Uncommon Ballads sung by Brienae and Alyerra

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-lisemanta, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Kayla listened to the song in silence. “You are talented. Sad song, but considering where we are... and my experience has been that dirges aren't exactly the most jolly singers. I prefer Troubadors myself.” she smiled “I know the answer. I'll help us escape.” she closed her eyes and prayed “Winds of Nature guide my path, Help me do what I must.” she looked at Alyerra “Forgive me but this is going to hurt.” she closed her eyes and summoned a swarm of green leaves around Alyerra.
    Alyerra screamed as the green leaves burned.
    Kayla controlled the flow of leaves so that they did not burn the Freeblood's face or hands.
    Alyerra's screams brought a crowd of robes.
    “What is the meaning of this?” asked the lead robe “Never mind restrain the Druid!”
    Kayla laughed as they opened the door. She summoned ice causing the robes to shudder. She looked at Alyerra who had doubled over in pain and canceled her spell. She noticed that one of the robes screamed. She laughed and summoned Green leaves on him.
    The robe screamed more. “You even turn your own?” she asked.
    “What have you done?” the lead robe asked as someone took the screaming man out.
    “I tried to heal her. It'll destroy her if I keep going.” Kayla said raising her hand towards Alyerra as though she were going to cast again.
    “Go ahead,” The lead robe said “You've already burned her. We have discovered no way to heal them of divine wounds,”
    “You people are sick.” she cast another wave of ice this time the robes froze. She grabbed Alyerra gently and led her out of the cell. She stopped at another cell where a Freeblood man and a young boy were being held. “Gregor,” she breathed “And Simon.” she found the keys on one of the frozen robes and unlocked the door.
    The boy ran into her arms.
    Kayla hugged him and looked at the man “Gregor... no,”
    The man nodded “Yes, but I do not believe Marr has abandoned me I will continue to serve him. Perhaps it is his will that I live forever to spread his good name,”
    Kayla nodded “Let's go,” she looked back at Alyerra. “Carry her,” she told Gregor.
    Gregor nodded and picked Alyerra up in his arms.
    Alyerra made no struggle.
    “Rest child,” Gregor instructed “We will see you safe.
    Alyerra closed her eyes.
  2. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Alyerra opened her eyes. She could smell a fire burning. She sat up. She was inside a tent. Looking down she could see that her wounds were bandaged.
    Kayla walked in “Herbs,” she explained “No magic involved just a lot of good natural Aloe Verra.” she nodded to a pile “We bought you clothes. I hope you like them. We also bought you weapons and an instrument.”
    “Thanks,” Alyerra answered.
    “Sorry, I knew my healing would hurt you, but I didn't think it would hurt you as bad as it did.
    Alyerra hissed as she surveyed her body. Bandages covered her arms, legs and chest. “Thanks, for sparing my hands,” she said.
    “Don't mention it. I figured you would be wanting to play again.”
    Alyerra nodded and gingerly began to put on the clothes. There was white chain link tunic and brown sleeves as well as brown boots. The chain link was trimmed with brown square gems.
    “I'll take care of your bandages until you're healed,” Kayla said “Normal wounds you'll be able to heal yourself, but divine wounds such as this either will take time to heal or if you want to trust a Necromancer I'm sure they could heal it. I believe another Dirge could heal you as well.”
    Alyerra nodded “I haven't learned that song yet,”
    “When you're dressed come on out,” Kayla instructed as she left the tent.
    Alyerra finished getting dressed and grabbed the two daggers and the tambourine which had been left. She frowned as she examined the tambourine. She sighed “I guess it will have to do,” she stepped out of the tent.
    “Feeling better Alyerra?” Gregor asked. “My apologies we were not properly introduced. I am Gregor Delmion. This is my Squire Simon Smith and you've already met his sister Kayla. Kayla told us all about you.”
    Alyerra nodded.
    “She did not tell us your last name,” Simon piped up.
    “I don't have one,” Alyerra laughed. She grimaced as the laughter caused her burned chest to hurt. “You see my Mom was attacked by a man and I was born from that.”
    Gregor nodded “So you're a half Dark-Elf. Shame that Teir-dal...”
    Alyerra stopped him “Mom is the Tier'dal,”
    “Oh my apologies,” Gregor said “I meant no offense. I was human.”
    “None taken. That confuses a lot of people.”
    “Well you're welcome to join us. We were going home to Qeynos,”
    “I'm from Kelethin,”
    Gregor smiled “I am a Paladin of Qeynos.”
    Kayla took two roasted animals from the fire and handed one to her brother. She looked at the two Freeblood. She sighed “I have some conditions for both of you,”
    Gregor nodded.
    “What kind of conditions?” Alyerra asked.
    “I'll tell you,” Kayla said “I am a Servant of Nature, a Warden. I am not as zealous as some Druids, but both of you are unnatural. I can let that slide but... you can not feed on people. If you ever do... I will have no choice but to end your existence.” she looked at them both for a moment “Animals are fine. I would say if you drink the blood of animals that is permissible,”
    “I agree,” Gregor said
    Alyerra nodded.
