wards only prevent 50% damage now?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by EQ_Jack, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. EQ_Jack Active Member

  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    It's not specific wards.. bleed through as tested out in the scourge wastes content and is live in KA. Most mobs seem to have a 50% bleed-through on wards. All wards cast by any class. Some classes have abilities that reduce ward bleed through.
  3. EQ_Jack Active Member

    aha k, i take it this defiler is one of those classes. im reading defiler has it easier than mystic now. what other shielding healer clases have less issue with this mexhNic? also is it as bad as folks make it seem? reason i ask is im trying to settle on one healer to become my main. mystic was one of the ones i was xonsidering, along with warden, and templar
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The only reason defilers have less of an issue, is that their myth buff adds a heal component to their primary group and primary single target ward. It's not because defiler wards are 'hit less' by bleedthrough.
  5. EQAditu Member

    Since the title has a 'the sky is falling' appeal to it, I might as well add some commentary for those that like click-bait. I'll start by saying the title could be considered technically wrong. A single ward may only prevent 50%, but wards(plural) are different. In addition, there are wards that do not use the bleedthrough mechanic at all.

    Tank1's Blessing of the Paladin absorbs 495 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 9628999 points of damage bleeding through.
    Tank1's Collectors Bolster absorbs 86417 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 9628772 points of damage bleeding through.
    YOUR Repent absorbs 13158450 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 9589193 points of damage bleeding through.
    Mystic2's Ancestral Ward absorbs 4216030 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 3562623 points of damage bleeding through.
    Mystic1's Umbral Barrier absorbs 1930942 points of damage from being done to Tank1. (No bleedthrough mechanic)
    Mystic1's Spiritual Leadership absorbs 884371 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 747310 points of damage bleeding through.
    Defiler1's Curse of Shielding absorbs 405042 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 342268 points of damage bleeding through.
    YOUR Divinity's Aid absorbs 185509 points of damage from being done to Tank1 with 156759 points of damage bleeding through.
    Mob1 hits Tank1 for 156759 crushing damage.

    Mob 1 hits for 21,024,015; warded by 20,867,256; resulting in 156,759 damage.

    You may notice that this only shows a 45.8% bleedthrough per ward. This is due to one of the cleric abilities reducing this.

    The final result is that only 0.7% bled through and was not warded. So the more wards you have, the less bleedthrough will be apparent. This is probably over simplifying things... but think of bleedthrough being associated by ward count like 50% / 25% / 12.5% / 6.25% / 3.125% / 1.5625% etc. It will never reach zero, but it drops from 50% quickly.

    And as I said, there are apparently wards that do not use the bleedthrough mechanic at all.
    Daalilama likes this.
  6. Caith Developer

    The bug that allowed wards with a shared pool to ignore bleedthrough was fixed earlier this week and will be in next weeks hotfix. But otherwise this is accurate, stacking wards will allow you to reduce the amount that bleeds through.
  7. EQ_Jack Active Member

    Thanks for clarifying, Thank you!

    As feedback, one thing that would be REALLY nice to have from DBG Is an official Wiki that covers these sort of topics. With out such a reference/resource, players are forced to google, and grep, and read forums and wikis for scraps of information on how the community *thinks* the game mechanics work then post here for clarification. Another suggestion, would to improve the spell descriptions, the stats, and UI tool tips to help with clarity of how everything works in concert.
    Anaranj likes this.
  8. Genmarion New Member

    It affects both shaman. Without resolve the damage you/group take can be significant but it is manageable on heroic and raid content for both Mystic and Defiler. Defilers have small heals on some of their DPS and on their wards + a little myth buff love, but I wouldn't say it helps much against high hitpoint pools. Your bread and butter is still your normal ward rotation. You will have to get used to using your st and group heals a lot more, but you should have been doing that anyway. =)
  9. Observing Active Member

    Does the amount that bleeds through still reduce the value of the ward?

    10M point ward.
    5M hit with 50% bleedthrough
    Ward absorbs 2.5M with target taking 2.5M
    Wards value is now 7.5M or 5M?
  10. ZUES Well-Known Member

    The 10M is reduced by the incoming 5M. Then 2.5M bleeds through to the next ward. 5M left on the original ward.
    The 2.5M now hits the next ward in line, and so on, until it hits the player.

    I believe that's the process.
  11. Observing Active Member

    So one 10M ward is 99.999% inferior to ten 1M wards...

    Another question: Wards are either last in first out or first in first out (doesn't really matter for this question) but do regenerating wards set their order by when they were cast or when they refresh?
  12. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Ward only loses the value it absorbs. So in the above, you'd have 7.5mil left.
  13. Mermut Well-Known Member

    First ward casts takes damage first. (Which is why, on pull, you want to single target ward the tank THEN group ward). I believe regenning wards reset every time they regen, but I'm not 100% positive there.
  14. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    whats the stat caps again? Good thing our character UI shows increased stats even when theyre over the cap and dont actually increase the stat!

    ex. hate gain / cbonus / mitigation / block chance ......
  15. Coty Member

  16. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    I know it's there, but we shouldn't have to rely on outside sources for simple thinks like stats, in my opinion
  17. Fleurs Active Member

    The wards that *regenerate* their wards amount does NOT reset their order. (like soul shackles, or the dragon passive ward AA )

    The wards that *refresh* themself does reset their order. (like bane of warding being re-applied each time, or the wards granted by spiritual circle or the passive AA that allow procs on hit like rage, spiritual leadership etc)
    Mermut likes this.
  18. Coty Member

    If you know its there then look in there rather then asking for ppl to feed ya lol
    Season likes this.