Uncommon Ballads sung by Brienae and Alyerra

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-lisemanta, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Many years later Mordedana retched over the side of the ship bound back to Neriak. She had always hated sailing and what she was doing now was the reason. She could hear her brother laughing. She couldn't help but wonder if her brother enjoyed the sailing more or watching her suffer. She thought back on that day when she had watched her mother pack. The next day they discovered she had betrayed. Their father had been outraged. Mordedana and her brother Mordenair were now considered motherless because their father denied marrying their mother, but yet they had his last name.
    “Captain Ariesez, we are back in Neriak,” one of the recruits said
    Mordedana opened her eyes. She had not realized she had closed them somehow. She gladly stepped off the ship. She was joined on shore shortly by her twin brother Mordenair. Their tails swished in time with each other as they walked back to the barracks.
    There was a scream from one of the alleys.
    Mordedana turned and ran towards the sound. She saw a small boy surrounded by a group of thugs. She drew her sword “Leave the boy alone,” she hissed
    The thugs turned and attacked her.
    She drew her shield and blocked their attacks while she sliced at them.
    The men stopped all of them bleeding from their wounds.
    “Like I said leave the boy alone,”
    The men looked up at her from the ground.
    “What are you waiting on?” Mordedana demanded.
    “Aren't you going to kill us?” one of the men asked.
    Mordedana looked at them a long moment before sheathing her sword and shield “Leave thisss place and never bother thisss child again,”
    The men nodded as they scrambled to their feet and ran.
    She turned to leave but was stopped by a small hand on her arm. She looked down and saw the boy. She jerked her arm out of his grasp and continued walking.
  2. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “You saved me,” he said.
    The pink Iksar turned “I would not have had to save you if you knew how to defend yourself,” she responded.
    “Could you teach me?”
    She looked at the human child. She was unsure what compelled her to speak “Yesss,”
    “Oh thank you thank you what is your name? I'm Franklin Carter, but my friends call me Frankie,”
    Mordedana sighed “Captain Mordedana Ariesez,”
    “Captain Ariesez?” Frankie whispered taking a step back “I've heard of you. They say you'll kill a man if he looks at you wrong,”
    “That'sss my brother,” Mordedana sighed “I'm not quite as volatile as he is.”
    Frankie nodded “Do you have a short version of your name?”
    “Dana,” She answered.
    The boy seemed to ponder that in his head for a moment before saying “I'm going to call you Mordy,”
    Mordedana quirked an eyebrow “Mordy?”
    The boy nodded and smiled.
    “I think I prefer Dana.”
    The boy grinned “But if everyone calls you Dana, Mordy can be my special name for you. I'll be the only one who calls you that.”
    Mordedana laughed. She started walking.
    Frankie trotted after her.
    She stopped and sighed “Tell you what meet me in The K'tex Tunnel tomorrow.”
    “Why there?”
    “Because I can teach you better in Darklight Woods then I can in the city.” Truth be told she did not want to use the city training grounds. “Meet me there in the morning, I have the day off tomorrow.”
    The boy nodded and disappeared into the city.
    Mordedana sighed. There was something different about that child. He was so... she couldn't come up with the word. He was honest but that was not it. She sighed she'd had a gift since she was young to tell if someone was being truthful. It came to her naturally. She walked home alone pondering the child. The word hit her like a boulder innocent the child was so innocent. She shook her head here in Neriak that was impossible. No one was innocent, but that child was.
  3. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    When she arrived home her brother looked at here “Where did you go?”
    “I heard a disturbance.” she answered “And I went to see what wasss going on.”
    “What kind?” Mordenair pressed.
    Mordedana sighed “There wasss a boy being attacked by a large group,”
    Mordenair shook his head “You should have stayed out of it.”
    “The boy would have died,”
    “Then you should have let him. Dana if the boy can not defend himself then he isss weak and deservesss to die.”
    Mordedana looked at her brother. She could tell that he meant every word. His words burned her. He was wrong.
    The next day Mordedana met Frankie in the tunnel leading outside. Once they were in the woods she picked up two sticks and handed one to the boy.
