Warden Other Forms

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-Peruru, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    She is hidden, you've probably walked over her a few times now if you've done any traveling in the Qeynos Harbor zone, especially over by the arch entrance that leads out to the docks part of Qeynos Harbor... :smileywink:
  2. ARCHIVED-Eiji Guest

    I'll tell you right now I know what Curse of the Un-Natural is, simply by playing video games.

    Ok Fury, deals with nature, what creature in nature, is considered un-natural. Werewolf.
    Ok let's look at the first part, "Curse", there is only one kind of curse I can think of directly related to nature, werewolf.

    Just replace un-natural with werewolf. "Curse of the Werewolf". Makes perfect sense, and in D&D certain druids could turn into Werewolfs, the most offensive shape form, it made druids badass for melee in D&D. So many things are borrowed from D&D like faerie fire and what-not that you would have to be crazy to think it's not Werewolf form.

    Sorry Warden's Faerie vs. Werewolf =/
  3. ARCHIVED-epoh Guest

    This may be a spoiler for those that want to find the black market on their own..

    The black market broker is accessable from the river that flows through Qeynos Harbor. The entrance is under the bridge that leads out to the docks. In the middle on the north side is a hole.