well well well

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-piro, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-cklab Guest

    Diaulan wrote:
    Heard of Dark Age of Camelot or Anarchy Online? Those are two I can think of right now that have a mechanism similar to this.

    I have no sympathy for people who've only played the EverQuest line of games and think they know everything there is to know about MMOs.
  2. ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU Guest

    convict wrote:
    Very convincing post tbh
  3. ARCHIVED-Ashim Guest

    I was said that a harsh moderation around here and my topic can be closed, so , please, don't be mad, i will double my post here :
    Some proporsals about solving problem of newbies griefing :
    1st ) if toon's PvP stats lesser than some value ( 300 kills,let us say) then toon receive powerfull buff, which makes it a decent adversary to any "plat" twink. Buf must grade with level of toon . If toon's PvP stats exceed that value, then player knows how to manage PvP and buff takes off.
    2nd) In case of often recent kills in start zones, use strong debuff on killer, if he iniciate second(third and so on) attack on victim.Use such debuff if gear rate of killer much more then gear rate of victim.

    3rd) Do not give status points, faction points, rang if toon's PvP kills greatly prevail over PvE kills
    First and second proporsals will certainly kill newbs griefing problem.
    Theese ideas are not wholly mine, lots of people say something like that, i just unite them.

    I want to say that possibility to stay on certain tier is unique feature of EverQuest, I came to EQ just because it.I hate constant level up, i hate race to cap,i love to stay in one perticular level as long, as i please.Now EQ give me such great possibility. Is it so necessary to remove it?
    Proporsed 41 Lu will constantly puch me to T8, slow or fast is not so important.
    "I mean lets not treat headache with axe, until we tried all pills first. Axe will help no doubt, no doubt here, but it could be overkill"
  4. ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU Guest

    Some of these ideas are actually nice options... in the ideal world without exploiters... I just seriously doubt these will be ever implemented, because they introduce quite significant changes into game mechanics, and so easily exploited...
    How are you going to distinguish real noob from plat twink?
    Plat twinks with noob-buff will be what, god mode until they get first 300 kills?
  5. ARCHIVED--Arctura- Guest

    (( *thumbs up*

    Twinks can stop whining, its very small amount of exp gain (UNLESS YOU LOCK FOR THE INTENT TO FARM HUNDREDS OF NOOBS, inwhich case, shame on YOU!!!!!)
  6. ARCHIVED-ladyvengeance Guest

    -Arctura- wrote:
    Do you work for Sony? How do you know the amount of xp gain?

    And I'm not going to stop whining about this stupid change. After all, it's the whiners that caused this change, and by that logic, whiners can prevent it.
  7. ARCHIVED-Ashim Guest

    ElephantonRU wrote:
    use gear rate for that purpose. If toon equipped in something like MC or above it is obiously twink or experienced player and shall not recieve buff.
  8. ARCHIVED-ladyvengeance Guest

    Ashim wrote:
    I hate to agree with an anti-locker, but it's not a very good idea and full of holes. Here's one exploit: A so-called "noob" equips island gear and uses the buff. He then changes out said island gear for fully fabled/MC gear and is now even more god-like than before.
  9. ARCHIVED-Ashim Guest

    ladyvengeance wrote:
    Why not to do that gear with hight rate take buff away or make buff effect depends on gear quality? Higher quality, lesser effect? Or make it sensetive to kill quantity, if toon got killing spree, buff takes off? Or do not use buff, use debaff on recent kills?
    It is not easy task, agreed, but it is much better than remove unique feature of EQ, imo
  10. ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU Guest

    ladyvengeance wrote:
    Right now on PVP server exp gain for killing white opponent in PVP is almost unnoticeable on level 35 (XP bar barely moves).
  11. ARCHIVED-Ashim Guest

    ElephantonRU wrote:
    On my take , it is not matter, how fast or slow does XP bar moves, it matter that it IS moves when it NOT intended to.
  12. ARCHIVED-HerbertWalker Guest

    Good point. They can change the name of the function then, so that it matches its intent. Call it, "disabled PvE combat exp."
    We will be seeing you all in EL/Zek/BB/SF for a slaughterfest soon enough, and the same noobs who were going to quit the game at level 15 will now quit at level 35. No one will deserve any mercy, and only the dedicated will survive past T5, just like it has always been. Nothing new.
  13. ARCHIVED-deepruntramp Guest

    HerbertWalker wrote:
    "We?" You mean you and the three other T4 lockers?