    Frankie frowned at the large stick “Can't we use real swords?”
    “How old are you?” Mordedana asked.
    Mordedana nodded and withdrew her long sword “Thisss isss asss long asss you are tall and since you are just learning we'll be using sticksss,” she resheathed her sword
    Frankie sighed “Fine but someday you'll teach me how to use a real sword won't you Mordy?”
    Mordedana laughed. “Let'sss start with how to hold your weapon,”
    “What weapon?” Frankie protested “All I have is a stick.”
    Mordedana smiled “Anything can be a weapon if you so choose. Now pretend the stick is a sword and hold it like thisss.” she used her stick to demonstrate the proper hold.
    A few hours later Frankie sat at home eating dinner with his family. “I learned how to hold a stick... well Mordy told me to pretend it was sword.”
    “I don't think I like the idea of you training with a Shadowknight,” His mother said.
    “But Modry's not a Shadowknight.” Frankie started “Well she is but only outside. Inside I don't think she is,”
    “That's another thing how can you even tell that this Mordy is a girl? She's an Iksar.” His mother demanded
    “Her voice sounds feminine.” Frankie answered. “She's also smaller than her brother,”
    His mother shook her head “I still don't like it,”
    Frankie turned to his grandfather who was stroking his chin “Grandpa you understand don't you?”
    “Indeed I do. Your Mordy has the heart of a Paladin is what I suspect.” the old man stroked his chin again “I think I'd like to talk to her.”
  4. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    The next day Mordedana met with Frankie in the late afternoon because as she had said to him the day before that was when time would allow her too. She taught him how to block. “That'sss not bad,” she said as he blocked her for the third time in a row. “If we had something to ussse assss a shield I would show you how to ussse a shield but we don't.” she smiled “That'll be it for today,”
    “Thanks again Mordy,” he hugged the Iksar before dashing back into Neriak.
    “He's a sweet boy isn't he?” Came a voice behind her.
    Mordedana withdrew her sword.
    “I meant nothing by it.” the old man said as he approached the pink Iksar. “But I will say this. It is peculiar to see a Shadowknight taking the time to train such a scrawny boy,”
    “He would not learn otherwise. Thisss isss a cruel world.” she responded
    “Cruel world indeed.” The old man said “Still strange for a Shadowknight especially one of your reputation would take time to train a boy who can't defend himself,”
    “What concern isss it of your'sss?” Mordedana growled “What I choossse to do in my spare time isss up to me,” she turned and started walking away.
    “You're not a Shadowknight.” the old man whispered.
    Mordedana turned “How dare you? I am an Ariesez. My family hasss been Shadowknightsss for many generationsss,”
    “True. You say you are a Shadowknight and yet I've heard of other things you have done Mordedana. You have shown mercy to opponents. Rather than killing them you let them live. You have questioned orders. You rescued a small boy from what could have been certain death. You are a Paladin Mordedana.”
    Her heart pounded “What are you talking about? I have trained my entire life to be a Shadowknight. Of courssse I'm a Shadowknight,”
    “Not in your heart,”
    Mordedana stepped back from the old man before she turned and ran.
    The next day she and Mordenair were sent on a mission to locate a fugitive. He had betrayed but someone had seen him trying to convince his family to join him in his new home.
    Mordenair knocked on the first door. It was answered by a Tier'dal
    “Can I help you?” the woman sighed
    “Yesss. I hope you can,” Mordenair said showing her a drawing of the man they were searching for.
    “No I haven't see him,”
    Mordenair turned to his sister.
    “She speaksss true,”
    It was the fifth house they came to where things fell apart.
    “No I nevers saws hims befores,” the Ratonga man answered. He was lying.
    Mordedana thought about what would happen to the traitors family and then this man for lying. In the eyes of the law he was hiding information from the government regarding a traitor which made him a traitor. “He speaksss true,” As they continued the search there were others that she lied about.
    They started to leave the neighborhood finding no information when someone shouted something.
    Mordedana did not catch what it was but she turned in time to see her brother's claymore slice deeply into the man. She stood frozen for a moment as people came out to see what was going on only to fall to yellow Iksar's blade. She regained her composure and withdrew her shield and sword. She blocked her brother's sword from his next target: Frankie.
