Exordus Guest

    Xerq@Crushbone wrote:
    Well, that's good to hear. Maybe we can expect to see it changed back with the next expansion? It is annoying though, I still click the button when i'm feared just out of habit.
  17. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    I haven't heard anything back on this, but I was in Seb again last week, trying to finish up some lingering quests. It seemed I could clear fear effects (but I've been mistaken about that before). I tried it several times and it seemed to work every time. Anyone else try it lately?
  18. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Xerq@Crushbone wrote:
    You are mistaken, this still hasn't been fixed.
  19. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    Dang, I tried it at least 4 times on the praetorians and saw the detriment disappear each time. It still could have disappeared due to being hit or the det expiring, but what a coincidence. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Next time I'll parse and log it to make sure.
  20. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Xerq@Crushbone wrote:
    I was in there yesterday farming for some deity sacrifice loot, when you are feared Will Of Heavens becomes unusable.