[Video] Deathtoll T5 Endgame Berserk Krak Thor epic(x4) Raid PvP

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Hiddendragon, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Peak Nagafun

    More like all the content is cleared and there are very few contested worth actually fighting over.
  2. BulletCatcher66 Active Member

    Keep it up. You're actually PvPing in end game. I like your videos. People here are just, well... kinda sad.

    Here is a guy that actually does T5 PvP, and you people ( who complain about the lack of T5 PvP) are giving this guy a bunch of crap.

    LOL in that video, Banned... the self proclaimed greatest PvP guild in all the land, is zerging the contested raid. LOL what a bunch of hypocritical wanna-bes. This is so funny. Banned is pathetic. All that revive sickness couldn't have helped you win. Try hards.

    Why are they changing guild names, reforming, leaving Exile, Qeynoes... gawd who knows what they are doing nowa days, but one thing is for sure. everyone should avoid joining Banned for the toxicity that clearly exists, also, avoid joining guilds made by little angry people who gQuit Banned and reform a new guild, its probably a good idea to avoid joining a guild that recruits on EQ2 Flames too, seeing as most of the scum of norrath seems to congregate there. Their scummy play style hasn't changed between guilds I bet.

    Dreww... you're a racist cliff jumper. You hug that fame like it was your biological mother. Stop being a scummy piece of crap and stay on EQ2 Flames where you and the other pieces of crap can clump together and fluff each other.

    Here is dreww in action. Look at that PvP skillz... LOL...
  3. LordVeredeth Active Member

    Yeah... I'm sure that's what it is...
    Btw... GJ blocking us on Venekor today. Question though....
    How did you guys manage to wipe 4 times without getting even one kill on any of us?
    It was kinda embarrassing to letting us drop Venekor's chest in your dead bodies.
  4. Gromph Member

    Jesus, I didnt know people still made pvp videos with 'let the bodies hit the floor' playing.
  5. Peak Nagafun

    Preaching to the wrong person. I've barely been on in the last two weeks!
  6. Calbiyum Active Member

    Let the bodies hit the floor wow thats how you know its good
  7. Shasta Active Member

    I liked it, thank you for sharing!