  5. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Frankie scrambled away as others deserted the streets.
    “What in Thule'sss name do you think you are doing?” Mordenair demanded.
    Mordedana sheathed her sword and replaced her shield.
    “Answer me Dana!”
    Mordedana remained silent her mind was trying to comprehend the words of her heart.
    “It'sss that boy you've been training.” Mordenair growled “He'sss made you soft.”
    “Mordenair let'sss go home and we can talk there.”
    Mordenair sheathed his own sword and they walked home. Once they arrived at their Uncle's Estate Mordenair whispered “Continue to train the boy and I'll kill him.”
    “But why? He'sss only a child!”
    “That isss why!” Mordenair shouted “Are you listening to yourself? He'sss only a child.” he said the last part in a mocking voice “Hisss sacrifice will greatly please Cazic Thule,”
    “Nair pleassse I'm begging you. Leave the boy alone,”
    “I will if you never speak to him again,”
    Mordedana closed her eyes “Done,”
    Later that Afternoon Frankie arrived in the tunnel and waited for his mentor to show up, but she never came. He returned home and sat down.
    “So what did you learn today?” his grandfather asked.
    “That Mordy is a liar,” Frankie answered “She never showed up,”
    The old man sighed “I'm sure she has her reasons.”
  6. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    In her room Mordedana sat. She had taken off her armor for the night and she sat with her head resting on her knees. Tears streamed silently from her eyes. She had locked her door because she did not want her brother to come in. She knew what he would say. He would say the same thing their father had when they were Hatchlings “You are an Ariesez, we have been Shadowknights for generations. A Shadowknight is strong and doesn't cry. An Ariesez most certainly never shows emotional weakness” her body shook with the silent sobs. She remembered all of the times she had been yelled at for showing emotion but when ever Mordenair was angry it had been okay. She remembered as a child finding an injured rat in the street. With the help of her mother she had nursed it back to health. She remembered a few days after their mother was announced to have betrayed Mordenair had killed the rat. Their father had complimented him on a job well done and yelled at Mordedana for her tears. She looked at herself in the small mirror by her bed and heard the old man's words “You are not a Shadowknight... you are a Paladin.” She quietly took out a dress and changed into it. She dreamed of finding more feminine armor. She'd always thought a plate skirt would be nice. She sighed the dress showed her stomach and thus much more scale than she was comfortable with, but it was much quieter than her armor. She grabbed her cloak on the way out and pulled the hood up.
  7. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Quietly Mordedana made her way to the neighborhood where she had saved Frankie. She wasn't sure what she was looking for. Once she arrived in the neighborhood she stopped and closed her eyes “What can he do to help me?” her mind asked “If someone tells Nair he'll die,” she turned to leave. “I don't have a choice...” she whispered to the empty air.
    “You always have a choice,”
    Mordedana turned to see the old man.
    “What brings you here Ariesez? Here to see Frankie? He missed you today,”
    “No... I... I can never see him again... my brother... Nair will him,”
    The old man nodded. “Then what brings you here?”
    She looked at the old man for a few moments as the thought came to her “You... but I'm not sure how I... I mean I don't know who you are, but I saw Frankie here...”
    The old man smiled. “My name is John Carter. Frankie is my Grandson.”
    Mordedana gaped at him.
    John smiled again and spoke “I grew up with a young woman. She was my best friend when were children. I became a Coercer and she became a Defiler. One day after she was married and had two children... a set of twins. She told me one day that she was leaving Neriak because she felt the calling to become a Mystic, but she worried about her children. Most of all she worried about her little girl. She once told me that there was something different about her little girl.” he laughed “I asked her what she was thinking and she told me... and I will never forget this... she said: A week ago Dana brought a dying rat to me and begged me to heal it. Her face lit up and together we continued to take care of the thing. It felt right...”
  8. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “You knew my mother?”
    John nodded “Mazsra. She's still alive and she misses you. I meet her in secret sometimes. She enjoys being a Mystic, but she always asks about her children,”
    Mordedana swallowed “You were right...”
