unattended GAMEPLAY...a new twist??

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-sayitaintso, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    OK I knew it was possible for pet classes to stand in the agro radius of LoS mobs, get attacked and have their pet kill the MOB for EXP while they were AFK... Right now on Guk there is a level 63 wizard standing on a rock in TT killing bloodblooms...AND the strange thing is, she is casting on them within her range, they aren't agroing her... How do I know she's AFK...Well beyond sending her tells with no repsonse all of her trunks and corpses with loot are either rotting or getting taken by others and she hasn't budged, not even a turn in many many hours... I haven't been able to use the petition system since it went offline, (probably because I refuse to use internet explorer) So I canot petition her... Anyway is this something new and does it use a 3rd party software?
  2. ARCHIVED-Zheen Guest

    That wouldn't happen on Venekor..nope:lol:
  3. ARCHIVED-Kulssin Guest

    Doesn't sound like the use of any 3rd party software to me. Perhaps macros. Every game has "safe spots" here and there that people take advantage of to farm and/or level. In the last mmorpg I played, these spots existed for years. The abuse of them got so bad over the years that the developers finally tweaked the AI of the mobs so that if somebody was hitting them from a spot that they could not attack back.. the currently targetted monster/npc would teleport to the player. Not what I'd suggest as it screwed up many other aspects of the game, but "safe spot hunting/farming" has been around forever. You just stumbled on one of those spots. ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    Kulssin wrote:
    Can a macro be made to target and then nuke the closest NPC? wouldn't it eventualy lock on something that couldn't be cast on? SAy in this case one of those little frogs that hops around TT? There were actually 2 wizards doing this last night, both with meaningless names like the plat spammers use, both level 63 and both wearing identical gear....One was on a rock down closer to the spires and one was up on the cliff, over looking the river in TT. I tried to petition them, but once again the petition page would not work for me...
  5. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Kulssin wrote:
    Unlike SWG's macro system, there is no way for an EQ2 in-game macro to keep going and keep targeting and casting. The macros can't call another macro, so as soon as they do their 2 or 3 things, they stop.

    An action going on continuously without any human pushing a button (not saying this is what the OP is describing, but it could be) can be done with macros that are performed by a 3rd party software. Using such a software is often called "botting" since the character is following a script like a robot.

    Sadly, petitioning is the only way you can get them investigated.

    I was doing that the other day with my illusionist actually. I stayed in the same spot and just tabbed and killed for almost 2 hours, don't think I moved my feet once. My casting range is longer than the mobs aggro range, so they never aggro'd me. Was just powerleveling, so dunno bout what you described...sounds exactly like what I was doing. If people sent me tells and were polite or had honest questions questions I *might* answer them, other wise probably not.
  7. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Well if it isnt someone using 3rd party programs then it must be someone using macros while not looking at the screen lol
  8. ARCHIVED-interstellarmatter Guest

    [p]There was a Conjurer in TT afk killing for days. I finally petitioned it and they were gone by that evening. Never saw them again. So, yea, /petition it each time that you see it happening.[/p][p]Reminds me of L2, where botting was a way of life.[/p]
  9. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    [p]Yeah still /report and /petition a player if you see them killing mobs in the same spot and not replying to you (at the same time lol) [/p][p]PS:What is with it and saying that i am on venekor server :p[/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Zarador Guest

    Necro's and Conjurer's can do this as their pet can be set to "protect". Wizards on the other hand would require 3rd party software as they have no "auto-protect" nuke ability that I know of. I believe in several other posts that it was cleared up by a Moderator that unattended game play is in fact against the Eula. It then goes into the usual splitting of hairs with arguments like "If I'm playing my Necro and the doorbell rings and it's the Pope standing at my door, on Easter Sunday, wanting a croissant, and I forget to log out my toon, until patch day, is that my fault?" or the ever famous "I have a life" argument.
  11. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    CHIMPNOODLE. wrote:
    Sure ya were...and you were letting all the loot get collected by others just because your so giving right? Never moving your feet, never saying a word...Sure..well if someone petitions you I sugest you do say something to the GM that contacts you...Both of these wizards were in game from 10 AM until at least midnight yesterday...standing in the same place, never moving, targeting and casting away.... I can't petition because I don't have internet explorer on my PC...I refuse to use it...Apparently SOE doesn't realize that there are people who use alternative browsers..
  12. ARCHIVED-interstellarmatter Guest

