Warden: Capable of MH?

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-eq2NT, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-eq2NT Guest

    I am very close to picking warden as the healer that would best suit my playstyle. Having said that, I am a bit concerned about lack of direct healing spells in warden's arsenal. Can wardens fulfill the role of a main healer (MOST of the time)? (I understand that there will be instances where two healers are required).
  2. ARCHIVED-Zammik Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-3cho Guest

    Wardens have two direct heals (which also happen to have regen components). Three if you could the group direct heal (which also has a regen component to it). Wardens can be main healers all of the time (though some situations may call for different healers in different situations). The direct heals we have (really all the heals we have) are, on average, faster casting and have lower recasts than the other two types of healers. Makes for great responsiveness... but when the damage on the tank is high, you may have to cycle through heals to keep him/her up, but it can definetly be done. Hope this helps some.
  4. ARCHIVED-eq2NT Guest

    Helps tremendously!
  5. ARCHIVED-Rastaah Guest

    Wardens can main heal just fine. I love having a second healer but can do it myself too.
  6. ARCHIVED-Fromingo Guest

    I haven't met or played a healing class yet that couldn't main heal just fine. :smileyhappy:
  7. ARCHIVED-Skivley101 Guest

    As far as healing goes....we are the main healers......becuz thats mainly what we have over other healers.
    I group with a Defiler alot.....and they've said that they rarely need to heal.....wich leaves time for their Warding&Debuffing alot more.....with me also taking care of the cures.
    Im sure there are class specific combinations that work better than others..........But just working together and a little planning toward augmenting each others abilities seems to go along way............OH ya and being on TeamSpeak/Ventrillo with each other doesnt hurt either.
    One example.........We were Raiding DT ( pre Eof update)......And me and the Inquisitor in MT Group (Both have Group Elemental cure).......Were Tag teaming That cure cuz it kept comming up faster than our recast would.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Every priest class can Main Heal, we just do it in different ways. Every class has some direct heals, but where we differ is in our other healing specialty.

    In order of when it applies to increasing damage...

    Shamen are ward healers: Their main "heal" potential come from them being able to cast damage-absorbing wards. Wards "take" the damage first before any other kind of healing.

    Next come Clerics, which are reactive healers. When damage gets through a ward, the cleric's reactive heal on that damage.

    Lastly come druids, which are over-time healers. These heals go over a (relatively) short period of time for a (relatively) small amount each tick. The idea is that the healing is spread out more, just like actual damage getting through is.

    I'm a warden, and I MH fine all the time. In a multiple-healer group, I generally have to keep my big target HoT up at all times (or as needed) and don't have to spam heal as much. When MHing, it really depends, sometimes just a HoT with the occasional bigheal works, sometimes I need a lot more.
  9. ARCHIVED-Skivley101 Guest

    sometimes you should have taken that potion or done that buff up different........but either way it still boils down Faith over ............time...........:robottongue:
  10. ARCHIVED-mikemcmodmike Guest

    Wardens can MH. I don't group with other healers unless I'm doing quest updates. Grouping with another healer just kills your groups dps and makes the zone take too long. I HATE grouping with a 2nd healer in fact.
  11. ARCHIVED-MullenSkywatcher Guest

    If a warden can't solo heal it, I'd suggest that nobody else could either :)
  12. ARCHIVED-Arielle Nightshade Guest

    Amen. :)
  13. ARCHIVED-Crimson Dragon Guest

    i tend to look down on the concept of a "main" healer. if you have one healer in a group, he will have to focus on healing, if you have two, then both can heal some and use their other abilities. it really shouldn't be "ok, you watch his hp, i'll dps." a healer not healing can be replaced by a dps/buff class for better results. a good player can balance himself in a group between healing and everything else when there's time. to have to designate a "main healer" seems a bit... condescending? maybe i just like the responsibility of being able to play my character the way i want. as long as we succeed, then i'm doing my job. when we fail, if i didn't do my part, then it was my fault and i take the blame.

    as far as answering your question. are wardens good healers? yeah, we are. we heal very well and now can add mit buffs to our cures. i'm not sure if it makes a big difference or not, but i've been using them and it at least makes me feel like i'm doing a bit more than before. i can solo heal and find my place in a group with another healer well enough.
    Message Edited by Crimson Dragon on 11-23-2006 03:16 PM
  14. ARCHIVED-Celidya Guest

    I'm not in T7 yet, but for T6 and below, a big Yes is the answer. I'm the only healer 90% of the time, and usually in groups 3 or 4 levels above me. Sometimes good tanks, sometimes a paladin with full treasured gear... I never had any problem to heal everyone. My heals are not really better, but what i find very very important is the power pool. It makes the difference and at the same level, with same quality gear (lvl 52, full mastercrafted), there's no way my inquisitor could do what i do everyday with my warden.
  15. ARCHIVED-stargazer5678 Guest

    Wardens are great healers no doubt. However, truth be told our direct heals are not good. Therefore spike damage can be hard to handle at times. This is one of the aspects of the game that Furies handle better than us..
  16. ARCHIVED-Crimson Dragon Guest

    in theory.
    in pratice.... not so much.
  17. ARCHIVED-stargazer5678 Guest

    I say this from experience, I have a fury as well :)
  18. ARCHIVED-3cho Guest

    Interesting. Why do you think so? If you had said Shaman/Cleric handles spikes better, I'd be in total agreement. I had a low level Fury (I played him to 19) and found much of his healing to be like my 70 Wardens healing. What have you seen that indicates Fury's handle spike damage better than Wardens?
  19. ARCHIVED-Arielle Nightshade Guest

    Agreed here. Furies are no better at handling spike damage than Wardens are.... That said, all druids CAN handle spike damage, just not always by keeping the tank in green health the entire time. If you plan ahead, there's not much you can't do with HoTs. If you wait till everyone has taken damage to heal...then yeah, you might have trouble.
  20. ARCHIVED-stargazer5678 Guest

    The reason I say that is because Fury has direct heals wihtout the regen. So, if Fury heals with direct heal he heals for the full amount, say 1k. Warden's similar spell heals for 800 and then have regen that heals for small amount 1 or 2 seconds later.. So overall Warden will have better efficiency but Fury will handle the damage spike better. On top of that Fury has Back Into the Fray spell that heals more if tank is below 50% health.
    Now, I never said it was impossible for Warden to heal damaged spikes well. Like Ariel said if you plan for it then it shouldn't be a problem. However, there will still be cases when your tank goes into deep orange all of a sudden and you have to force several regens to pull him out of that whole, and I feel that Fury handles that situation better.