    John looked at her
    “...about me... when... when Mommy and I helped Pipsqueak it felt right... my brother killed him when she left. When I saved Frankie it felt right...training him it felt right,”
    “Then you know what the next step is...”
    Mordedana swallowed again and nodded.
    “There will not be much time. Someone long ago reported Mazsra and so she had to flee before she was ready. Do not worry about Frankie we will protect him. Meet me here tomorrow night and we will discuss this further.” First and foremost you should know that you will no longer be able to use your Shadowknight abilities. That power has abandoned you.”
    Mordedana nodded and sneaked home.
    The next morning Mordedana walked with her brother as usual. She sighed when they were told they were being sent to Freeport for their mission. She wretched over the side of the ship for most of the trip. When they arrived in Freeport there was a crowd gathered at the docks. “Take him to the square!”
    There was a Dark-Elf in the middle of the crowd “Please it's a mistake...”
    “Traitor! Traitor!” the crowd shouted over and over.
    Next to her Mordenair channeled energy into his sword. He approached the Teir'dal “Treason is punishable by death.”
    “But I didn't betray.” the Teir'dal whimpered “I just... I'm a Carpenter... and I just... I'm only a Carpenter. I make furniture. I go where ever the money is I didn't know my client lived in Qeynos. I didn't. Please I beg you don't kill me for running a business.”
    “So then you're a spy?” Mordenair added.
    “No,” the Dark-elf answered as Mordenair raised his glowing sword. The Teir'dal closed his eyes and waited for death. He heard a clang. He looked up and saw the claymore caught against a longsword.
  9. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Mordenair followed the blade preventing his own sword from it's killing blow. He raised his sword and placed it against his sister's neck. “What were you thinking?” he hissed “This is a spy a traitor, deserving of death.”
    Mordedana swallowed.
    One of the soldiers who had come with them whispered something in Mordenair's ear.
    Mordednair lowered his sword and whispered in his sister's ear “The private tellsss me you were heard last night dissscussssing treason. Tell me it'sss not true.”
    Mordedana felt her heart cease for a moment. “I'm going to die,” her mind whispered. She remained silent.
    “Answer me!” Mordenair shouted
    Mordedana tried to speak but her mind could form no words. There was nothing she could say that would spare her. Nothing he would understand. She closed her eyes.
    “Mordedana you stand accused of treason! How do you plead?”
    A peace flowed over the pink Iksar as she answered “Guilty,”
  10. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “Seize her!” Mordenair ordered.
    Mordedana did nothing while she was bound. She prayed silently unsure who she was praying to.
    The Tier'dal man sneaked away in the new confusion.
    She was led to the Execution Plaza. Her brother forced her to her knees.
    “Any last wordsss traitor.” Mordenair asked as he raised his sword.
    “Nair, my only regret isss that you don't understand. I've been a Paladin since we were children, but I have sinned more... I never followed my heart to know what my true path wasss until now. Maybe I must sacrifice myself and only then can I atone for the many wrongsss I have committed.” she heard a sound like thunder. She turned as she saw the claymore drop next to her. She looked behind her to see Mordenair stumble. The crowd stood motionless.
    She found herself no longer bound as the old human approached her with Frankie.
    “There is not much time. You have even less time than Mazsra did. You will not be able to pack anything except what you have. I have already sent word of your arrival.”
    Mordedana nodded “Tell them my name,”
    “I did”
    She shook her head “No my new name Mordedana Shadowlight,”
    John nodded “Fine name,”
    “I'll miss you Mordy,” Frankie whispered
    Mordedana stood up and looked at the young human “I'll miss you to... and no one will ever be allowed to call me Mordy so it staysss special.”
    “I can't keep them like this much longer. Run!” John ordered the Iksar. “Use the Thieves way and go to The Commonlands. From there use the Druid Ring to Antonica.”
    Mordedana nodded and took off in a run. She disappeared into the thieves way. She prayed for guidance as she made her way first to Shadow Alley and then into a grave yard. She found a gate leading from the Graveyard to The Commonlands. She continued running she was almost to the druid when some guards started catching up to her. She tripped over a rock.
