Where is the ability mod?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Atan, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Atan Well-Known Member

    So, I admit, just two nights in, the itemization already has me not wanting to continue to play.

    Caster gear with attack speed and no abmod all over the place. It seems like the itemization widget places crit chance instead of abmod for DoF.

    I can't speak to other classes yet, but the caster itemization is 'poopy' and doesn't exactly inspire continued playing.
  2. Ellimist Active Member

    Same issue on live in KA. Caster gear has very little or no AB mod in most cases and you need to reforge into it if you want it. Seems like par for the course lately.
  3. Atan Well-Known Member

    That would be perfectly fine with me *IF* I had access to reforging. But without that, its pretty much why even play.
  4. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Adorns, my dirge has 650k AM. Purple with 100k, orange on epic 2. etc

    but they mean for you to reforge to spend coin.
  5. dirgenoobforreal Well-Known Member

    You will take your 0.7% crit chance and you WILL love it.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  6. jessejames Active Member

    yea it is basically trade AB mod for CC/Pot

    I agree I hate seeing attack speed on some of these cloth raid drops.
  7. Rhyashaa Member

    Except we don't have adorns or reforging and won't for a long time. You Live folks don't realize how nice you have it...
    CoLD MeTaL likes this.
  8. jessejames Active Member

    I think now you just have to put more thought in your gear. (speaking as coercer) in t5 I picked gear solely on AB mod. wanted to get 500-550 and hope to get more than 5% cast speed in there. Now it looks like you have balance your blue stats instead of getting tunnel vision on one.
  9. BulletCatcher66 Active Member

    Gasp... Im shocked. I may not be able to figure this out on my own.
  10. Atan Well-Known Member

    The problem is, the numbers don't line up.

    The crit chance numbers in particular on this gear are not high enough to offset the loss of ABMOD from the t5 piece.

    TLDR; Many of these upgrades are not actually upgrades.
    Adoninilol likes this.
  11. jessejames Active Member

    First I've seen a few decent pieces with AB mod but I don't mot of them because I suck at loot rolls or DKP cheap they do seem more rare

    I believe you are a sorcerer? Maybe thats why we view it different. For me MY procs and reactive damage that do a big chunk of my DPS have lower AB mod cap so I wouldn't mind shedding a few AB mod to get some POT. I've been busy and haven't sat down to work the numbers to see where my "sweet spot" is but sounds like you did and it is a lot higher than mine.
  12. Atan Well-Known Member

    Correct, I am a sorcerer. I've looked at extensive spreadsheets of gear from beta and other sources. There are some slots that do have a few upgrade pieces to chase. But there are other equipment slots that are completely devoid of an upgrade. For the slots that do have upgrades, there are many pieces that are simply not worth looking at.
  13. jessejames Active Member

    I know you suggested increasing the non AB mod blue stats to make up for it, how about increasing the AB mod on cloth to make up for the non AB cloth pieces? that could satisfy your AB mod sweet spot while still giving variety to gear. And I'm strictly talking about mage gear here.
  14. Atan Well-Known Member

    I can put together the analysis if DBG was interested in it.

    Either significant increases to other stats, or very significant increases to the slots that do contain ABMOD would be required. Currently, I'm so far from mod cap that it really isn't plausible to consider the other stats unless they are around a 10:1 ration of abmod:critchance.

    Potency is a plausible alternative as well, but that is farily restricted but also found on items that don't make any sense. One of the best potency items I'm seeing right now is on a crafted charm.
  15. jessejames Active Member

    You said you had all T5 gear so I assume your current AB mod is about 550ish? What would be your class cap?

    I do have a question. I pretty much guess and get a rough estimate of my cap. What is the best way to figure out your cap? take all your gear off see what your spell damage says... then manually calculate intelligence mod and potency, then 50% of that is the cap? or am I missing something?
  16. Atan Well-Known Member

    Taking gear off and doing and average of your base ability damage, but I only average the things I keep on cool down when raiding, some things really don't factor as I never get to the point I cast them.

    I'd be happy around 1200 abmod, in t5 I got to 585, I'm sitting about 685 now, in short no where near a point it drops off.

    It is sad though that some of the best in slot gear is level 47 treasured quest gear...
  17. Mizgamer62 Feldon Fan Club Member

    Sounds like a replay of SH and sadly, it doesn't surprise me.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  18. Adoninilol Well-Known Member


    You're delusional if you think this gear makes any sense at all, go ahead and look at all of the raid gear vs instance gear, there are 3-4 pieces with the same exact stat layouts but none with the same layouts as last expansion.

    The fact that if I equiped all new gear on my assassin I would have half the ability mod is just silly, if they wanna make gear sets, thats fine, but at least make sure every single stat layout has a piece of gear to go with it.

    Look at the "mystical" gear in ToV, you open a crate and you get to pick a few specific pieces and each one matches the rest of the "set" so it makes perfect sense.

    Here I have to mix/match pieces from t5 that are TREASURED just to get the ability mod that I need.

  19. jessejames Active Member

    you're delusional if you think EVERY class needs 1K+ AB mob but i recognize some do.

    and as far as you claiming using t6 gear over t5 gear would cut your AB mod in half, I think is kinda silly. I don't know scout gear but I'm in mostly T6 gear and my AB mod went up like 150 since T5
  20. Atan Well-Known Member

    What was the before and after number?

    I've managed to get mine up at this point, but that is mostly because the level 47 treasured gear from beetle herding is clearly broken in terms of itemization.