What Race are you?

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Rhyltran, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sarkoris Guest

    Once an Iksar always an Iksar although do like Dark Elves as well - they taste like chicken.
  2. ARCHIVED-azraelteir Guest

    Erudite (because it seemed like a good idea at the time)
  3. ARCHIVED-Jaffa Tamarin Guest

    iksar (female)
    My main was always going to be a ratonga, but the iksar (especially the females) are almost as sexy as the rats.
  4. ARCHIVED-Alienshogun Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Jaezah Guest

    I'm dark elf.. played a drow nec back years ago on EQOA and adored it. Can't imagine NOT having one as my main
  6. ARCHIVED-hypocratic_oath Guest

    Erudilite, but i have a billion gnoll illusion items because a gnoll necromancer is too damn adorible.
  7. ARCHIVED-littleman17 Guest

    To me, the most logical choice I could make way back when was a Ratonga. I mean, they're already seen as filthy little vermin by most of the other races, so I thought it fight. He's a dirty little rat that littles to play with the dead and other various nasties. "Tis fun I tells you, death can be such a fun plaything."
  8. ARCHIVED-Soyel Guest

    Iksar cause they are evil , though on EQ my Nec is Erudite with same name Soyel. Thought about going DE but had already made my Ranger a DE ;p
  9. ARCHIVED-hazazal Guest

  10. ARCHIVED-Yumena Guest

    Tecno the Troll Necro at your service - never seen another like me in game....
  11. ARCHIVED-nucnud Guest

    im a troll necro
    took the hublyest class i could find tried to make the troll as huggly as possible (grin)