unattended GAMEPLAY...a new twist??

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-sayitaintso, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-hdm7k Guest

    CHIMPNOODLE. wrote:
    [p]I don't petition people for sitting for 2 hours in the same spot. If I see someone in the same spot for 5 to 7 days with chests and even a master chest sitting in front of them unopened, you bet that I'm going to petition. [/p][hr]I'd /report him too... AFTER I'd looted the Master Chest! :D [p] [/p][p]Howard[/p][p] [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Pain Divine Guest

    [p]This is VERY easy to do without any 3rd party software and/or cheating. Please excuse any syntax errors I have here and the fake spell names:[/p][p]Create a macro with the following lines:[/p][p]/Target_Nearest_NPC :; Useab Root ;;Useab Nuke[/p][p]Assign it to your first toolbar slot (the one that activates when you press 1)[/p][p]Then buy this Logitech G15 Keyboard (or any other similar keyboard)[/p][p]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16823126179[/p][p]Set the keyboard up to "LOOP Macro keys" and "Record pauses"[/p][p]Press the "Record" button on the keyboard, then chose the M1 Key[/p][p]Press 1[/p][p]wait a few seconds[/p][p]End the recording.[/p][p]Stand your character in a stratigic location.[/p][p]Press M1[/p][p]Go watch TV[/p][p] [/p][p]This might violate the EULA, and I dont do it... but I see dozens of people doing it every night.[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Pain Divine Guest

    This sort of thing is easilly exploitable. Because they are using the /target_Nearest_NPC command you can pull any mob you want to them and they will kill it for you. I got 3 levels and almost 2 plat worth of items off a guy that was doing this once. I just pulled mobs to him and let him kill them for me. They were all way outside what I should have been able to kill on my own. Exploiting the exploiter. Nothing is sweeter.
  4. ARCHIVED-Brigh Guest

    How do you have a Microsoft OS without IE installed? It is integrated into the OS, and the launchpad uses it.
  5. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    Pain Divine wrote:
  6. ARCHIVED-Devout Disciple Guest

    [p]If you want to toon in for more unattended gameplay segments of EQ2: Where AFK Adventure Comes Alive! then please toon in to the Barren Sky isle with the evil eyes on em. Plenty of Necromancers up there displaying the art of AFK MOB killing....[/p][p] How do I know they're AFK? They constantly get stuck in the walls leave all loot behind..........................most of all they run the same path.....over and over....[/p][p] (Was trying to be somewhat funny with my post but the afk playing is really getting silly)[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-Zarador Guest

    Devout Disciple wrote:
    Well...seeing how a Necro could simply stand in one spot and let their pet do the work until a server reset without ever having to risk using a 3rd party BoT type program, added to the fact that I have never witnessed AFK Leveling without the person standing in one spot, I would tend to think this statement is not that accurate. If you told me they were running a harvest script and getting aggro, I might somewhat believe that.
  8. ARCHIVED-Caliga Guest

    It's simple, the person had a marco for target mob, nuke, nuke. Then they either used a clicking program or a gaming keyboard to spam the marco. Yes, that is a violation the rules. Yes, you should report the person. If /petition isn't to your liking, try /report name, that doesn't take you to a browser (yet).
  9. ARCHIVED-Brigh Guest

    The ONLY thing /report does is take a snapshot of the text in your chat you are reporting. No one will know it is there until you petition and say your did a /report xxxxxx
  10. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    You can remove it. I did it once. Windows does not need the IE to work. However, good old Explorer cant be removed.
  11. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    I could do it with firmware or hardware. Doesnt really matter, its still unattended gameplay. ;)
  12. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    Yep, MSIE CAN be uninstalled and the very first thing I do is uninstall it when I load a Windows OS onto my PCs. I use Mozilla Firefox. It's much more secure, I have almost NO spyware or malware and it's FREE....
  13. ARCHIVED-Pain Divine Guest

    [p] [/p][p]Well, I'd say its arguable as to weather it should be against the rules or not. It would be fairly simple for SOE to make some minor changes that would make this sort of thing impossible. And yet they don't. [/p][p]And SOE would never bann anyone for this sort of thing. They don't even bann the plat sellers... I almost think that since they don't plan on banning anyone for it, they should just embrace it like Ultima Online has. They actually ship macroing software with the game now. It won't fully play the game for you, but it will swap out equipment, repeat crafting actions, etc... I actually learned skills in UO that have helped me in my profesional life. I write scripts that save my company tons of time and money now. I'd never have learned that sort of thing if I hadn't played UO. [/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    Pain Divine wrote:
    From what I was told by a board Mod, SOE is gun shy about bannings since they banned a bunch of innocent people over the plat duping bug....Couple that with the fact that they have lost more than 50% of their subscribers in teh last 18 months and I'd say there were flat out unwilling to enforce the rules in all but the most blantant cases...
  15. ARCHIVED-Devout Disciple Guest

    [p]You must have missed the part where I said they ran the same path over and over again.....I'm sorry you're not getting me to believe someone is that perfect for many a hour.....btw they were still up when I logged on the next day....and they played to the next evening...and the next.....[/p][p]Well if you read my post the first time I think you're getting the picture...I hope..... [/p]