  3. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    They had been traveling a few days. Alyerra and Gregor took turns hunting with Kayla and Simon. The vampires drained the blood out of the animals they found. Kayla then roasted the corpses for her and Simon.
    Evidently the three had been caught together. Gregor had been training Simon as his squire before the capture and was only too glad to continue. Alyerra admired his faith, although at times she found herself wanting to strangle the Paladin as her own faith had collapsed. Once she had prayed to Bristlebane, but this joke was not one she could handle. She had been heard to mutter a prayer of forgiveness before she fed. She wasn't even sure who she was praying to, but it was something she felt she needed to do. Gregor seemed to approve.
    They were taking the long way. Kayla thought maybe it was best if the two vampires were not on a crowded ship for a few days with few feeding options.
    “Mind if I join you?” said a voice.
    They had stopped in Nektolous forest.
    Kayla looked up at the man who had spoken. She glared as she studied him and the drachnid behind him. “Same rules apply,” she said “Only feed on animals.”
    Alyerra looked at Kayla for a moment with confusion.
    “He's one of you,” Kayla explained “He's also a Necromancer,”
    “Very astute of you madame,” the man said as he bowed “I'm Nedrid Fenris and this is Moira.” he indicated the Drachnid. He frowned “Feeding on animals? Is that even possible?”
    “Yes it is,” Alyerra hissed “How can you even think that feeding on other people is good?”
    Nedrid shrugged and sat down.
    Simon groaned as his sister handed half of a roasted snake. “When can we have real food?” he grumbled.
    “When we get to Thundermist Village.” Kayla answered.
    That night in the girl's tent Alyerra whispered to Kayla “I don't trust him,”
    Kayla sighed “Nor do I, but I should give him the chance. After all I gave you the chance,”
    “Yeah... true,”
  4. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    The trudge through Nektolous was surprisingly uneventful. As the group stepped into Thundering Steppes Simon dashed ahead.
    They stopped to camp near the centaurs.
    Simon eyed the Griffon Station “Isn't there a Griffon near Thundermist?” he asked.
    “There is,” Kayla answered “But you're not going alone,”
    “I'll go with him,” Alyerra volunteered. “Might be nice to perform in a Tavern. Who knows maybe they'll give us free food.
    Kayla nodded. “Stay with Alyerra, Simon.” she warned.
    “I will go hunt for some food for those of us who need a more liquid diet.” Gregor said “Care to join me sir Fenris?”
    “No thanks,” Nedrid answered.
    Alyerra and Simon took griffons to the Thundermist Station.
    They found a tavern bustling with people.
    Alyerra looked around and sighed “Reminds me of home,” she said.
    Simon grinned “Why don't you play something Aly?”
    Alyerra smiled back exposing her fangs.
    “Er might want to hide those,” Simon whispered.
    Alyerra's smile vanished. She walked into the tavern followed by Simon and introduced herself.
    She performed one of her older songs and the Tavern owner gave her two free meals.
    “I'll take the rest of the food back to Kayla.” Simon whispered
    Alyerra took a few spoonfuls of the soup she had been given.
  5. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Simon carried a small bag of food left over from his and Alyerra's meals.
    Alyerra landed first. The smell of blood filled the air. She ran over.
    Nedrid was leaning over something.
    Alyerra dashed over afraid of what she would find.
    Nedrid stood up and turned. His mouth was dripping with blood.
    Alyerra gasped and dashed around him. She sank to the ground to examine what he had been feeding on. She swallowed as her fear was realized. It was Kayla.
    Simon ran over and pushed the Dirge out of the way.
    Nedrid stood and wiped his mouth.
    Alyerra stood up and drew her daggers. She placed one against Nedrid's throat. “Why?” she hissed.
    Nedrid laughed “You have to ask. She's only a human, first we are more already you and I... well I can tell you were a half-breed. But now that we are immortal we are even more superior to them.”
    Gregor ran up and knelt next to Kayla. His hands glowed white as he prayed. He shook his head. “She's gone,” the pain he felt could be seen in his eyes
    Simon drew his sword “Get away from her.” he hissed.
    Gregor stood up and pulled Alyerra back with him.
    Nedrid turned to look at the boy “Hm well,” he licked his teeth.
    “I should have known I couldn't trust any of you!” Simon shouted.
    Gregor approached his squire “Simon sheath your sword.” he turned to Nedrid “You are under arrest for Murder.”
    “You are no longer my mentor!” Simon screamed. “I hate you all of you!
    Nedrid laughed “And how are you going to arrest me Paladin?”
    Gregor drew his own sword and shield. “I will fight you if you don't come quietly,”
    Nedrid laughed and ordered Moira to attack. The Drachnid began casting spells at Gregor.
    Alyerra sheathed her daggers and approached the body as the spells went off.
    “I want all of you monsters to stay away from her!” Simon shouted charging Alyerra with his sword raised.
    Gregor stopped the sword with his shield. He dropped his sword and grabbed the boy with his other arm.
    “We should give her a proper funeral and burial,” Alyerra whispered.
    “Something only someone living can do!” Simon continued to scream.
    Alyerra stood she rounded on Gregor and Nedrid “Have you no respect!” she shouted.