  11. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    She saw autumn leaves swirl into a portal.
    “It will take you to Antonica Cub,” a cream Ratonga said helping her up.
    “Thank you,” Mordedana said before she jumped through the portal.
    On the other side was an old pink and black Iksar with a ghostly wolf at her side. She ran and embraced Mordedana “I always knew you would follow. Come now let's go home.”
    Mordedana turned “What about the druid?”
    Mazsra smiled “Tetri can take care of herself,” she grabbed her by the shoulder “Now tell me what took you so long?”
    Two years later Mordedana is officially a Paladin. She still works to atone for her past sins and follows Mithaniel Marr. Approximately one year ago young Franklin arrived in Qeynos to continue his training under Mordedana whom he still calls Mordy. He is now a registered squire. It is unknown when Mordedana will feel she has fully atoned for her sins probably never but one thing is certain her heart remains pure and always will do what is right.
  12. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    ((In Dungeons and Dragons undead can not be healed. Now I am aware that in game this does not matter as Freeblood even though everywhere calls them undead and they show clear signs that indeed they are undead they can still be healed. I guess it would be rather complicated to change the game mechanic so they could not be. In most lore that I have read however a vampire can not be healed by divine magic. In all honesty I had not considered normal lore when I created my Freeblood. In the roleplay A Fae Flies into a Bar I introduced Alyerra. Nothing below relates to the rp in any way except for a comment made by one of the other characters. The Paladin mentioned that he could not heal Alyerra as it would only make her wound worse. That got me thinking. Shortly after that a thread was created called Paladins and Undead and it asked many questions about how Paladins should feel about undead. So all things considered you will notice some issues with divine magic and Freeblood. One last thing before I turn it back over to Brienae: I would like to thank Bellacouste/Llewenayah for making me think as it was her Paladin Charlemin who first brought it up))
  13. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    The music from the Lyre becomes slower and a bit more melancholy as the Fae begins her next Ballad:

    Song of Blood

    It was storming as the Dark-Elf made her way through Nektolous forest. The rain barely touched her through the trees. For the moment she was lucid. Her mind only saw the trees. She touched a hand to her swollen stomach as a flutter of movement reminded her why she ran. She stopped and spoke out loud “You have no idea what world you will be born into... and me a mother?” she looked at the sky “Was I not disgrace enough?” she shuddered her white hair and her clothing absorbing more water. She had no choice but to quit walking. She turned hearing noises. She screamed as she saw zombies coming towards her. The Tier'dal did not know if they were real or imaginary. She looked for a direction to turn but they were everywhere. She began to sweat despite the coolness of the water. She closed her eyes and fell to the ground as two skeletons came nearer.
    The Dark-Elf opened her eyes and screamed as a tall muscular red haired human loomed over her. She aimed a punch up at him but missed as he dodged.
    “Mesena she's awake.” Jacob called to his wife. “You have no reason to fear me.” he said as his Feir'dal wife came into view.
    Mesena knelt by the Teir'dal “My husband won't hurt you.” she said “I'm Mesena Windstaff Flamefist and this is my husband Jacob. We saw you fall in the forest. What is your name?”
    “Senriala,” The Dark-Elf said sitting up. She looked at the Wood-Elf “I see you are also heavy with child.” she shook her head “Why would a woman in your condition help someone like me?”
    Mesena smiled “Everything is balance. I believe in justice. Your race does not make you evil. To my knowledge you have done nothing wrong. When I saw you, all I saw was sick woman. Your child...” she paused “You carry the reminder of a terrible crime that was committed against you, that is how you view the life growing in you. You must not think of her that way. You must think of her as a blessing,”
    Senriala blinked “Her? How do you know?”
    “I can't explain it,” Mesena answered. “Same way I know I also carry a daughter.”
    Jacob smiled. “Come with us. We were headed back to Kelethin. We are well known in there so we can vouch for you.”
