Why Imbue .....

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-tooslow, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jay42 Guest

    No, you're not doing anything wrong. Not all of us high-level rangers rely totally on bows, I use my melee arts and weapons all the time. I still don't really sit on ranged autoattack very often, I close in and use my melee CAs if I need to keep aggro down and/or wait for bow arts to refresh. Plus, at your level you just don't have many ranged arts in your arsenal, yet. By the time you reach the early - mid 30s, you'll have a more completely line of bow skills at your disposal.
    RE: the hex doll - to my knowledge, the non-imbued vs imbued issue only affects weapons, not hex dolls, so imbued is the way to go there.
  2. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    +9 AGI is awsome dude! Regrest not having found this earlier.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    To further Kae's post...I hardly ever sit back away from the mob on ranged auto-attack. The only time I will do that is on raids where the mob has some sort of vicious aoe. In normal group settings, it's probably a 70/30 split between ranged/melee. In my 20's, that ratio was probably reversed. At higher levels before the CU, it was pretty close to an even split. Don't limit yourself. Try different styles and find one you like.
  4. ARCHIVED-Jay42 Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Sulas Guest

    I solo a great deal, so when I scared up one bit if Feysteel right around level 30 I put it into an imbued breastplate. That little HoT proc has saved my life more than a few times; I think I'll continue that strategy at the next teir, unless you can dissuade me. ;) If I got a 2nd piece? Not so sure... probably a weapon, but I would have to do the research. I'm pretty satisfied with my weapons (imbued feyiron and PGT)
  6. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    ok, I got luck with selling some rares and I - after reading this - imediately went and bought an imbued leafblade. Has litteraly saved my life more than once. I cannot say whether my life would have been saved were it my armor that was imbued or my weapon, but to answer the initial poster - by God yes man! Get some imbued!

    PS What is an PGT?
  7. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    Polished Granite Tomahawk. A dual-wield slasher that has a ward proc and a power regen proc. It's a heritage quest given by Obsid Boulderbloom in the Thundering Steppes.
  8. ARCHIVED-Dasanhgul Guest

    MIne's grey and I still use it (depends on group or solo)... love that proc.
  9. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    hmm, used piercing since the newbie isle. Worth getting my slashing up a bit, just in case? And when/where can I get the quest (lvl 26 at the mo).
  10. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    Yes...you definitely need to keep your slashing skill up. Absolutely imperative. In order to start the quest 'An Axe From The Past', you must have the giant language. To to this, you must farm the giants and collect and study Giant Idols. Once you have the language, you can talk to Obsid. I can't remember at what level you can start. Search on ogaming.com for the details. And fyi..the final mob is an epic mob...I would recommend working on this quest and Hadden's Earring simultaneously. At least I think it's Hadden's Earring....use ogaming's link to the zone The Cove of Decay and it'll tell you the quests that involve that zone.
  11. ARCHIVED-Star Guest

    Yeah get your slashing up. I would suggest getting 1 piercer and 1 slasher and keep both skills up at max.
  12. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    25, I think. Though, according to Ogaming, you can't equip it until 32 :(

    My ranger is 21... I got an imbued steel piercer (rapier... had a stilletto in black iron and didn't really want to go to the looks of a dagger) but was debating on steel for my slasher (cresent axe.. cause it looks cooool).. went with imbued carbonite -in case- he can actually equip the PGT before 30... 'cause that's the quest I am going to start on as soon as I possibly can and the price of steels is outrageous... (if he harvests one before 25 and the PGT is not equippable until 32, I might consider a steel axe to use until then).

    PGT = pretty good toejam *smirk* (that's what you are if a giant steps on you)
  13. ARCHIVED-Mentla Guest

    Which quest is that dude?
  14. ARCHIVED-Dasanhgul Guest

    I supposed he's refering to the "An Axe From The Past" HQ:
    For this reward: