well well well

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-piro, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Darken_Star Guest

    Unfortunately the poll happy often forget that even the developers are quick to admit that less than 1/10th of the population even uses the forums in any way. These same people also conveniently forget what the sociology teachers told them about polls. You have to have a significantly varied group to make it work; the entire idea of polls is to get random people with differenct views, not stacked results from a similar mindset. So. A poll on forums only a specific type of person (forum goers) is always going to be skewed. The vocal majority is not the majority especially in an MMO world where the forums are primarily to complain and whine.

    Time will tell how this change will pan out, I am still on "strike" ultil I come to a decision for myself, but, time will be the teller for the game and this change in general.

  2. ARCHIVED-Rob626 Guest

    This attitude of boycotting has always confused me. Much like people that choose not to vote or participate in an election, how can you expect your views to be taken seriously if you opt out of the process? Essentially, your view becomes based on out dated information and hearsay instead of current facts. If you are boycotting the process that's fine, but that also means you no longer have a valid base for complaints or suggestions. Only those that choose to participate in the process get my respect or acknowledgement. Much like an election: if you don't vote then you don't get to grump when they raise the taxes. If you did vote then grump to your heart's content and your voice will be heard. It may not change anything, but you will still be heard. Majo, 74 Guardian for Shadow Guard, Venekor
  3. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    I saw a thread in the Nagafen section that mentioned somebody starting a guild just for people to lock at 10 and level up strictly on PvP, exploration dings, and non-npc-killing quests. Now that would be for hardcore players. Self-gimped and grinding kills. The only way they'd be successful would be by completely owning their class, inside & out. I would have to tip my hat to anyone doing that.
  4. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    Rob626 wrote:
    But most of them aren't old enough to vote, and don't pay taxes yet.

    Sorry, I tried, but I couldn't help myself. ;)
  5. ARCHIVED-Yonaton Guest

    Rob626 wrote:
    Firstly,my dear lvl 74,when was there a vote? In taht,your analogy falls on it's face.

    This was an arbitrary decision,based on views of a short segement of EQ2 society complaining on the forums. Not on what the actual players on pvp servers "voted" for. No one asked me whether or not I wanted a change. No one asked anyone.
    Roll on vox and watch the chat my friend. See who's all a titter about this change. See how many are higher tiered,high titled players with no one to fight. Not,as is suggested that "n00bs" leave the game,but because those tiers are a pain in the butt. Constant ganking,griefing,tea bagging and spam emotes. High lvl groups and raids crowding around low lvl pvp fights,just hoping someone hits the tab key by mistake and hits one of their "uber" high end pwning machines.
    Try vox,where the t7's and t8's live in 10-19 chat,call for groups in 10-19,run their pie holes in 10-19 about how "uber" they are cosntantly. Where will things be with those same "n00bs" down teh road when they have to face these players,these players I might add,that I have watched lvl their toons corpse humping all the way?
    I was in Frostfell on my 16 swash the other night. Was being griefed by a pair of blue con toons that either I could completely make a fool solo. they didn't hump my dead corpse......guess who did? The lvl 60's all standing around in a circle jerk,enjoying the spectacle and taking their sadistic little pleasures.

    As far as your respect is concerned in this matter,here's a clue my friend. MONEY TALKS. No money,no players,no pvp. It can all go carebear for what soem of us feel at this moment.
  6. ARCHIVED-Darken_Star Guest

    Yonaton I feel his post was directed at me.

    I abstained. I am not logging in, and if my account gets to the 2 week point (5 more days) with no word I will cancel. I am taking part. But I am doing so with patience. Heavy handed measures may have been deemed immediately necessary by the development team, I am hoping they have the wisdom to tune it down shortly after. Hence the abstaining. But I will only wait so long. Patience in all things.

    If I leave the game, I will wait, patiently, for the next, there are many other things I can do with my time constructively.