    “Thank you.” Senriala answered “But... I don't know... I mean I am Tier'dal... and” she closed her eyes “I have always been mentally ill. My father kicked me out when he discovered I was with child. You're right I was attacked... and the child is the product of that attack... it was a human.” she smiled “At least I don't have to marry the troll...he broke off the engagement when he found out.”
    “See everything is balance. Already she has saved you.” Mesena said.
    A few months later in Kelethin Senriala held a newborn half-elf in her arms “Alyerra,” she told Tetriemmy who had helped her. “No last name, just Alyerra, my little Alyerra.”
  14. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Four years later a Dirge was performing at Senriala's tavern The Tainted Eagle.
    Alyerra watched her mother. She remembered her Mom talking about the music she had listened to in Neriak. She could see the emotions stirring as her mother remembered. As the Dirge started to leave she ran to catch up to him “Please teach me. I want to play like you.”
    The human turned and looked at the child.
    “Mommy likes your music. I want to play music for my Mommy,”
    The human smiled. He stayed for a few weeks in Kelethin teaching the young girl how to play.
    The Flamefists stayed in touch sometimes taking Alyerra with them on their journeys. Alyerra's best friend was Kyriu Flamefist who had been born a month after her. The Flamefists considered Senriala and Alyerra as family with Kyriu and Alyerra calling each other cousins.
    When Alyerra was twelve Mesena made her a guitar. The guitar was her most prized possession. She was never seen without it.
    Several years later Senriala held the guitar in her hands. The neck was broken into three pieces. The main body of the guitar was broken. She sobbed. “My Alyerra... where are you?”
  15. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Alyerra opened her eyes. She tried to sit up but discovered that her wrists and ankles were bound. She turned her head to look around. She was in a large room lit only by torches. On either side of her she could see others bound as she was. “Where am I?” she asked the ceiling.
    A robed figure stepped into the room “That is not your concern Fourteen,” he stood over her and ran his hand over her face “Such pretty blue eyes,” he whispered “Those will stay.”
    Alyerra moved her head away from the hand. “I think there's been a mistake. My name is Alyerra. I don't think I'm supposed to be here.”
    The robed man laughed “You are supposed to be here. We sent out scouts to find us specimens which would be ideal for our experiments.”
    “You're not running experiments on me!” she shouted.
    The man laughed “A feisty one aren't you? You will be especially interesting to watch. Others tried these experiments and discovered that elves and humans worked best. You are both. Of course Wood-Elves don't seem to take well to the process.” he smiled running a finger around her face again “Because your friend was Half-Feir'dal our scouts took care of her.”
    “Ky?” Alyerra shook her head “No you're lying. Kyriu Flamefist is a great warrior almost as great as her parents. She may not be a grandmaster yet but she would not fall so easily.”
    The man shrugged “Believe what you want it is no matter to me Fourteen.”
    “Stop calling me that! I told you my name is Alyerra.” she turned her head and spit on the man's hand “I would rather die then let you experiment on me.”
    The man laughed again doubling over. He was joined by more robed figures.
    “What is so funny?” the voice of a woman asked.
    The man straightened “Fourteen says she would rather die than let us experiment on her.
    The rest of the figures doubled over in laughter as well. The figures straightened “Now shall we begin?” the first man asked.
    The others gathered nodded. They separated themselves among the tables.
    “Begin the first phase,” came the order.
    Alyerra watched as the robed figures gathered around her began to move their hands.
    One leaned low and whispered in her ear “You are a funny girl... we appreciate your joke. Allow me to explain... part of the experiment you will die... that's the point.”
    Alyerra squirmed trying to get away as she watched a black lightning begin to emit from the hands of those around her. She knew her struggle was pointless. She screamed as the black energy was channeled into her body. She was unsure how long the pain lasted before they ceased casting again. Her heart pounded as the pain slowly ebbed away. Her breathing was labored.
    The robed figures left the room.
    Later the robed figures returned and began to cast again.
    It was impossible to tell how much time was passing. There was no change to the surroundings. At one point the order was given for phase two and then three.
  16. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Alyerra closed her eyes. She saw a bright light. As she opened her eyes and looked around she was standing in a field.