    Please, the only people who will be quitting are the previous EverTier 2s who no longer have godmode. I think everyone else is pretty much used to dying.
  14. ARCHIVED-cklab Guest

    deepruntramp wrote:
    Please. If this were the case no one would be crying, since they could level past T2 in about four hours.
  15. ARCHIVED-Elaith Guest

    Of course levellockers do it to get the upper hand. Of course they want a better than normal chance to score kills. I doubt you could find 1 player that would rather die than survive in PvP.
    I do not have a single toon that stays locked in t2 or anywhere else but I still do not want this change. If you don't xplock at all you will get past t2 in a few hours even if you don't know what you are doing. In that time if there is someone that kills you more than once it is easy to move to another area. The great alternative suggested would be to penalize the player that kills someone over and over, Not to penalize everyone who rather pvp at all levels up to 80 which this change is.
  16. ARCHIVED-convict Guest

    cklab wrote:
    So they have to level past kiddie mode, while you dont like these changes that will, at some point cause you to level past it yourself? The irony of the lockers. "we dont want to be forced to level, but new players should do just that."
  17. ARCHIVED-Diaulan Guest

    Elaith wrote:
    Its hard to make any change which isnt going to upset someone.
    Its a nice idea to punish griefer's specifically but hard to implement in practice. If you punish someone for killing then you are restricting free pvp. A twink will kill me over and over because he if he lets me live I might gang up with others and cause him problems. Morals aside you can see why he does it.

    Personally im against level locking but others are for it. SOE have to come down either way at the end of it all.
  18. ARCHIVED-cklab Guest

    convict wrote:
    I haven't seen many people wanting to stay at level 17 for months for something other than PVP. Any new player who is in T2 for a period of more than a week should have good enough gear and AAs to compete with the occasional twink, to at least potentially escape. With this change, all the level lockers will simply level up with the new players.. a situation that'll probably be just as bad for them as it is now, if not worse.

    Diaulan wrote:
    There are already checks against free pvp: zones with level ranges, inability to attack someone of your same faction, etc.

    Personally, if I've killed someone and I happen to be near where the person respawns, I'll look elsewhere for action. I won't follow him around as soon as his immunity wears off to kill him again, thinking he's looking for more new players to gank me with.

    It's not so much punishing someone for killing, at least not for the first kill. If something like that was implemented, the penalty would have to be waived if the person whom you recently killed comes back and attacks you, rather than you starting it. If they implemented my idea of having someone become carnage flagged for killing proportionally more green players than blue, yellow, white or orange, then yeah, that might discourage some PVP, but the kind where one side is more than likely overwhelmed. It'd take a lot of tweaking to take into account if, say, you kill a group of greens that attacked you first, but I think it'd be an infinitely better solution than unavoidable PVP XP.
  19. ARCHIVED-test Guest

    what a bull... in 1-1.5 months I was t2, maybe I was killed when being on someone's recent... 5-6 times(once was camped by an idiot 3 times and a couple of times by groups who didn't keep track of their list)

    wonder how clueless ppl. are when bsin' about the "ton of camping" happening in lower tiers...

    and I also think I got... ~10 ppl. who were already on my recent(usually ppl. that ran 1st time, and then, now having immunity from /recent came back tryin' to get me - those I camp alright).
  20. ARCHIVED-ladyvengeance Guest

    The only times I've EVER griefed someone was out of vengeance. My scout was once doing quests in DLW and this guy killed me. Fair enough, but the idiot kept killing me over and over again just to piss me off. So I logged out, and brought in my twinked out wizzie (my main). I only bring her out on special occasions now because I'm usually busy buidling my other toons. Anyway, I look around and the idiot attacks me. An easy kill, and I grief him about 4 times before logging out over his rotting dead corpse. Do I feel bad? Hell no. That moron got what he deserved.
    I don't make a practice of griefing people, but I have no problem griefing the griefers.