Tradeskill Suggestions as Requested in Kandor's Candor Ep 1

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Carynn, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. Carynn Well-Known Member

    In the first podcast of Kandor's Candor, a request was put out for suggestions for Tradeskilling for the future. I didn't see a thread started for that, so here I am starting one. I'm under the impression it's for future expacs, but there's enough needing changes in BoL that could use mention in a nice, orderly fashion, too.

    My suggestions:

    1. Tradeskill timelines should ALWAYS be doable by someone who is Level 10 adventure.

    2. Kunark Ascending required tradeskilled clothing and jewelry to be able to start content, instead of being provided a box of gear. Either go back to this system, or return to the gear progression of Handcraft > Solo questline > Mastercrafted > Heroic > Raid.

    3. Toss the BoL shadow harvest stuff and go back to standard rares being harvested based on RNG.

    4. Advanced Tradeskill books should not be rare or locked behind heroic or overseer content. They should drop off regular overland mobs.

    Also, fatalistically, I wouldn't mind more adventures with Qho... or a similar type of harvesting story line.
    Kheldar, Katz, Quillyne and 16 others like this.
  2. elflover Well-Known Member

    NO, just no more Qho please.
    Quillyne, Rhodris and Breanna like this.
  3. Breanna Well-Known Member

    LOL Maybe he'll get a brother or sister. :eek:
    chattie and Rosyposy like this.
  4. elflover Well-Known Member

    Mercychalice, Breanna and Rosyposy like this.
  5. Aina New Member

    There are tradeskill titles that I want for my avatars in Gorowyn that can only be obtained by doing tradeskill writs.
    However, since the avatars in question are level 120 crafters, no writs are currently being offered.
    As far as I can tell, there are no other (repeatable) faction-raising quests on offer.
    Please give us a way to increase tradeskill factions (Academy of Logistics for example) for max-level crafters.
    Thanks in advance.
    Kheldar, Momo, Qeen and 5 others like this.
  6. Aina New Member

    Qho Junior? He's got to be old enough to be married by now.
    chattie, Katz, Juraiya and 4 others like this.
  7. Wulfgyr I've got friends in EQ2Wire places

    I will burninate all of you. And Qho, his village, the whole damn island, if I have to.
    chattie, elflover, Soara2 and 6 others like this.
  8. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...a Qho Jr....Or maybe an expansion into other Wantia families...Or, more racially-tradeskilled based adventures. Something for Kerrans, Faes, Elves, much as I love my gnome, I really don't care for anything tinker related...It's all so....rusty looking....a proper gnome keeps her tools greased as much as needed.:cool:
    Carynn, chattie, Juraiya and 6 others like this.
  9. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    Bring back craft writs. Sooner rather than later.
    Katz, Momo, chattie and 9 others like this.
  10. Tiao New Member

    1.) Fuel (& everything else) stacks to 800 not 200.
    2.) End pointless crafting classes. MC (Empyral) gear, refined & experimented, should compete with heroic gear. Add a new tier of containers (max could go up by 2 even). Items like "Will of the Blinding" could be crafted. Maybe something that could be sold for status. Title writs. Letter signs. Weapon decorations. Anything to add value to the non-consumable making crafters.
    Kheldar, Qeen, Carynn and 4 others like this.
  11. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    110+ crafting writs. Needed for status for guild hall contribution for those who prefer crafting to running blasted heroics etc.
    Katz, Momo, Tkia and 5 others like this.
  12. Katz Well-Known Member

    I would like to see you be able to select which level your craft writ is. I have very little of the 110 materials and need to be able to do lower level writs on my higher level crafters. The main reason is that I need to earn status to pay rent in the guild hall.
    Momo, Qeen, chattie and 5 others like this.
  13. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Restore the general 'progression' of gear
    free, handcrafted, quested, solo instance, mastercrafted, t1 heroic, mastercrafted 5x experiemented, t2 heroic, t1 raid/MC fabled gear, t2 raid, etc
    That worked well for years and years.
    This expac it was handcrafted, free, MC, MC fabled, solo instance, quested....
    Momo, chattie, Juraiya and 5 others like this.
  14. Katzandra2 New Member

    A grenade might fix the tradeskilling issues this expac...........
    (Am I in a bad mood?)

    On further thought... it might take more than one grenade. Are they cheaper by the dozen?
    AOE1 and chattie like this.
  15. Ndrene New Member

    Agreed. No writs after 111 was a huge shock and such a major disappointment. My guild leveling is officially done.
  16. chattie Well-Known Member

    I do hope the powers that be, read and heed the posts in this thread.
    Carynn and Breanna like this.
  17. ModaanOfTarq New Member

    Avid crafter fan here. Trying to live life like my uncle always said: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
    With that said. I wish this game would make crafting like it was in Star Wars Galaxies. I played it from Beta til it end. In that game crafted items were effected by the resources that were mined from the planets. The resources all had different stats to them. They would rotate planet locations/percent concentration. The stats would effect different things when used in whatever item. Search the net for it, very complex but very fun crafting. I'm not sure it will ever be beaten, in my opinion.

    Oplisha Of AB
  18. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    Prior to BoL, our crafting was great. And it could be great again if they went back to how it was just a couple of xpacs ago, in my opinion.
  19. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Fixed that for you.
    Kheldar and Breanna like this.
  20. elflover Well-Known Member

    I really liked and enjoyed the KA ts line...just the whole thing and the pretty special ts class cloak. It was more enjoyable than Thalumbra and Pop. Cd had some fun parts, the whole part of being told what to do from a book was interesting.

    Not sure about being able to do all ts lines from a low lvl. I understand that the lines go with the adv lvl of content it goes with and ment for it. I agree adv ts books should not be locked behind overseer etc, should be like before with killing mobs , ts line rewards or merchant etc. And as said before NO MORE QHO!
    Whilhelmina, Rosyposy and Breanna like this.