Up on Test (SPOILER)

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Josgar, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    [IMG]Nuff said.

    what happened?
  2. ARCHIVED-Aurelis Guest

    [EDIT: Yay for appropriate spoiler tag!]
    It was funny though. I was in EFP on test_copy and saw the citadel leaning... On the ground, too, but I'm slow as you all know, so I was staring at it like huh. "Has that always been there? am I really that slow?" I asked. Then went to WFP, faceplanted into rubble... "holy crap, I'm not THIS slow!" Sent it to befallen.lore, and the search party to figure out what's going on began! I don't think any of us found anything though /:
    I was running in low graphics, but add some debris-smoke effect and some flames where appropriate. I think seeing flames in the first SS would have helped clue me in a little faster.
    However, guys, you know who the real victim is here? Huh? It's that poor guard in the second screenshot. Who's going to help HIM?
  3. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    We haven't been able to figure out why the citadel fell, yet. Doesn't seem to be any clues around the damage..
  4. ARCHIVED-Quicksilver74 Guest

    I received a quest called "****** for the Overlord"... perhaps this is a clue?

    just kidding btw!
  5. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    Where would the overlord be?
  6. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I don't know if it's related but also on Test in South Qeynos you can harvest new shinies.
    Whatever's happening in Freeport hasn't been revealed yet. But it seems like something big is going down.
  7. ARCHIVED-Coniaric Guest

    So ... what ... the Citadel stopped working and crashed into Freeport?
    That's how it looked like. The magic somehow stopped working. As it was originally the mage academy before Lucan took it over for himself.
    Wonder if it has something to do with the Quellithulians and the Odus problem.
  8. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    Maybe Mith Marr finally decided to smack lucan down again...literally ;p
  9. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    One possibility springs into my mind. We've recently discovered that Theer the Godslayer was improsoned in the Void for a long time, and will more than likely find a way back into our world in the near future. Theer's right and left hands are the Qeynos Claymore and Soulfire. The Claymore was hidden by the Knights of Marr, and we don't really know where it is, but we DO know where the Soulfire currently resides. And I'm willing to bet that Theer wants his toys back.
  10. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    So Qeynos celebrates a city festival and Freeport has nothing to celebrate about (like they ever did).

    ...This is perfect! Life is great!
  11. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    If he wants his toys back, then he has to go to Mistmoore for the *REAL* Soulfire. Lucan never got back the real deal. He doesn't know it either.
  12. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:


    The Far Seas Trading Company is proud to introduce a traveling festival for all to participate in! When this event goes live a different city will be chosen to host this week long event, once a month. Gorowyn, Neriak, Kelethin and Freeport will each get their chance to host their version of the event. On Test and Test Copy the great city of Qeynos is the first to find the traveling caravan outside it's gates in Antonica. Adventurers will find new quests, collections and rewards, many of which are city specific! And for those of us that don't want to wait for the festival to reach our city's gates, we don't have to. City Tokens are now being given as further reward for completing city writs!
  13. ARCHIVED-Trulaf Guest

    I think it is neat that, on the first posted screenshot, it is an Iksar standing before the fallen Citadel.


    Iksar power!
  14. ARCHIVED-DukeOccam Guest

    This is just awesome (and I mean that not in the now-overused, watered-down way).

    I have been wanting to see more of the existing cast of characters/places used in storyline stuff, not just "OMG a new continent let's go kill whatever's on it okay we just did yay OMG a new continent..." etc etc.

    Very, very cool. I can't wait to hear the storyline behind this.
  15. ARCHIVED-Disgustipate Guest

    I'm sure there will be flavor text on the NPCs at some point prior to the update going live that explains much of it.
  16. ARCHIVED-therodge Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    acually yes he did, he even admits in RoK that he gave it back because he had finished looking at it and was no longer of intrest, and that he lost on purpose yada yada yada
  17. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Ahh, I'm not VP flagged so I wouldn't know. But still, he has it in his own repository.
  18. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    I want to see why it happened exactly, and I think it'd be awesome to watch it come down.
  19. ARCHIVED-therodge Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    sounds scifiy but its was confirmed a hollogram by the devs if i rmember right their were 2 or 3 other items in their that are also hollograms (he wanted soulfire to study the runes on it)
  20. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    wow... freeport just wont be the same now. going to take alot of getting used to not seeing the tower floating there. wonder if this is a permanate change. now i feel like quoteing a line from planet of the apes..
    and yes mayong let lucan get soulfire back the same way he allows us to keep the chelsith stone.