  7. ARCHIVED-Mighty Melvor Guest

    Yonaton wrote:
    SOE, just like any other business, will maximize it's earning potential. SOE is not stupid enough to come onto the forums and be influenced one iota by what is said here.
    My guess is, and likely so, SOE responded to the overwhelming negative feedback it got from newly subscribed players leaving PvP and possibly the game altogether because of T2 locking twinks. SOE acknowledged the problem (many posts about this topic). SOE then weighed the pros and cons of losing established players (those that locked) against the potential for new players coming on board (newbies buying RoK and joining PvP). In the end, the established locked crowd lost.
    /economics 101 off
  8. ARCHIVED-HerbertWalker Guest

    SOE maximize its earning potential? Not in the video game industry. Think marketing....
    EQ2 is better than all the competition in almost every way, and yet it appears that they continue to fail in the effort of maximizing its earning potential. This game should have in the tens of millions of active subscriptions. Even if this last patch is intended to gain subscriptions and maximize long term earnings, I doubt that it will succeed.
    Did the massive changes to the Star Wars game succeed? The intent of the change was to maximize earnings, no doubt.
    But I guess where some of you come from, the people in charge always know better than me and always do the right thing.
  9. ARCHIVED-Kurindor_Mythecnea Guest

    It's all about their new visionary in the office. He just likes to have his proposals rely upon theoretical subscriber increases.
  10. ARCHIVED-Darq Guest

    sigh, for what it's worth
    both accounts canceled
  11. ARCHIVED-Lornick Guest

    Darq wrote:
    Is this the same Darq that plays on The Bazaar server?
  12. ARCHIVED-Wood Guest

    The level locking whiners are *******. They removed level locking because you're killing the server by running off all the new PvP players.

    I played on Nagafen from release to around level 50, then took a break. I came back with some friends (all hard core pvpers from other games). We quit after one night. Getting rolled non stop by toons you can't even touch = unfun and it also requires no skill on the part of the twinked out, AA'd out toon either. It's not even pvp, but more like falling into pits with spikes that randomly roam the zone and insta kill you. One set of guys even killed us, ran to the rez tent, waited until our timer was up and killed us again. And again.

    Let me put it simply for you. People leave servers over time for new games, for RL reasons, whatever. If you aren't replacing those people with fresh people then the server population goes down. By constantly ganking new players to the server in completely unfair fights, you're removing the flow of new players to the server. (And yes, there are many people who will gank you until you log, for no other reason than just to be a jerk.) If level locking stays all those twinked out toons will be running around in Commonlands killing orcs and spiders because there just won't be any players left to fight.

  13. ARCHIVED-Bogenbroom123 Guest

    [One set of guys even killed us, ran to the rez tent, waited until our timer was up and killed us again. And again.]
    Timers don't start until you move out of the safe area. You could have fully buffed and powered up and given it another shot. It's funny how people take this kind of thing so personally.
    All these whiners make me want to have EQ1 rules applied to EQ2. There was no exp for pvp in that game, and yet no one complained about that aspect. You'd get some lowbie twink running around with a fungi tunic wiping out everyone in the area who was in range, and yeah, we'd get ticked, but we would just team up and kill him. That was part of the fun...the chance to avenge your death or kill someone who was grossly overpowered. Somewhere along the way from EQ1 to EQ2, SOE grew some rather large breasts and became the breast feeding mother of all of these pathetic pvp whiners. Instead of getting help if they need it, they sit and complain..."I'm on a pvp server..I should either always win, or no one should be able to kill me no matter what." That's the attitude that seems to prevail here. Grow some stones, quit complaining, and fight. You're all pathetic.
  14. ARCHIVED-ulleulle Guest

    Mjallo all.
    So you wan't to fix pvp for lowbies.
    Here is what you do :) yup the magic eightball did it all so don't blame me :)
    T2 pvp : No faction/fame/coindrop/locking.
    T3 pvp : Fame/faction/coindrop for pvp kills but no locking.
    T4 pvp : All goes from here and up to t8.
    Make all t1 zones into 2 lvl range and t3 into 4 lv range,rest stay as they are.