    CHIMPNOODLE. wrote:
    I don't petition people for sitting for 2 hours in the same spot. If I see someone in the same spot for 5 to 7 days with chests and even a master chest sitting in front of them unopened, you bet that I'm going to petition.
  13. ARCHIVED-simpwrx02 Guest

    [p]Wizards with the right AA setup and good enough gear can just sit in one spot and kill mobs with out even nuking... mostly through the sta AA line at lvl 70 you can get 700 extra mit and like a permanent 170 point damage shield when ever anything hits yous, add in some imbued master crafted items aka chest piece and legs for heals and an extra damage proc and it is very possible.[/p][p] I had this set up for a few days and I tested it out in Loping planes, I was able to kill some of the lvl 60 mobs with out touching a single button due to wards keeping me alive, high mit 2400 self buffed post EoF, and damage shield. Also consider that EoF mobs are harder than Kos mobs of the same level most of the time. It would take about 5 minutes to kill and i would normally have around 40% health after doing this. How ever I was at my keyboard the whole time just to make sure I didnt die one or 2 actual nukes would have been an instant win for me.[/p][p]How ever what you are seeing is a bot program more than likely since I highly doubt any one playing wouold leave chests or body loot on the ground if they were actually there. Some one might miss one or 2 but as youdescribe it there were piles of loot sitting at the players feet.... sounds like a bot to me. My favorite thing to do in that situation is to just hit a mob with a melee weapon then stop attacking take the mob into range of said botter and have the botter kill the mob for me, or i would simply bring a mass amount of mobs to kill the bot, I have done this before.[/p]

    [p]Yep, that's exactly what I did. Were you trying to discuss the issue, or were just trying to post a rant with little support...I might have misunderstood the intention of your original post? If a GM contacted me I would respond obviously. If a buffoon started sending me tells I wouldn't though, and would likely put on ignore if he kept bothering me. If someone polite did, I might or might not...depends if I was chatting with some1 else, or if I felt like responding. [/p][p]Depending where you are killing you often get a lot of lore and near worthless drops. I'm not going to fill up my bags for drops that sell for coppers either, especially on my Illusionist who still has relatively small bags. If I'm making good XP progress, I'm not going to run back and forth to vendors/brokers to clear out inventory that might net a few gold either. I run my mains if I want to make real coin. On the giving part...I sure am though :)...but that wouldn't have been the issue there.[/p]

    I have also seen people leaving tons of body drops all around as they are only killing to score some treasured items for transmutes. Boxed lore items are left, and body drops are ignored mostly, particularly for mentored toons transmute farming.
  16. ARCHIVED-bensilvi Guest

    It is very possible especially with the Logitech Gaming Keyboards. You can program a Macro using them to go on forever.
  17. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    A macro doesn't have to call another macro for this to work. In the old days of MMORPGs, you could get repeatable macros by simply placing a weight on the key that executes the macro and it would spam continuously. The extra key presses would get ignored. Maybe that works in EQ2 as well.
  18. ARCHIVED-Bramwell Guest

    They probably just set up a pendulum to hit a key on the keyboard that is a macro. Requires no third party program just a device from a music store:) repeatedly hitting the same macro while the pet is on guard.
  19. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    A) they were level 64 B) they were nuking, the mobs were dying fast, in some cases before they even got to the wizard
  20. ARCHIVED-sayitaintso Guest

    UMMM wizards don't have pets....