    “Come Alyerra,” said a Wood-Elf woman with light brown hair and yellow eyes.
    “Aunt Mesena... but you're dead.” she gasped.
    Next to the Wood-Elf stood a human with shoulder length red hair and green eyes.
    “Uncle Jacob? You're both dead...that must mean...” Alyerra blinked “No... I can't be... I'm not ready to die. What about Mom? I need to go back to her... she needs me.”
    “Alyerra,” Jacob spoke “You don't have much time. You must come with us,”
    Alyerra shook her head “No..” she took a step back.
    “If you do not accept death now child... death will not accept you later,” Mesena whispered.
    “I don't understand.”
    “The people who killed you they intend to make you something that defies balance,” Jacob answered “You must not let them succeed. The only way they will fail is if you accept death.” he held out his hand to her as a shadow wrapped around her.
    “As I said if you don't accept death death will not accept you.”
    Alyerra swallowed and took the hand offered to her as the shadows grabbed her and began to pull. She screamed as she was painfully pulled out of Jacob's grasp.
  17. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    She opened her eyes. She was back on the table chained. She felt different but she was unsure how.
    “Check them,” the first robed man ordered.
    “Thirteen has no heart beat nor is he breathing,” someone shouted.
    “Fourteen is awake,” shouted someone next to her.
    “Fifteen has no pulse nor breath,” came the call.
    The robed man in charge approached Alyerra “I believe I know the answer, but I want to confirm. Clearly you are breathing.” he said as he unchained her wrist. He placed two fingers on her wrist for a few seconds. “Congratulations Fourteen.” he looked into her eyes “You have passed our final test.”
    “Almost thought we lost you there...”
    “I thought you said I was supposed to die.” she hissed.
    The crowd of robes erupted with laughter.
    “And you did,” the Leader answered “Maybe we should do something about that mouth.”
    “No,” another said laughing “I find this one amusing when she's not killing for us she'll be very amusing,”
    “I will never kill for anyone,”
    The leader spoke “You don't have a choice Fourteen.”
    “My name is Alyerra!”
    “Take Fourteen to her quarters and see that she's fed. Maybe after a proper feeding she will understand her purpose.”
  18. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Alyerra was led to a what could only be described as a prison cell. There was a single cot. She sat down on the cot as the barred door was shut. She pondered the words she had heard.
    “Your breakfast will be here shortly,” one of her robed escorts announced.
    Her stomach began to ache. “Thanks.” she sighed “Don't suppose you'll let me choose what kind of bread I get,”
    The robes laughed as they walked away.
    From down the hall she heard a scream.
    Once the robes were gone Alyerra placed two fingers on her own wrist. She counted. “No,” she whispered as though out loud would change what she was feeling. She felt her wrist again pressing harder on the point where she should have felt something but there was nothing. “I don't have a pulse how can I not have a pulse and still be breathing?”
    There was another scream from down the hall.
    One of the robes returned with a shivering young woman. “Your breakfast,” the robed man laughed as he opened the door and shoved the young woman inside. He locked the door and left.
    “Just get it over with,” The woman demanded.
    Alyerra looked at the woman “I don't know what you are talking about.”
    The woman laughed “You and I both know why I'm here so bite me and make sure you kill me I don't want to be one of you,”
    “You have me confused with someone else. I'm not going to kill you. This is a joke or a nightmare.”
    The woman looked at her “You really don't know? You don't know what you are?”
    “I'm a Half-Teir'dal.”
    The woman sighed “Not anymore. You are a vampire... a Freeblood to be more precise.”
    “No,” Alyerra answered “No that can't be... I have to be dreaming.”
    “You're not dreaming.” the woman told her “Get used to this. This will be your curse for the rest of your life and you will live a very long time.” the woman hissed.
    Alyerra collapsed onto the cot and cried.
    The woman scowled.
  19. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Time passed the woman still lived.
    “Why don't they at least feed you.” Alyerra asked “I mean I can see your bones,”
    The woman sighed “Because they assumed you would give into your hunger by now.”
    Alyerra swallowed “Hunger... when I need to drink... according to you”
    “Thirst then.”