    Before this can work some things need adjusting..
    Current xp gain in t3 and below needs toning down.
    New pvp gear starting from t4+ maybe with adjusted stats.But definently with adjusted faction cost.Possible starting from 35+ so people wont permalock in low t4 for hunting people in t3 who are under the no-locking rule.

    Please comment constructive so i can see some of the downsides to these suggestions,
    You know how it is when you get wrapped up into ur own head :) hard to see all the possible ups and downs

    Cheers all
  15. ARCHIVED-ChaoticVisions Guest

    Why not just lower the XP given for PvP kills by a significant amount? This would give players plenty of time to PvP low end while slowly working their way toward the high end content of the game. It seems if you didn't level as fast, you'd still be able to get all the PvP kills in that you'd like, and even keep your AA up while your character leveled. Seems like an XP decrease would really fix a lot of these problems.
  16. ARCHIVED-Wood Guest

    Yeah. And how many other untwinked noobs do you think are running around in CL with you? Pretty much none. and even if you got a group of them, 2-3 AA'd/mastered/fabled out twinks would slaughter you anyway. The people who make me sick are the losers with absolutely no skill who can't actually kill anyone in anything close to a fair fight. You'd probably have your level 80 toon out there camping the newbie zone if there wasn't a level range restriction, just because that's the only way you could get a kill in.

    Point is, the PvP servers will die if they leave level locking like it is. So, grow a pair, deal with it, and go fight with the big boys. Oh wait, you can't really do that can you because *gasp* you don't have so much of an advantage you can stand there and laugh for 2 minutes while they try to actually land a blow on you.
  17. ARCHIVED-MMMike978 Guest

    The current system is messed up. Yes, those of you who cuss at locked toons who kill newbies have a good point about how it affects new players evaluating the game. Keep in mind, however, that Sony made the rules which required hundreds and hundreds of T2 kills for lvl 20 pvp gear. Change the pvp gear system, allow locking, and impose a faction/fame penalty for killing those below your fame range. Problem solved. Everybody happy. The dreads won't kill anybody below champ. Darwinism overcome.
    The current system will drain the subscriber base of the large number of folks who enjoy playing online games with friends, but can no longer do so on this server because they'll outlevel thier friends in no time if they pvp with different friends, even if locked.
  18. ARCHIVED-ChaoticVisions Guest

    If you're so interested in low end PvP, why not just reroll toons to have fun PvPing with while saving your main for times when you can be with your friend that you are waiting for to "level up with you"? Seriously, staying low end PvP to rack up kills on newbies and re-rollers is just sad and pathetic. Play the game the way you want to? If the game you want is some sort of bonafied "God mode", then you need to find a game that your jollies won't affect the people trying to get established in the PvP environment. Time to play with the big boys, junior -- don't get too scared.
  19. ARCHIVED-seahawk91 Guest

    This game is 80 levels of fun.. not 18 levels, not 24, not 34.. but 80 levels of play. It's not hard to determine that SoE's plan was for people to play to the end level. If it wasn't their design, then you would see "end-game" content at level 20, 30 etc. The only "end-game" content you see is at the old level caps. Not to mention that it is not until the later tiers that the classes even out, or "come back to the pack" so to speak.
    People, (lockers), took an in-game mechanic and exploited it to the extent where they manipulated and created a bogus and unintended "play-style". SoE did what they had to to ensure the viability of their game, even at the cost of losing some people. I applaud them for their changes.
    This level-lock "playstyle" was bogus from the beginning and needed to be fixed. IF you want to play the game, play the whole game, not just 20 percent of it.
  20. ARCHIVED-Bogenbroom123 Guest

    This isn't the booze talking.

    You're all pathetic.