Where is Scout's CA change?

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Cian4ik, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Airvh Active Member

    Wow I am a Troubador and almost all my armor is WDB based but I'm just glad that I don't totally freak out about my DPS changing. Also my raid force is a little more laid back so they don't freak out about it either. I'm sure it will all work out sooner or later. :)

    If freaking out is your thing, go for it. I'm sure you enjoy it or else you wouldn't be playing. :)
  2. kluxor Well-Known Member

    I'm so tired of the class envy and cries for nerfs to assassins. Especially from the last guy bemoaning assassins dps, you have what, 4 different scouts? Perhaps if you focused on one class, learned what you were doing, geared them up properly, and truly mastered a class you may do a little better. Instead your answer is "nerf this guy cause he's better than me"

    Despite what you think too, assassins aren't easy mode. Go gear up your 50th character and see if you can match top assassins or top any class for that matter. I couldn't tell you how many people I know rolled an assassin in attempts to match my dps. Do they come close? Not at all because they haven't been playing one for years, they're not min maxing themselves. It's not "let me buy some hemos off the broker and pew pew." The vast majority of assassins are getting beat my conjies and warlocks all day long cause they don't know what they're doing.

    Anyways...to sum it all up, if you want to be top stuff dps don't expect to get there by having someone who's clearly just better than you nerfed. Learn your class and master it rather wanting to have a stable full of halfcocked 100s
  3. Baarbossa Active Member

    Yes i sadly know nothing about my class or this game. I'm actually the worst player on Antonia Bayle and I pay plat to be an officer in a top 20 world wide guild. Now that this out I feel better...but despite what you just said I know high end sins who say passive damage is way way way way too much...passive damage means it doesn't take much skill. I also do not want brig to be top dps...we are a t2 class and should be..I just want true balance and you can't achieve that when one class is spoiled. Thanks for your post ...it helps prove the spoil part!
    Tharrakor likes this.
  4. membrainophones New Member

    about hawk attack go cast it and look at your spell effects window its a 25% group hate xfer to fighter that seems pretty cool to me and not useless
  5. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    As a Swash I disagree.

    I welcome sin hemo doing 18 mil++ dps & undermining an AE-spam class casting non-stop blues on big trash fights making me look like a bad player. Sorry Baarb, you're in the wrong and don't know what you're talking about so just stop.
    Dorofei and Glassjaw like this.
  6. Baarbossa Active Member

    Lol yeah Kat isn't it amazing to lose a parse to hemo?
  7. Jumjumbandito Active Member

    What, does this mean with all your skills that hemotoxin is not the top thing on your parse?
  8. Baarbossa Active Member

    Some players do not want passive dps to be the majority of their dps. What is the fun in having hemo and auto attack being over 40-50% of your dps? Sins hit even higher on hemo. So what Kat is sarcasticly saying is why should a poison that can be purchase do so much damage for one class that it makes another's class dps look useless? Swashys total dps on a fight should not be less than a sins hemo toxin on the same fight and sadly it is.
  9. Jumjumbandito Active Member

    I think the only ones who do want that are the ones who are riding that train for all its worth. My point was if it was all about how much "better" the guy whining about whining is compared to the rest of the world, than surely hemotoxin is not the top of his parse. Otherwise, just be glad you are driving the Ferrari on the go-cart track, enjoy it while it lasts, and don't take things so personally.

    Trust me, Swash has been my main for two years. I know the useless feeling very well. And I really AM the worst player on AB. Luckily I am handsome and devilishly charming.
  10. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    How DARE you take my 100% serious statement lightly, heathen! I simply wanted to celebrate in the grandeur that is Sin hemotoxin parsing well over over 15 million dps on AE fights. It is a true marvel to behold.

    Okay you got me! My issue is that the hemo shenanigans supersedes abilities and class balance. While hemo alone doesn't out-parse me, on AE fights it is why I lose by a nice margin.
    Ambi likes this.
  11. Baarbossa Active Member

    I'm not a swash I'm a brig and I feel swashys and rangers are way mistreated. Why should a sin out parse a t1 ae class like a ranger on ae? It's easy to see the real issues here...and tbh imo any sin that is saying otherwise doesn't understand a game should have interaction not just hemo and auto.
  12. Karsa Active Member

    they should make hemo-toxin the 8th scout class imo and there could be tech four t1 scout classes...
    Katanallama likes this.
  13. VigaBrand New Member

    So long as I can betray from swash im in.
  14. Baarbossa Active Member

    Just curious why is it that reckless 2.0 now has sks tanking zones and topping dps like crazy. Had an sk in my group doing 18-32k dps even on names...so us scouts get a 7% or so buff and sks and zerkers get god mode? When does the game genie hit the daybreak market store? Would be amazing if tanks were defensive and could hold hate so I can dps in a zone instead of tank on a scout.
  15. Karsa Active Member

    C'mon now everyone knows that the SK. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill everything in the room, accept no substitutes.
  16. Dreadtalon Active Member


    Dreadtalon, a Freetard of Freeport
  17. Baarbossa Active Member

    I mean 18-32 mil dps...sorry no one will clean my guilds beach and I'm pretty frustrated at the moment looking for some other spot to so my business!
  18. Gillymann Abusive Relationships Aren't Healthy. J S.

    "We need class balance, let's give all classes the opportunity for 100% ae auto damage...."

    "What about the classes who primarily make up ae damage now?"

    "I don't know, we'll deal with that later...."

    Note: later = 5-6 years down the road.

    Sorry rangers and swashbucklers, you're time will come, just be patient :)
  19. Dorofei Member

    I'm not even up at the very end game yet, but I've seen that on all levels. Pretty much some people can AE-spam more than a tank merc knocking off greens and blues. If that is the sign of the end game, I can't understand why the other main class players would complain about scouts.
  20. Regolas Well-Known Member

    If you (the devs) think that scout dps is about where it should be, and I personally don't know if this is true compared to casters, then there is a simple overall goal to accomplish.

    Passive dps (ie autoattack damage, poisons, etc) need to be lowered and CAs need to be increased, so that overall our dps is the same but the split is more in favour of our CAs. The problem is that passive dps is too much of our parse so few CAs matter, unlike casters.

    The current changes indicate that you think our dps is a little short of what it should be, hence the 7% increase to CAs.

    I'd like to think step 2 would be a nerf to autoattack and poisons, but compensated by a large increase to CA damage on a ability by ability level for each one.

    Eg. Reduce autoattack and poisons by 30%, increase CA by 70% (purely imaginative numbers).

    If A = autoattack and B = CA damage

    Current DPS = A + B

    Future DPS = 0.7A + 1.7B

    Obviously B is broken down into all the CAs and some require more of a boost than others.

    Right now, no one knows what stage 2 onwards is. Even if it's only a theory that may not work.

    It would be nice to know what the plan is even if the plan changes.

    I think we actually need our CAs to "hit like Mack trucks", because our autoattack and poisons already do! But if they (CAs) do, then the passive dps needs to be lowered to compensate.

    Some classes (bards/swash/etc) need more of a boost than others when it comes to their CA increases. I don't play a swash but my dirges CAs are horrible. One of my highest damage CAs is my dehate ability that has added damage via AA. That's quite sad.