    Alyerra bit her lip to stop her scream of pain.
    “Whatever you want to call it. You can't hold if off much longer.”
    “No, I don't want to kill.” Alyerra answered. She let out a scream as the intense pain in her stomach increased. Her nails began to lengthen into claws. “What's happening to me?” she whispered
    The woman swallowed and stepped against the opposite wall. “You will feed soon... and you won't be able to stop yourself.” she closed her eyes and began praying.
    Alyerra screamed again as she felt her body further transform. Her blue eyes turned red and her long honey blonde hair became shorter ending just below her ears. She looked around and saw the woman trying to get away. “No!” her mind screamed as she pounced on the woman. Her teeth sank into the woman's shoulder instantly rewarding a nice flow of blood. “No!” Alyerra's mind screamed again She could feel and taste the blood that was running down her throat. It tasted like blood. In her mind she started crying as her body continued to drink. “This is disgusting,” her mind hissed “I'm a bard... how can a bard be so sick?”
    The woman closed her eyes as she fell into unconsciousness.
    Alyerra pulled herself off the woman as her body returned to normal. She swallowed the last mouthful of blood and gently grabbed the unconscious woman under the arms and carefully dragged her to the cot and laid her down. Alyerra wiped a pale purple arm across her mouth. She licked her teeth and then her lips. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the crimson streak on her arm. She stepped over to an opposite corner and sank to the floor crying.
  20. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    The woman woke up as the lead robe walked up to the gate. She sat up “I'm not dead am I?”
    “No,” the lead robe answered “Pity too. Fourteen does not know how to turn so you will not become like her.” he sighed “Now do you understand Fourteen?”
    “Go to Hell.” Alyerra growled.
    The man sighed “Oh Fourteen... let me explain this more to you. You need blood to live...”
    “I'm not living. This is not living!”
    “Fine, but starving yourself if you so choose won't change things. You've already discovered that your body will make sure you get what you need. Although sometimes you idiots pass out from lack of energy.” He shrugged “In time you will learn to be content with what you are and when we send you out you will kill for us. Understand me Fourteen we have a purpose for you,”
    Alyerra stood “I don't care what your purpose is for me! You think you can control me? You're wrong! I may be...” she couldn't bring herself to say the word dead “You will never control me!”
    “We may have to do something with that mouth after all. You talk far too much.” he turned and walked away.
    Alyerra looked at the woman “How do you feel?”
    “A little weak.” the woman said “Kayla, my name is Kayla.”
    “It's been how long and you finally give me your name?” she closed her eyes “They brought you some food,” she pointed to the floor where a few chunks of bread had been tossed and glass of water had been placed.
    Kayla grabbed the bread and eagerly tore at it with her teeth. She drank some water. After finishing the bread and water she turned “You could have killed me. You could have kept drinking until you killed me but you didn't. What are you? I mean how do you earn your bread?”
    “I'm... I was a Dirge,” Alyerra answered.
    “Was.... listen to me Alyerra you still have your voice which means you are still a Dirge. You are not the only Freeblood here you know. I'm sure if nothing else a little music would be welcome until you get out of here.”
    Alyerra bit her lip exposing a fang while she thought. She was back in her room the words and music swirled together as a song formed in her mind. She straightened and started to sing. Her alto voice filled her cell and then as she built a crescendo of confidence her
    voice drifted down the hall. She sang lost only in the words and melody:
    I see the crimson flood rising and drowning
    I try to swim away, to escape but where to go?
    Every turn I make all I see is the Crimson flood
    Where does it come from. I don't want to know..
    Don't tell me I want to deny it.
    The Crimson flood pulls me under
    The Crimson flood drags me in it's undertow
    The Crimson Flood drowns my heart and dreams
    How can I escape?
    I open my eyes on the soft shore
    I'm glad to be breathing but something is wrong
    People are running away
    I look for the monster they all run from
    All I see in the water is me
    The Crimson Flood pulls me under
    The Crimson Flood drags me in its undertow
    The Crimson Flood drowns my heart and dreams
    How can I escape?
    How can I escape the Crimson Flood?