    Nedrid laughed “Respect? For what? I can bring her back boy.”
    “No,” Simon growled “Not the way you do.” He lowered the sword as torches flared in the distance. He looked around at the three Freebloods and ran towards the torches.
    Nedrid disappeared in the darkness.
    Alyerra looked at Gregor.
    “We have nothing to hide,” Gregor whispered to her.
    Alyerra nodded.
    Torches flared in thier faces as the cry rose “Vampires!”
    Alyerra felt a pain in the back of her head and all went black.
  6. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Alyerra woke up and vomited the soup from the previous night. She groaned as she retched again. She was in another Cell. She retched again. Outside she could hear voices. The voices drew closer.
    Tetriemmy scowled. She had been asked to help destroy these vampires which had been discovered last night. Her view had always been that the dead should remain dead. Undead were unnatural and had to be destroyed. She looked at the vampire before her. Her golden brown hair looked familiar. “You're existence is unnatural,” she spoke. Her tail lashed in anger.
    “I know...” Alyerra whispered. She swallowed as she recognized the voice “I didn't choose this...” tears fell from her eyes “Ms. Tetri, I just want to go home. I want to see my Mom again.”
    Tetriemmy's tail froze “Look at me,” she ordered.
    Alyerra raised her head and met the Ratonga's eye.
    Tetriemmy closed her eye. “Leave us,”
    The group who had come with her started to leave.
    Tetriemmy stopped “Actually tell my companion to come here,”
    After a few minutes Tetriemmy was joined by a young Half-Elf woman. Her skin was tan like a wood-elf's but her hair was a two tone red. One ring of rust circled the rest which appeared to be orange like a flame.
    Alyerra stood “Ky! You're alive!”
    Kyriu blinked her green eyes “Aly?” she looked at Tetri “They said they had two vampires... but Aly's not...”
    Alyerra swallowed “I am a vampire... I'm a Freeblood. I can go out in Sunlight, but I do need blood to survive. I've been surviving on animal blood. I was hoping I could go home but...” she looked at the Ratonga.
    Kyriu turned to the Ratonga “Tetri you can't! It's Aly. She's still Aly.”
    “Cub you know a song that makes you invisible yes?”
    “Yes,” Alyerra answered.
    Tetriemmy nodded. She turned to Kyriu “Cub, tell them to open the door,”
    Kyriu swallowed and dashed outside. She returned with a guard who produced keys and opened the cell. He nodded to Tetri and left.
    “Tetri, please... let me at least see my Mom one more time.” Alyerra pleaded.
    Tetriemmy stepped inside followed by Kyriu. “Listen to me Cub. You are unnatural, but you were one of my Cubs. I can not destroy you. If you promise never to feed on a person, but only on animals then I will let you go. Kyriu will take you home.”
    Alyerra nodded “What about Gregor, he's a Paladin.”
    Tetriemmy nodded “I will help him,”
    A few minutes later Alyerra was free. She had turned invisible and run with Kyriu outside while Tetriemmy burned her cell.
  7. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Senriala sat alone in her tavern. Her daughter's guitar was mounted on the wall. She had seen her daughter many times in hallucinations. She was drinking her own brew of Tier'dal Bloodwine. It was late, but she couldn't sleep. There was a knock on the door. She ignored it until the two dogs someone had given her started barking. She sighed and stood up “We're closed!” she shouted at the door.
    “I noticed you're looking for a bard,” a voice said.
    Senriala sighed “I'm the only one here,”
    “I'd like to be famous someday, but...” Outside Alyerra paused “Mom... “ the door opened and she was pulled in. Senriala held her daughter while she explained about her condition. The two women cried together.
    Senriala looked her daughter in the eyes “Twenty-two years ago, my father threw me out of his house because I was with child from an incident. I was betrothed to a horrid man. I was angry at that child, but when I saw you, I couldn't be mad. Then you became a Dirge and all you wanted was to make music for me. You have talent.” she smiled “Vampire or no, you are my daughter and I will always love you and support you. Someday you will be famous.”
  8. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    A few months have passed since Alyerra returned home. She performs at The Tainted Eagle at least once every two weeks. She has also started traveling and performing in other taverns. She prefers to feed in private and tries as hard as she can to keep her condition hidden. It is unknown what her future holds, but someday her name will be known all over Norrath.
    Brienae sheathes her lyre as the last of the notes fade. "I'm afraid that's all the Ballads I have," she says.
    "But wait a minute Brienae what about Tsimia? I thought you were going to sing about her." I say to her
    "She made me sick," Brienae sniffs "I'm sorry but I could not get her ballad."
    I sigh "But you were supposed to sing all of them.
    "I know," Brienae sighs.
    From the shadows guitar music is heard. The Dirge steps out of the shadows the light falling on her. Her skin is a light purple and her eyes an icy blue. Her honey colored hair ends just below her shoulders. A breif smile reveals her fangs which she quickly hides. She wears a cloth Gi of black, silver and blood red. Her stomach can be see, but most of her arms are covered in blood red webbed with black. "I know that one, and a few more too" she says. "My name is Alyerra, that's it Alyerra. I'll take it from here,"